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80% of stocks fall, prices rise?

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Nov 17, 2009 5:42 pm

[quote=THE BUBBLE GROWS]What the hell does it matter. They are all going down soon. Some of them are just getting a head start[/quote]






Nov 17, 2009 5:43 pm

[quote=THE BUBBLE GROWS]How can there be a chart of what is going to happen ? what are you ? stupid ![/quote]

No.  But I know how to read a bar chart.  Wouldn’t that make me smarter than you at the very least?

Nov 18, 2009 1:04 am

Did anyone know that 80% of stocks were in the red at the close yesterday? You heard me. And yes, prices continued to rise. Whenever the scam that is producing these results in uncovered, we will have a collapse that makes last year look like you jumped off the first step of your mothers house.  Anyone here that thinks this rise is genuine better think again and ENJOY this move. This is the work of the PPA or PPT whatever you call them.

WTF?  Seriously.  Let me guess how this idea germinated.  You were going to town on a "players" maroon bostonian wingtips, in BF, Nebraska.  He noticed your dedication and said, "Hey, want some inside info on a bull market bubble conspiracy?"  You're like, "Sure."  He says, "Ok, buff my balls, and I'll fill you in."    So you got an insiders viewpoint, and now there's a day trader in Omaha with shiny balls.   You birthed this thread, show a proof of life.  Watcha got? 
Nov 18, 2009 2:40 am

[quote=howboutshoeshine]Did anyone know that 80% of stocks were in the red at the close yesterday? You heard me. And yes, prices continued to rise. Whenever the scam that is producing these results in uncovered, we will have a collapse that makes last year look like you jumped off the first step of your mothers house.  Anyone here that thinks this rise is genuine better think again and ENJOY this move. This is the work of the PPA or PPT whatever you call them.

WTF?  Seriously.  Let me guess how this idea germinated.  You were going to town on a "players" maroon bostonian wingtips, in BF, Nebraska.  He noticed your dedication and said, "Hey, want some inside info on a bull market bubble conspiracy?"  You're like, "Sure."  He says, "Ok, buff my balls, and I'll fill you in."    So you got an insiders viewpoint, and now there's a day trader in Omaha with shiny balls.   You birthed this thread, show a proof of life.  Watcha got?  [/quote]   It was more like this........   Gargle..... gargle...... gargel.......Miss Ricelo take my b*lls out of your mouth before you let me in on the market. B*tch! Look it up for yourself FGIT!
Nov 18, 2009 2:49 am

[quote=RicRelo][quote=howboutshoeshine]Did anyone know that 80% of stocks were in the red at the close yesterday? You heard me. And yes, prices continued to rise. Whenever the scam that is producing these results in uncovered, we will have a collapse that makes last year look like you jumped off the first step of your mothers house.  Anyone here that thinks this rise is genuine better think again and ENJOY this move. This is the work of the PPA or PPT whatever you call them.

WTF?  Seriously.  Let me guess how this idea germinated.  You were going to town on a "players" maroon bostonian wingtips, in BF, Nebraska.  He noticed your dedication and said, "Hey, want some inside info on a bull market bubble conspiracy?"  You're like, "Sure."  He says, "Ok, buff my balls, and I'll fill you in."    So you got an insiders viewpoint, and now there's a day trader in Omaha with shiny balls.   You birthed this thread, show a proof of life.  Watcha got?  [/quote]   It was more like this........   Gargle..... gargle...... gargel.......Miss Ricelo take my b*lls out of your mouth before you let me in on the market. B*tch! Look it up for yourself FGIT![/quote] Ok, that makes sense.  You got the theory from me, ball shiner. proof you didn't shine balls?  A web link.  A newspaper article.  Your sisters pimps cousins mechanic had a theory.  You must have something to demonstrate this level of insight.  Nothing?  All just made up fiction?
Nov 18, 2009 3:00 am

shoeshine - I posted the links to all of the closing prices for a ton of markets yesterday. I would say the sample size made it relevant and there was no significant difference in variability.

I tried looking up the 80%, because I’m truly interested in where you got the information. Could not find anything. It’s possible that my Google skills are lacking, but I did make the effort.

Nov 18, 2009 3:02 am

Ricelo, ( I love the females in your family, very talented)( oops, your father was a piece of *ss too)

  I have NEVER posted without proof, however you think you're gonna come here talkin your retard sh*t and get a response? You stupid child. Go F*CK yourself. This will have to find it yourself. you won't be able too, to stupid. Oh ya, don't steal my google line you dumb f*ck. Think of your own smack talk. And if you can't, ask your family I just abused the sh*t out of all of them.
Nov 18, 2009 3:04 am

[quote=howboutshoeshine] Ricelo, ( I love the females in your family, very talented)( oops, your father was a piece of ss too)

I have NEVER posted without proof, however you think you’re gonna come here talkin your retard sht and get a response? You stupid child. Go FCK yourself. This time…peabrain…you will have to find it yourself. you won’t be able too, to stupid. Oh ya, don’t steal my google line you dumb fck. Think of your own smack talk. And if you can’t, ask your family I just abused the sh*t out of all of them.[/quote]

Ok. Could you PM the link to me then?

Nov 18, 2009 3:04 am

shoeshine - I posted the links to all of the closing prices for a ton of markets yesterday. I would say the sample size made it relevant and there was no significant difference in variability.

I tried looking up the 80%, because I’m truly interested in where you got the information. Could not find anything. It’s possible that my Google skills are lacking, but I did make the effort.

  Again,   Don't quote my google line. Also, Moraen you can find proper info. I'm not gonna argue here anymore. It's a fact and if you CAN'T find it that's a real shame.
Nov 18, 2009 3:10 am

I didn’t realize you had a monopoly on Google lines. I’m not trying to argue with you. I posted links to closing prices to back up my side of the debate. I’m just asking you to do the same. Why make the post, if not to debate it?

Seriously, a lot of your posts have been making more sense. Just trying to keep the convo going.

Nov 18, 2009 3:14 am

[quote=howboutshoeshine]Ricelo, ( I love the females in your family, very talented)( oops, your father was a piece of *ss too)

  I have NEVER posted without proof, however you think you're gonna come here talkin your retard sh*t and get a response? You stupid child. Go F*CK yourself. This will have to find it yourself. you won't be able too, to stupid. Oh ya, don't steal my google line you dumb f*ck. Think of your own smack talk. And if you can't, ask your family I just abused the sh*t out of all of them.[/quote] Wow, bitter much?  I must have missed the proof, as did Moraen.  Hence the reason we've been asking for proof.  Appearantly, we're both incapable of finding the proof anywhere in this solar system.    Please provide the proof.  I offer $1000 if you provide the proof in the next 30 minutes.  Stop shining balls and provide proof.
Nov 18, 2009 3:21 am

[quote=howboutshoeshine]Ricelo, ( I love the females in your family, very talented)( oops, your father was a piece of *ss too)

  I have NEVER posted without proof, however you think you're gonna come here talkin your retard sh*t and get a response? You stupid child. Go F*CK yourself. This will have to find it yourself. you won't be able too, to stupid. Oh ya, don't steal my google line you dumb f*ck. Think of your own smack talk. And if you can't, ask your family I just abused the sh*t out of all of them.[/quote] Ok, dipstick.  You started this post.  You started it with no proof.  Bring it baby.  You're a ball shiner, unless you give some proof of your statements.
Nov 18, 2009 3:30 am Enjoy.

  Would have posted sooner Moraen, but I am sick of these kids  
Nov 18, 2009 3:34 am

when are you “going to get as real is gets” fag shiner?

  Harder to find your IP address than I thought. Tried a couple of scams. Didn't work. Your chat room anonymity is safe. CONGRADS. I would fly anywhere to meet you little boy.
Nov 18, 2009 3:39 am

[quote=mlgone]when are you “going to get as real is gets” fag shiner?

  Harder to find your IP address than I thought. Tried a couple of scams. Didn't work. Your chat room anonymity is safe. CONGRADS. I would fly anywhere to meet you little boy.[/quote] So you started this thread why?   You're a ball shiner.
Nov 18, 2009 3:44 am

of course you would faggot. and I would beat you down on your arrival at the handicap gate… All talk no walk Biatch…   Go to sleep TOOL

  Funny you say that.....I am fisting your mother and ass banging Ricelo's sister.  Do you two look like your family. Maybe I could FCK you too! B*TCH!
Nov 18, 2009 3:49 am

Did anyone know that 80% of stocks were in the red at the close yesterday? You heard me. And yes, prices continued to rise. Whenever the scam that is producing these results in uncovered, we will have a collapse that makes last year look like you jumped off the first step of your mothers house.  Anyone here that thinks this rise is genuine better think again and ENJOY this move. This is the work of the PPA or PPT whatever you call them.

God I hate it when people post crap they can't back up, then get all indignent when someone questions them.    Ok, maybe I'm not the type that says, "Hey, great post.  Would you mind sending me your research that brought you to your conclusion, when you have a chance?  I'd really like to enlighten myself with your incredible knowledge."    Yeah, I'm the prick that called him a ball shiner.  But, it cut to the chase, no?    No proof of life.  But he wants to enjoy my dad...ugh.
Nov 18, 2009 3:55 am

Posted the source FGITS

Nov 18, 2009 4:21 am

Posted the source FGITS

So instead of providing some evidence of your theory, you're going to leave us all with a claim you have had your way with my dad?  You win....stocks were clearly down, and the indexes were rigged.  Ball shiner.
Nov 18, 2009 6:10 am

[quote=howboutshoeshine]Ricelo, ( I love the females in your family, very talented)( oops, your father was a piece of *ss too)

  I have NEVER posted without proof, however you think you're gonna come here talkin your retard sh*t and get a response? You stupid child. Go F*CK yourself. This will have to find it yourself. you won't be able too, to stupid. Oh ya, don't steal my google line you dumb f*ck. Think of your own smack talk. And if you can't, ask your family I just abused the sh*t out of all of them.[/quote] - Not sure why you wanting to have my dads *ss is important here, but call him if you like - What's the proof you have NEVER posted without?  I don't see it in your post. - Thanks for responding - What's your google line I stole?  Seriously, you keep saying that.  What is it?  Is it the word "a"? - I think if you used schmack instead of smack it would have more impact...kind of has a sound effect quality to it.  You'd sound tougher and feel much better about yourself. - Why do you want to abuse my family...I thought  we were talking about 80% of the stocks dropping on an up day? - Ball shiner