Links and Telephone Numbers For Assistance And Information following terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, DC.
Please e-mail us if you have any additional useful links or telephone numbers.
Red Cross - blood donation number: 1-800-448-3543.
NY Firefighters Fund
NYC Emergency Efforts - official New York City site.\
Update On New York City’s Animals - contact information for giving or receiving help with animals orphaned or trapped in the World Trade Center area
American Airlines Contact Information - American's response number: 1-800-245-0999
United Airlines: Information on United Flights 93 and 175 - United's response number: 1-800-932-8555,11631,-1__1422,00.html
Morgan Stanley - largest tenant in the World Trade Center; contact number: 1-888-883-4391
Several companies that had offices in the World Trade Center have set up
phone lines to handle inquiries from workers and their families. The
numbers include:
* Morgan Stanley: (888) 883-4391.
* Commodity Futures Trading Commission: (800) 765-3277
* Empire Cross/Blue Shield: (888) 761-8365
* Port Authority: (973) 565-5501
* Pitney Bowes: (800) 932-3631
* Carr Futures: (800) 755-7620
* Kemper Insurance Co.: (800) 622-9966
* Fuji Bank: (888) 537-FUJI (3854)
* Cantor Fitzgerald: 1-212-940-8162, 1-212-940-8482, 1-212-940-8492,
* Lee Hecht Harrison: 1-201-782-3704
The following is a rundown of emergency information numbers and
locations and how and where volunteers can offer help.
* AON Corporation: 1-866-256-4154
* Thacher, Proffitt & Wood: 1-800-698-4567
* Marsh & McLennan, Mercer, Guy Carpenter, Seabury & Smith and MMC
Enterprise Risk: 1-212-345-6000
* Fiduciary Trust Co. International: 1-800-632-2350, ext. 22578
* Banco LatinoAmericano de Exportacione: 507-210-8555
* Brown & Wood: 1-800-464-8555
* Instinet Employee Hotline: 866-633-3266
* PBI Employee Hotline 800-932-3631
* Thomson Financial: 800-545-3540
* Windows on the World: 877-226-5170
Tje Justice Department's Office of Victims of Crime hotline for families
seeking information about victims and survivors is 800-331-0075
ARMY personnel assigned to the Pentagon on Sept. 11 or their families
should call 800-984-8523 or 703-428-0002
NAVY personnel assigned to the Pentagon or their families should call
AIR FORCE: 800-433-0048