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Mar 6, 2005 10:34 pm


I should post the email correspondence between my CPA and I that occurred last week.  It went something like this.  I was worried about my final income tax bill....I had already paid 85k for last year.  Also,maxed out retirement plan 58k for wife and I combined plus 8k for assistant.  In addition, wrote everything off I could under the sun.  My CPA asked what I was hoping to pay?  I responded that I was hopeful it would be less than 20k more than what I already paid.  He responded back and said it was about 40k.  I asked why the difference?

Answer was: "Your net income was up almost 200k over last year"

While I didn't get any "gracious" profit sharing overage--I did make a few more pennies by being indy.  While you will enjoy your profit sharing check and bonuses determined by STL profitability...I will enjoy paying the extra taxes any day.


Liar... Windbag!!! "Hey everyone, look at me, I'm the amazing Zacko, I make millions of $$$ per year and instead of living the high life I post here online to puff up my already enormous head even further!"

Mar 6, 2005 10:54 pm

Wrong....Perhaps I should have PMed the intended recipient guest1--but I replied on the thread to demonstrate the difference between what a larger producer might make at Jones versus indy.  Clearly, you are none of the above.

I don't make millions per year either--but I can assure you it's much more than you bring home dipsh1t.  And thanks for calling me amazing. 

Mar 7, 2005 12:06 am

Oh man....possibly my best post yet...scroll to bottom of this link... -19-2004/034.pdf

Inclusion policy at work....

Mar 7, 2005 1:35 am


Wrong....Perhaps I should have PMed the intended recipient guest1--but I replied on the thread to demonstrate the difference between what a larger producer might make at Jones versus indy.  Clearly, you are none of the above.

I don't make millions per year either--but I can assure you it's much more than you bring home dipsh1t.  And thanks for calling me amazing. 


Awww, Zacko, did I strike a nerve... You are the biggest windbag on this website and you know it... Your constant ego stroking only exposes you for the fraud you are...

Sleep well little producer...

Mar 7, 2005 2:00 am

You like being a big fish in a little pond don’t you Zacko. But in the land of big producers, you are a little fish. Congrats though on achieving uppermiddle class status.   

Mar 7, 2005 3:13 am

Zacko speaks the truth!

Mar 7, 2005 3:24 am

Mar 7, 2005 3:35 am

Zacko, thanks for thinking of me. Who the %$#@ is BlahBlah Blah?

I think you and I share the same tax man! Mine laughed at what I STILL owed! What a business. You have the opportunity (I guess!) to pay at least twice what I grossed at my old job! God Bless America!!

Mar 7, 2005 4:47 am

Ability to work independently as a Hartford employee located at Edward Jones in St. Louis, MO.

"work independently"

Mar 7, 2005 4:28 pm

Now Hiring...Bank of America..

"The investment banks are just not appealing to us," he says. "A Lehman Brothers or a Bear Stearns would be too much of the same stuff we're doing on the debt side and others have too big a component of proprietary trading. There is too much risk." Instead, he plans to plough $675m into existing operations, hiring talent and improving technology. What about a brokerage? Bank of America has 2,100 financial advisers. Mr Lewis says he wants closer to 5,000 and is often mentioned as a potential buyer for AG Edwards or Edward Jones and now American Express Financial Advisors, which is being spun off from its parent. But Mr Lewis says the American Express division is too big and as for the others: “To my knowledge, they are not for sale. But even if they were, they are more rural than urban and we're more urban than rural.” Bank of America's investment in its business is part of Mr Lewis's plan to make it more admirable. He tries to keep the target from being “nebulous” by measuring admirability as specifically as he can using metrics related to customers, shareholders and the company's 175,742 staff. For instance, he wants to know if he treats his customers as well as the Ritz-Carlton, the upmarket hotel group, does its guests. To find out, the bank surveys 12,000 customers on a quarterly basis, asking them about how satisfied they are a measurement named “Customer Delight”.

Who you callin' rural, boy i'll whoop yo' tail!

Mar 8, 2005 5:24 am


So what's it like at the Ritz Carlton?  Did you get to hang with Lewis for the weekend?  Did your wives compare "better racks through modern science"?  Just wondering.......

Mar 8, 2005 2:50 pm

Zacko, wow -- wonder why blah,blah,blah & some others are having such a fit over you.  Must be a form of penis envy (or rack envy!).  Don't let it bother you.  They're like the guys in the neighborhood driving Yugos who can't stand it when another neighbor who's moved up financially buys a new BMW.  Instead of being able to feel good about the neighbor's good fortune, they can only bad-mouth him because they're stuck in their Yugo rut.

Yep, you have an ego, but all successful people in our biz do.  No ego & self-confidence = not much success.  You've gone out of way to share some very helpful info to any number of posters here, and have added a lot of constructive thought. I've never taken your posts as bragging -- you're thrilled with your move to independence, thrilled with finally leaving Jones, thrilled with RJFS, and thrilled with your success.  There's nothing wrong with expressing that here, particularly since for the most part you use it to prove a point.

Mar 8, 2005 2:55 pm


For the record, I like you, too (whatever the hell that's worth).  I just wasn't ready for all the rack talk to disappear just yet.

Mar 8, 2005 3:42 pm

And remember, it ain’t braggin’ if you can back it up. 

Mar 9, 2005 2:15 am

 gee thanks guys.

As far as bigger producers go...I know I am far from reaching any upper echelon.  I agree with whomever posted that earlier.  Having a hundred million AUM is a big deal TO ME and of course I am proud of it.   There are brokers who have 5 times that...and I am very happy for them because I know how tough it is. 

It has never been my goal to get to the highest level in this business nor will it ever be.  I'm happy with what I do at my current level and just try to run a healthy business and lead a balanced life.  The main reason I post is to add value to those who have walked the same path as I did formerly.  I know I have helped a few folks and that's good enough for me.  I know what I post regarding the switch to indy from Jones might be doubted by a few IR's at Jones...but that's ok.  There are hundred's who have left Jones over the years who will echo my comment's as being dead on accurate.

Mar 9, 2005 3:11 am

Mar 9, 2005 10:58 am

 Good sum up Zacko!! Whatever happened to Blah,blah,blah,blah? I miss his blah comments and his blah attitude and his blah wisdom. NOT! 


Mar 9, 2005 11:08 am

Zack helped me. Didn’t go indy yet, but he gave good advice. Ex-jones here.

Mar 10, 2005 8:33 pm

"The main reason I post is to add value to those who have walked the same path as I did formerly.  I know I have helped a few folks and that's good enough for me.  I know what I post regarding the switch to indy from Jones might be doubted by a few IR's at Jones...but that's ok.  There are hundred's who have left Jones over the years who will echo my comment's as being dead on accurate."

Other than the DOZENS of Edward Jones brokers who have $100 Million or more under management, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.  For the THOUSANDS who don't, you have provided an invaluable service in helping these poor slaves consider other options.

It is funny how many Jones IRs still believe the propoganda that suggests that all IRs who go independent only leave because they weren't making it.  The overwhelming majority of those Jones Reps who have left all seem to have one thing in common: They ALL are surprised by how much better their life is, and regret not leaving sooner.  Many double or triple their gross in the first 24 months, simply because of the additional tools they have. 

Keep up the dialogue, Zacko.  With 77,000+ posts and climbing, on this thread alone, I'm sure you've helped out more folks than you can imagine.

Mar 10, 2005 9:23 pm

That's alot of views.  That has to be some kind of record on this forum. 

While my gross stayed about the same--I certainly enjoy having additional products and services.  That alone is reason enough to make the change.  Of course, saving a few extra pennies every year to buy new shoes for the kiddies is also nice.