We have stayed 100% invested over the past couple week’s turmoil despite debt fears in Europe again hitting investors’ sensibilities, concern of a hard landing in China, a disappointing March jobs number, and, well, whatever other...
Non-traded real estate investment trusts have been getting a lot of bad press lately, as valuations for some have dropped dramatically.
You have a client who participates in a defined benefit pension plan at work. She's near retirement and needs to make a decision: take the money as a lump sum, or receive a monthly lifetime annuity-style payment? What advice should you give? Take...
Ah, memories. Remember when endowment-style investment was all the rage? You know, before the market meltdown of 2008-2009? Those were the days when investors clamored for portfolios that looked like those managed for the benefit of Harvard and...
Bankruptcy among holders of the Certified Financial Planner designation has been rising at a startling rate in the past four years. The number of cases that the CFP Board of Standards reviews has risen from just one in 2008 to eight in 2009, 20 in...