Fixed Income Investments can offer a steady stream of income and less risk when compared to stocks. Latest analysis on these investments and the impact to your portfolio.
An allocation to real assets can protect against inflation and diversify a portfolio, while generating current income and offering capital appreciation.
Investors may be treating September with caution due to recent declines in U.S. inflation and the potential for political surprises in the U.K. and Europe.
But people will talk of a “dovish” hike, as uncertainty and pessimism, as well as continued Trump administration tumult, threaten to temper growth expectations.
Factor-based investing strategies have taken the ETF world by storm, with hundreds launched in the equities market. But the best smart beta plays may be in fixed income.
The second installment of BNY Mellon Investment Management’s three-part look at investible themes under the Trump administration: Inflation, and rising rates.