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[quote=brokergirl]I realize that the Envision bonus is different than production bonus, but can anyone tell me if the WFA fa’s will be receiving production bonuses in December this year? Legacy AGE guys used to get their bonuses in March and did so this year, but I have heard that they will also receive another production bonus at the end of the year based on WFA procedures. I am trying to figure out how to budget paychecks since WFC will be changing my pay structure and I wont be receiving a paycheck from Dec 31 until Jan 22nd. I know I should never count on money not in my pocket, but if my guys are getting a bonus then I know I will be receiving something, albeit small…thanks for any input, it is appreciated. …PS…I am an assistant, not a broker, but thought you guys could offer some info.[/quote]
Production bonus? What production bonus? I wouldn’t count on that if I were you. Must be specific to AGE. Most likely phased out by now. Best to get an answer from a legacy AGE person. I remember posts on here from March about this production bonus and AGE guys that were planning on leaving were waiting for that to hit before they left. So I think that was probably the last of them.
When one thinks about it, is this forefront really that good of a deal? They took away the AGE bonus, and now you will get this award. And, you have to work there for another 11 years. On top of that, WF is now advertising 100 free trades for accounts over 25m, and they are willing to pay up to 50bps on credit balances. Life is cheap at Wachovia/Wells Fargo
[quote=Tropic Lightning69]When one thinks about it, is this forefront really that good of a deal? They took away the AGE bonus, and now you will get this award. And, you have to work there for another 11 years. On top of that, WF is now advertising 100 free trades for accounts over 25m, and they are willing to pay up to 50bps on credit balances. Life is cheap at Wachovia/Wells Fargo
Do our best clients that pay the bills really trade online for themselves? Most dont and if they do its their gambling money. Do I want to be bothered with the client that wants to open a 10k account and buy stock, then make me miserable because he doesn’t want to pay $95 for the trade? No. Is a 10 year handcuff a good deal? Maybe not. Cross that bridge if and when needed.
It is really closer to 11 years. What annoys me isn’t that they advertise about 100 free trades. That isn’t as bad as that they are willing to pay more on credit balances than WFA is. I think their attitude is …" get used to it, we are going to screw you guys----besides you make too much money anyway…" One of the girls in the office told us today that we should either buck up or move along. I was surprised at her comment. But, she is right. I hate the thought of moving, but I hate them, too. It comes down to what do I hate more? I am going to have to move, or shut the hell up. And, quit whining!
Hi losers. When everyone finally gets paid on their foreskin plans then you boneheads are gonna have nothing to talk about. You’ll just have to wait for one of your firms to have another major screw up…which we all know will happen
Hey cross dress boy,
how do you decide if you want to be meletio?
or dress in drag as easy$$%
or shoeshineboy?
you guys are sure a sorry group, and I was a bank broker. But how you could put up with the b.s and still look at your self and family in the mirror is beyond me. god bless you. btw. i’m back!!
[quote=meletio] Hi losers. When everyone finally gets paid on their foreskin plans then you boneheads are gonna have nothing to talk about. You’ll just have to wait for one of your firms to have another major screw up…which we all know will happen
Hey!! pecker breath!! we missed ya! what’s new in the closet? i figured you’d be taking some time off to patch up your bum hole from Be Patient.
How can you work at a firm that is always trying to screw you. Did you see in RR where your leader was bragging on how many million dollars the firm makes on trades they don’t pay you on
How can you work at a firm that is always trying to screw you. Did you see in RR where your leader was bragging on how many million dollars the firm makes on trades they don’t pay you on
do u have article?
In an attempt to be 100% accurate, I must retract the last post, until I can find the article again, will start a new thread when I do
They said they would make millions on the cash seep alone when they bought AGE.In an attempt to be 100% accurate, I must retract the last post, until I can find the article again, will start a new thread when I do
“Envision”, “Forefront” , Net Qualified HH", I thank GOd I don’t work for a whoever U do…
Lot of FA’s still waiting to get paid from June 30 snapshot. Broken promises and no regard for time frames given. You guys from Sept 30th, get used to the idea you wont be paid until March if at all.
Something I learned today. Your snapshot and your payment has to be at the same business channel. So if your snapshot is at PCG and you move to Finet before you get paid , then your snapshot gets moved to the next snap shot at Finet …December, and you get paid , say in March.
My luck. I guess I am a rare case. My snapshot for 99% of my accounts is Sept and I go to Finet Nov 20. I just hope these guys honor their commitment.
Anyone had the manager review for the sept 30 snapshot. I was told middle of nov for review