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Jul 14, 2005 6:27 pm



what a card you are!  I can see you are taking "gp speak" on how reply to individuals that disagree with you.  I take it you were at the head of your class for "inclusion training".   

As for player, who do you think trained him

If you are so hot to trot and work with the greatest saleforce in the universe why don't you take player up on his offer ..... oh that's right because you leave so much on the table net/net.

Jul 14, 2005 7:12 pm

Before you go and innocently unleash "Putezuma’s Revenge of the Mith"

on the Jones Galactic Power Rumble, you may want to consider the

consequences when experimenting with mixied metaphors and a resident

lunatic. Unless, of course you were intending to order fried bananas

and icecream at a very slow but lovable, all you can eat chinese BBQ

joint. If you do decide to open the can of texas-t in question, I hear

Putezuma comes with his own mongrel in tow and she’s a real spicy

bichon. Ignore her shaking, it probably means she likes you, too.

Jul 14, 2005 7:21 pm


What kind of person makes fun of people with Down's Syndrom?Boy...that is a real clue to your character.

Jul 14, 2005 8:50 pm

Actually, I was saying that Player is less intelligent than the afore mentioned mentally challenged 9 year old, which could be taken as a compliment if one was retarded.  I stand by my earlier comments. Read his posts and be prepared to take a lie detector test if you disagree. As far as my character goes, I’m probably on par with the average broker. We aren’t that bright, either, as a group. This ‘challenge’ that Player keeps emoting about is the second stupidest thing I have ever read. I don’t have 100,000 grand in the bank anyway. I gave my last 100,000 to some University for my kids tuition. Keep 'em coming boys… Zacko included. Your obsession with Jones makes for interesting reading during the dog days of summer.

Jul 14, 2005 11:34 pm

Bill...asking if he looks "mongolian" is not only racist but also, as a relative of someone with Down's Syndrome, horribly insulting to people with the disorder. You work for Jones? I don't know who to feel worse or them.

What a jerk.

Jul 14, 2005 11:40 pm

Hey BF,

I just checked my diversification trip roster, and you're not on it. Lucky for you, 'cuz I doubt I could resist taking a swing at you for your stupid comment.

It's bad enough that people think we're idiots because we work for EJ - stop proving it, will ya?

Jul 15, 2005 4:11 am

[quote=Bill Fakkland]

Okay, that whole ice-cream metaphor may be the dumbest thing I have ever read. And Player, all I can say write like an 11 year old. No, make that a 9 year old with Downs syndrome. Do you look kinda Mongolian?


You're making light of a horrible condition that becomes a life changing event for thousands of families every year.  A condition that is brought on not by alcohol or drug abuse, or by a mother who otherwise abuses herself and her child during pregnancy.  A condtion that we're continuing to learn about, but can do nothing to prevent.  A condtion that is often explained by nothing more than, "1 in 1400 have it."  Many of these children endure multiple surgeries for deformed hearts and bowels, nasal problems, breathing problems, etc., etc.  And you make fun of them?  Get off the board, asswipe! 

Jul 15, 2005 1:59 pm

Bill, That's pretty low--even for the likes of you clone.

I have worked with down syndrome kids and adults and to use any reference to them for the purposes of insulting another is about as low as you can go in my book.  They are some of the nicest and goodnatured folk you could ever meet.  You Bill--are a classless fool and a moron who should apologize immediately.  Insult me--fine.  But, you hit a new low with that post.

Jul 15, 2005 2:37 pm

Bill F-upped

Even for someone that condones dishonesty and truthfulness, this is an all time low on here..............Yes, Edward Jones must really be proud of the way you represent them on here............ 

Bill, you need to apologize immediately, and even then I would like to meet you face to face and kick your ass..............I have been very active in Special Olympics, and you call me stupid?

Perhaps, there are more important things in life then defending the obvious.............try doing so by FACTS, not negative stupid remarks, and slams of innocent little children................Bill-F-upped is how everyone on here should refer to make us all sick.............and you have crossed a line.

Edward Jones Investments must be very proud you spouting their propaganda on are so smart

Jul 15, 2005 10:10 pm

You creeps and your moral high ground. It almost makes me sick. I won't bother apologizing to a group of people whose sole purpose is to defame, slander, insult and villify not only an the company but individuals within it. You've done it for years hiding behind your pathetic and slimy nicknmaes. I owe you nothing. Player, most of all, with his offenisve language and comments makes his high sounding diatribe most pathetic of all. I have zero, make that ZERO respect for all of you who ride on the coattails of the company that taught you this business and who spend all their free time spitting venom. Oh, one last thin. You all work with Downs syndrome kids? How inspiring. What a bunch of liars. My little brother had the syndrome and lived until he was 38. I spent a lot of time cleaning up messes and being involved in fights sticking up for him in school. I can say whatever I like about whomever I like. You can all go to hell.

Jul 15, 2005 11:26 pm

For someone who does not care he sure spends a lot of time crying.  Bill not all Jones brokers are bad in fact a lot of them are damn good brokers and even better people, but people like you are just fuel that feeds the fire.  Quit being such a cry baby idiot!!!  Do us all a favor.  Maybe you should go buy a vanilla or chocolate ice cream and sit down to read my previous post and slowly ponder whatthe definition of igornance is and then grab a mirror.

Jul 16, 2005 2:48 pm

Player- I offered you 100K if you could explain to me how Jones rigged all of these surveys to come out on top. I am assuming since you never answered that question that you don’t know. Therefore, I will send you my info so that you can send that 100K to me. Of course, I know that you won’t do it because you prefer to play with your emoticons.

Jul 16, 2005 3:27 pm


You just proved all of "us" right about you.  Thank you!

Jul 17, 2005 6:58 pm

are you serious?  this thread is ridiculous.

Jul 17, 2005 7:27 pm

I think this thread should be closed down…getting way too ugly on both sides.

Jul 18, 2005 1:00 pm

Here's one of interest. ory1.html

Reamey, Grant, Clark join ranks of highest-paid execs Top earners at area public companies made $149 million last year, up 22%

Christopher Tritto

One-third of St. Louis' 100 highest-paid executives are new to this year's Business Journal list, including three execs in the top five.

Gary Reamey, principal of Edward Jones Canada, is the highest-paid newcomer, based on total annual compensation in 2004. Reamey ranks third overall and received more than $4.67 million. He is among those who could succeed Doug Hill as managing partner when Hill steps down at the end of this year, according to people familiar with the firm.

Edward Jones is not a public company, but it includes executive compensation figures for its top executives in Securities and Exchange Commission filings. At private partnerships, such as Edward Jones, compensation includes a return on capital the executives have invested in the firm. The bulk of Reamey's pay came from the $4.52 million he received from his ownership stake in the partnership.

Edward Jones' Steve Novik, chief financial officer, and Norman Eaker, head of global operations, both joined the list tying for fifth with $4.1 million each. Along with Reamey, they joined Chief Information Officer Richie Malone and Partner James Weddle in the top five. Edward Jones executives filled five of the six top spots.

Perhaps someone should ask Reamey just how profitable he has made the Canadian and UK operations ?????

Jul 18, 2005 1:48 pm

Bill F-upped

You just keep sticking you head up there don't you?

Jul 18, 2005 1:49 pm


Here's one of interest. ory1.html

Reamey, Grant, Clark join ranks of highest-paid execs Top earners at area public companies made $149 million last year, up 22%

Christopher Tritto

One-third of St. Louis' 100 highest-paid executives are new to this year's Business Journal list, including three execs in the top five.

Gary Reamey, principal of Edward Jones Canada, is the highest-paid newcomer, based on total annual compensation in 2004. Reamey ranks third overall and received more than $4.67 million. He is among those who could succeed Doug Hill as managing partner when Hill steps down at the end of this year, according to people familiar with the firm.

Edward Jones is not a public company, but it includes executive compensation figures for its top executives in Securities and Exchange Commission filings. At private partnerships, such as Edward Jones, compensation includes a return on capital the executives have invested in the firm. The bulk of Reamey's pay came from the $4.52 million he received from his ownership stake in the partnership.

Edward Jones' Steve Novik, chief financial officer, and Norman Eaker, head of global operations, both joined the list tying for fifth with $4.1 million each. Along with Reamey, they joined Chief Information Officer Richie Malone and Partner James Weddle in the top five. Edward Jones executives filled five of the six top spots.

Perhaps someone should ask Reamey just how profitable he has made the Canadian and UK operations ?????


WOW.........and what is the payout for an IR..........?

Jul 18, 2005 3:41 pm

Can you say Ream Me?

Jul 18, 2005 11:43 pm

"Reamey, Grant, Clark join ranks of highest-paid execs…Gary Reamey, principal of Edward Jones Canada, is the highest-paid newcomer, based on total annual compensation in 2004. Reamey ranks third overall and received more than $4.67 million."

Yeah, but don’t forget this probably in Canadian dollars.
