Claims that fundamental indexes would outperform have so far been true. But is there enough data to build client portfolios around fundamental indexes?
Liquidity may be more of a return predictor than you think, according to Roger Ibbotson, chairman and chief investment officer of Zebra Capital Management. During a presentation at IMCA’s New York Consultants Conference this week, Ibbotson...
Misperceptions about what hedge funds do need to be set straight. Individuals won’t be able to make educated investment decisions about them unless they understand what they are—and are not.
Seeking to reach skittish investors, fund companies have been introducing a wave of absolute return funds. The funds aim to produce positive results almost every year. New entrants include Loomis Sayles Absolute Strategies (LABAX), GRT Absolute...
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, asset managers have been busy rolling out new alternative products specifically designed for non-accredited investors. According to Morningstar data, there were 29 distinct alternative strategy mutual...
The ultra-high-net-worth investor has developed a growing appetite for hedge funds and other alternative investments, a new report by Spectrem Group says. A survey of more than 100 households with net worth of $25 million or more, excluding...
In normal times, gridlock is wonderful for real returns. But these aren't normal times. In times of crisis, a Congress that cannot undo its mistakes is not good