Events are a great way to show your appreciation and create needed face time with clients and educate prospects on the benefits of working with firm. But like anything else, it’s the little things that make the difference. Here are a few small tips that can bring some very BIG results and success to your next event.
The Plan. From choosing the venue, crafting the communication, sending the invitation, confirming RSVPs, 2-3 month is a good timeframe from start to finish. The takeaway: if you’re planning for this Fall you’d better get started TODAY.
Double Your Fun. Think about who your best Center of Influence (COI) partner is and consider having them to co-sponsor the event with you. You’ll cut your costs in half; double you attendance and both parties will benefit by meeting a lot more potential new clients in the process.
Leverage Technology. There are so many ways to use technology to promote your event. Besides your website, email, Linkedin and Twitter, there are specific websites such as EventBrite to help you organize the event and guess what?…they’re free!
The Format. There are many successful formats to structure the event. I like to combine a balance of providing both a networking and education opportunity. Plan for 3 hours; 1st hour for people to arrive, 2nd hour for guest speaker presentation, and the 3rd hour for additional networking. And plan that your event may go an extra hour or more. If everyone’s having fun – keep it going!
The Experience: Make sure you have plenty of host staff on hand with specific roles to greet, help, and generally make your guests feel welcome. Your team’s goal, and responsibility, is to keep aneye on your guests and make them feel like the VIPs that they are. It’s all about service and creating memorable experience for guests!
- Feedback is Required. The day after, you’ve had a great event and may think the job is over—it’s not! Have an email survey cued up to send the very next day after the event to thank everyone, see what they liked, what they didn’t, and what can be improved for next time. Once again, there are many low-to-cost and easy-to-use survey software programs, such as Survey Monkey or Boomerang available at the click of a mouse.
I hope you found these tips helpful. Now go out and create a great event!
Bill McGuire is principal of W.M.McGuire,LLC, an integrated marketing consultant who specializes in conference and event management. W.M.McGuire’s mission is to help businesses grow by applying common-sense marketing with a keen eye towards your budgets, deadlines and results. For more information visit or email [email protected]