Sponsored by TMX
Understanding what market data is available about Canadian equities and derivatives to analyze performance and make recommendations will help advisors best serve their clients’ financial goals. TMX Datalinx can help wealth management professionals understand the unique investment opportunities offered by Canada’s capital markets.
- Data can play a critical role in helping advisors win new business, communicate with clients, and build stronger relationships.
- TSX ranks in the top 10 largest stock exchanges in the world based on market capitalization, according to Business Insider. The total market capitalization of companies listed on TSX is CAD 3.7 trillion as of April 30, 2021.
- TMX Datalinx provides real-time and historical financial market data generated by various participants in Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV), TSX Alpha Exchange (Alpha), and Montréal Exchange (MX).