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The Worst President Ever?

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Dec 17, 2009 6:51 pm

Before he was President, Before he was the Junior Senator from Illinois, Before he was a community organizer-- Barrack Hussien Obama was a Jones trainee.

Dec 17, 2009 7:18 pm

There is a reason that the Investment banks like GS and MS didn’t need tarp money (although they took some under pressure by the Administration and paid it back as soon as they were ALLOWED to) and the beneficiaries of the repealled Glas-Steagall like BofA, Citi, Wells had to wait much longer and with substantial secondary equity offerings (which GS and MS did not have to raise).

GS and MS only exist today because of TARP, but TARP that went to others (like AIG) which in turned paid them.

And several big banks that failed or had to be taken over were investment banks, like Bear, Lehman, and Merrill.
Dec 17, 2009 8:45 pm

[quote=LSUAlum] There is a reason that the Investment banks like GS and MS didn’t need tarp money (although they took some under pressure by the Administration and paid it back as soon as they were ALLOWED to) and the beneficiaries of the repealled Glas-Steagall like BofA, Citi, Wells had to wait much longer and with substantial secondary equity offerings (which GS and MS did not have to raise).

GS and MS only exist today because of TARP, but TARP that went to others (like AIG) which in turned paid them.

And several big banks that failed or had to be taken over were investment banks, like Bear, Lehman, and Merrill. [/quote]


its was getting bank charter that stopped run on ms and goldie (a potential deposit base was the get out of jail free card)

Hank made em take cash so no one looked weaker then the other

(BTW GS shorted sub prime. was making money. chris cox nixin uptick was very dumb. shorts tried to Lehmanize both of these guys)

Dec 17, 2009 9:18 pm

[quote=Shania Twain]

its was getting bank charter that stopped run on ms and goldie (a potential deposit base was the get out of jail free card)

Hank made em take cash so no one looked weaker then the other

(BTW GS shorted sub prime. was making money. chris cox nixin uptick was very dumb. shorts tried to Lehmanize both of these guys)


Er, no. AIG paid GS close to $20 billion from the TARP bailout. Without that, and without the general TARP bailout, GS would no longer exist, as GS itself has recognized that, repeatedly.

Shorting subprime is of no use if the people on the other side don’t have the money to pay back. That’s why the system appeared close to full collapse after Lehman. Without TARP bailout, and the general government promise of more money if needed, none of those CDS contracts would be worth a nickel because no one would have the money to pay.

Dec 17, 2009 9:23 pm

[quote=gabe] [quote=Shania Twain]

Er, no. AIG paid GS close to $20 billion from the TARP bailout. Without that, and without the general TARP bailout, GS would no longer exist, as GS itself has recognized that, repeatedly.

Shorting subprime is of no use if the people on the other side don’t have the money to pay back. That’s why the system appeared close to full collapse after Lehman. Without TARP bailout, and the general government promise of more money if needed, none of those CDS contracts would be worth a nickel because no one would have the money to pay.[/quote]

Your 100% wrong.    

becoming a bank, stopped run on ms and gs.       

Dec 17, 2009 9:30 pm


there’s a reason you get paid to do retail sales and I get paid to do analyical work.

Dec 17, 2009 9:36 pm

[quote=gabe] [quote=Shania Twain]

Er, no. AIG paid GS close to $20 billion from the TARP bailout.

Without that, and without the general TARP bailout,

GS would no longer exist,

as GS itself has recognized that, repeatedly.


You hold yourself as an expert on economics and the sub-prime meltdown.

Your comments in this post are totally incorrect.   

You do not know crap about what happened based on this post.

I’m not an expert and do not claim to be but seriously, you are a total poser based on this.

no joke.

go read up on what happened.   see if your man enuf to come back and admit how wrong you were.

i doubt we see you again.

gezz man

(ps time to call me a salesmen)

Im for real on this one.   you really do not know crap about what happened

Dec 17, 2009 9:50 pm

ms and gs became bank holding companies. it think it was late sept 2008.

gave them ability to take in deposits and get access fed window etc.

ms and especially gs NEVER had any real capital problems.

It was short sellers (naked w/o uptick rule) and a “run on the bank” fear.

the flow through of AIG counter party TARP money (on credit default swaps) that goldie got was months later.   a non event.   

i think you parrot what you hear on keith oberlmens show.   

Dec 17, 2009 9:53 pm


You and I are paid to do different jobs. No one pays you to write analytical reports. Maybe that’s why you keep writing ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’. No one cares if you can express yourself well. So long as you sell, that’s fine.

But when a client wants something to back up what you say you need the stuff people like me write. That’s the reality. You may even think it garbage but, in the end, people like me get paid for our analysis and people like you don’t.

Sorry if I burst your bubble, but you clearly don’t know much about finance.

But you probably sell very well!

By the way, didn’t you write that you weren’t going to address me anymore?

OK, one last one. What, exactly, do you think ‘run on the bank’ means for an investment bank? How is it different than at a depositary institution? Start thinking about that and you may start to realize your mistakes.

Dec 17, 2009 11:47 pm

haven’t you figured it out…Shania just doesn’t care…
I mean seriously, look at the crap he/she posts.

I still say it is a weak transcript from Limbaugh’s show.

Dec 17, 2009 11:50 pm

haven’t you figured it out…Shania just doesn’t care…
I mean seriously, look at the crap he/she posts.

I still say it is a weak transcript from Limbaugh’s show.

  I was the worst jones rep ever.  Ate 2 many mushrooms at dead concerts.
Dec 17, 2009 11:56 pm

[quote=gabe] Shania,

You and I are paid to do different jobs. No one pays you to write analytical reports. Maybe that’s why you keep writing ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’. No one cares if you can express yourself well. So long as you sell, that’s fine.

But when a client wants something to back up what you say you need the stuff people like me write. That’s the reality. You may even think it garbage but, in the end, people like me get paid for our analysis and people like you don’t.

Sorry if I burst your bubble, but you clearly don’t know much about finance.

But you probably sell very well!

By the way, didn’t you write that you weren’t going to address me anymore?

OK, one last more. What, exactly, do you think ‘run on the bank’ means for an investment bank? How is it different than at a depositary institution? Start thinking about that and you may start to realize your mistakes.[/quote]

I can’t speak for anybody else here, but I have never had any client, nor heard of any client of anybody else, ask for an analyst report to back anything up.

That’s a pretty ridiculous statement.

Also, as an analyst, why would you post on the RegisteredRep boards?

In addition, it seems from your responses that you have not passed the CFA exams. I think you are intelligent, just misinformed and maybe have not had the opportunity to pursue the curriculum. However, as someone who has, I think you need to go ahead and brush up on your economics, and finance.

For you to accuse Shania of not having knowledge of finance, it is just a bit hypocritical.

Just out of curiosity, are you an equity analyst?

Dec 18, 2009 12:09 am

[quote=Moraen] I have never had any client, nor heard of any client of anybody else, ask for an analyst report to back anything up.

That’s a pretty ridiculous statement. [/quote]

Really? I wonder why places like ML had so many research people writing and talking to clients and FAs.

Dec 18, 2009 12:58 am

[quote=gabe] Shania,

You and I are paid to do different jobs. No one pays you to write analytical reports. Maybe that’s why you keep writing ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’. No one cares if you can express yourself well. So long as you sell, that’s fine.

But when a client wants something to back up what you say you need the stuff people like me write. That’s the reality. You may even think it garbage but, in the end, people like me get paid for our analysis and people like you don’t.

Sorry if I burst your bubble, but you clearly don’t know much about finance.

But you probably sell very well!

By the way, didn’t you write that you weren’t going to address me anymore?

OK, one last one. What, exactly, do you think ‘run on the bank’ means for an investment bank? How is it different than at a depositary institution? Start thinking about that and you may start to realize your mistakes.[/quote]

OK. Your right.

Merry Christmas.

Dec 18, 2009 1:09 am

[quote=gabe] [quote=Moraen] I have never had any client, nor heard of any client of anybody else, ask for an analyst report to back anything up.

That’s a pretty ridiculous statement. [/quote]

Really? I wonder why places like ML had so many research people writing and talking to clients and FAs.


Is that the same company that got bought by BofA? A lot of good it did to have those research people talking to clients.

Dec 18, 2009 1:14 am

By the way, I think you should check your attitude about people who sell. People who sell pay your salary. Income is not generated by analysts and their reports.

Keep that in mind the next time you bash someone for selling. There might be a guy in a cube right now that doesn’t know as much as you do, but if he can sell, he can pay you and your family’s bills.

Dec 18, 2009 1:33 am

[quote=Moraen] [quote=gabe] [quote=Moraen] I have never had any client, nor heard of any client of anybody else, ask for an analyst report to back anything up.

That’s a pretty ridiculous statement. [/quote]

Really? I wonder why places like ML had so many research people writing and talking to clients and FAs.


Is that the same company that got bought by BofA? A lot of good it did to have those research people talking to clients.[/quote]

Haha, that’s just mean!

Dec 18, 2009 1:34 am

[quote=Moraen] By the way, I think you should check your attitude about people who sell. People who sell pay your salary. Income is not generated by analysts and their reports.

Keep that in mind the next time you bash someone for selling. There might be a guy in a cube right now that doesn’t know as much as you do, but if he can sell, he can pay you and your family’s bills.[/quote]

Ahh, I’m just jerking your chain! Isn’t that what everyone here does?

Dec 18, 2009 1:36 am

[quote=Shania Twain] [quote=gabe] Shania,

You and I are paid to do different jobs. No one pays you to write analytical reports. Maybe that’s why you keep writing ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’. No one cares if you can express yourself well. So long as you sell, that’s fine.

But when a client wants something to back up what you say you need the stuff people like me write. That’s the reality. You may even think it garbage but, in the end, people like me get paid for our analysis and people like you don’t.

Sorry if I burst your bubble, but you clearly don’t know much about finance.

But you probably sell very well!

By the way, didn’t you write that you weren’t going to address me anymore?

OK, one last one. What, exactly, do you think ‘run on the bank’ means for an investment bank? How is it different than at a depositary institution? Start thinking about that and you may start to realize your mistakes.[/quote]

OK. Your right.

Merry Christmas.[/quote]

Merry Christmas!

Dec 18, 2009 1:46 am

[quote=gabe] [quote=Moraen] By the way, I think you should check your attitude about people who sell. People who sell pay your salary. Income is not generated by analysts and their reports.

Keep that in mind the next time you bash someone for selling. There might be a guy in a cube right now that doesn’t know as much as you do, but if he can sell, he can pay you and your family’s bills.[/quote]

Ahh, I’m just jerking your chain! Isn’t that what everyone here does?


That’s true. I have to say, glad to have an intelligent, opposing point of view.

Merry Christmas.