Amount that every man, woman, and child in the U.S. would receive if the $819 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 were distributed evenly: $2,693.55
Cost per created job, based on the administration's claim of creating or saving 3.4 million jobs: $240,000
Average 2008 household income in U.S.: $50,233
Percentage of their countries' respective GDPs that the U.S. and Chinese recession stimulus packages represent: 6, 13
Percentage of China's stimulus spending that will go toward infrastructure projects: 40
Percentage of U.S. spending that will: 13
Total funds awarded under the stimulus program to date: $158.7 billion
Total funds actually received by recipients: $36.7 billion
Number of jobs “created”or “saved” by the state stimulus program and the unemployment rate, respectively, in California: 110,185; 12.2 percent
Vote in the House of Representatives that passed the $819 billion stimulus plan in January 2009: 244 to 188
Number of Republican votes: 0
Number of earmarks in the bill: 0
Number of states facing budget gaps that exceed 20 percent of their GDP: 14
Number of condominium foreclosures during January-July 2009, a 41 percent increase over the same period in 2008: 228,339
Percent of existing home sales that are short-sale transactions: 12
Percentage below asking price that Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner sold his California home in August 2009: 36
Percentage of all Las Vegas homes that are currently worth less than their mortgages: 81
The number of billionaires in the world at the end of 2008, and 2007, respectively: 793, 1,125
Change in the average net worth of the billionaires: -23 percent
Average number of years after an individual is named to the Forbes 4000 that he or she will fall off the list: 8
Amount the Energy Department loaned to car companies, including Ford and Nissan, to build more efficient vehicles: $8.5 billion
Number of U.S. Airports that have lost commercial air service since 2007: 96
Number of U.S. bank failures in 2009 as of November 15, 2009: 123
Number of bank failures in 1989, the height of the S&L crisis: 534
Sources: 1,2 New York Times; 3 Census Bureau; 4-5 China Market Research Group, Shanghai; 6-9 www.recovery.org; 10-12 U.S. House of Representatives; 13 New York Times; 14 RealtyTrac of Realtors; 15 National Association of Realtors; 16 Coldwell Banker, Los Angeles; 17 Deutsche Bank, NYC; 18-19 Forbes; 20 Peter W. Bernstein, NY, NY; 21 U.S. Energy Department; 22 Air Transport Association; 23-24 FDIC