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Sep 25, 2009 2:35 am

[quote=Mr. Sunshine] [quote=AGEMAN] [quote=meletio]

uhhh, sorry bro(s), but this is a ‘chat room’…reality check!!!

i take this about as seriously as talking to a freshly made dump in the toilet.

i’m on this board for entertainment purposes only…to blow off steam, so go finger yourselves


Mr. Sunshine.

You are the man.

Sep 25, 2009 2:46 am

If anyone wants to answer this please do.   

Lets say you were doing 1mm in 2007 and now doing 850 ish with 60% fee based with no monster accounts (largest account 4mm)   How much would someone with this profile get in this retention?   Lets say you had 150 plans that you could complete.

You sign a 9 year contract like a deal? That includes the monthly phantom income in check to pay the taxes over time?

Sep 25, 2009 3:23 am

I guess complaining about getting a check for staying at your company after the meltdown we have been through would sound pretty greedy…but having said that, Wachovia Securities looks to have gotten off pretty cheap (or Well Fargo bank). Getting a guy or gal that will be doing 7 figures as market gets better to lock in for 9 year for 4 to 500 grand is cheap. It almost seems like any FA out their worth his salt is now freaking locked in somewhere for 9 damn years.   The Mer,ms,c,ws are all locked along with anyone that moved firms during meltdown. This has been some crazy times.   It was great fun (not) , I really just hope crap settles down.

Sep 25, 2009 7:55 pm
Ferris Bueller:

[quote=Mr. Sunshine] [quote=AGEMAN] [quote=meletio]Do you want to meet at the flagpole at noon ? what are you 5 years old

Aint these here interwebs great! Amen to this post.[/quote]

Im am guessing that Mr. Sunshine smokes a pack and a half a day.   Probably can drink a fifth of Johnny Black and not miss a beat.

A bit overweight with high BP. having said that…

Mr. SS would kick meletio’s ass in less then one minute…

Sep 25, 2009 10:55 pm

[quote=Shania Twain]I guess complaining about getting a check for staying at your company after the meltdown we have been through would sound pretty greedy…but having said that, Wachovia Securities looks to have gotten off pretty cheap (or Well Fargo bank). Getting a guy or gal that will be doing 7 figures as market gets better to lock in for 9 year for 4 to 500 grand is cheap. It almost seems like any FA out their worth his salt is now freaking locked in somewhere for 9 damn years.   The Mer,ms,c,ws are all locked along with anyone that moved firms during meltdown. This has been some crazy times.   It was great fun (not) , I really just hope crap settles down. [/quote]

Don’t forget to add in the Retention FA’s got when WB bought AGE back in 2007?

Sep 27, 2009 5:23 pm

I have been flagged on the first review because didn’t gave social security info for some of my clients. Anyone know if there are other areas where the envision team is flagging? Lack of credit card balance, equity line balance, other income?

Sep 28, 2009 10:10 pm

Anyone here been approved by Regional and still waiting for email with docs?

Sep 29, 2009 12:41 am

Yes, I was told there will be a list coming with how far down the line you are.

Sep 29, 2009 10:28 pm

Still waiting . 

Sep 30, 2009 2:13 am

got my email (finally) at 6pm tonight…

Sep 30, 2009 2:15 am

Everyone at my branch has been paid - with the last being paid last week. 

Sep 30, 2009 12:24 pm


Sep 30, 2009 12:53 pm

oh look who it is…fellatio, the little guinea queer from xyz securties. seems like your main focus is in this chat room…ON THIS THREAD!!!

and yes patheticness is now a word…the definition is: SEE MELETIO

Sep 30, 2009 2:02 pm


Sep 30, 2009 2:59 pm

How much it must suck to work at a place where your main focus is whether or not you will properly get paid as you were told your would. Wouldn’t it be nice instead to work on growing your business instead of doing some B.S. plans so you get feel like you got a retention bonus. 

  Is it possible that gathering information about a client, analyzing their portfolio, and making suggestions that may help them reach their goals does help an FA grow his business and help the client?  Shouldn't every FA be doing that?   And is there anything wrong to expect to be compensated for work done?   The answers are obvious.  One has to wonder what your agenda is to post such diatribes.   The FA's on this board should be more concerned with the direction our profession is headed under the control of big banks instead of begrudging a fellow FA that may get a bonus.   Lower FA payouts, higher client fees, forcing FA's into teams, cutting support, cutting FA's, the lack of quality leadership or FA advocacy by mgt, kicking smaller investors to the curb, etc, etc.
Sep 30, 2009 10:36 pm

[quote=meletio] Mr. Sunshine…let me guess. You are fairly new to the industry…( less than 7 years )…you did ok during the boom…you took a check to go to Wach. now your buried with 7 years left on your deal and doing no business. Sad situation. Sorry dude!


way off nutsuck.

10 yrs. in the business.

First Union> Wachovia Securities> Wells Fargo. No recruiting checks, just a a handful of deferred comp

Two homes, a fishing camp, a beautiful supporting wife, and a really cute kid. Life’s good over here. You’re just fun to pick on b/c you seem like such a pud.

Oct 1, 2009 12:01 am

Guys, guys, guys… If 2+2=4, then maybe meletio = BE PATIENT ? The equation seems to work out…

Oct 1, 2009 2:14 pm


Oct 1, 2009 2:18 pm


Oct 2, 2009 12:32 am

Still waiting for docs email. Supposedly approved weeks ago.