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Jan 6, 2009 10:21 pm

Branch manager call today the regional said, “I have no news on retention or the name change, now go recuit and get your people through the integration training”

  Call before Christmas "We might hear about retention before Christmas or just after"   I would prefer to just know there isn't going to be a retention instead of being mislead and dragged along.  I would think the name change would help every one, lets get moving on that.  Any thoughts out there?    
Jan 6, 2009 10:35 pm
Dust yourselves off folks...get back in the batters box.  
Jan 6, 2009 11:13 pm


[quote=JamesF] Did anyone notice the email today about doing the best for the WFC shareholders…[/quote]
That one stood out to me too!

Management’s job at any company is to increase shareholder value. Why is  that such a big deal?

Jan 6, 2009 11:14 pm

[quote=Gaddock]I will never ever ever understand how/why they would make us use the f-ing “VM”

  I've never seen a worse piece of crap in my life. If there is anything that is screwing with my head it's the POS software.[/quote]

What are "VM" and "POS software"?
Jan 7, 2009 1:31 am

Welcome to the real world of brokerage, where we actually charge fees for our services. Some of you folks make such a big deal about fees. I guarantee your clients will do the same. I dismiss the fees as the cost of doing business and end it there. Thats the end of the discussion and the client accepts it. Why dont you fee conscious folks agree to start paying for all the mailings to your clients that the firm must do. Maybe you’ll change your mind about fees. They pay for this kind of stuff. 

Jan 7, 2009 3:05 am
3rd ID:

Welcome to the real world of brokerage, where we actually charge fees for our services. Some of you folks make such a big deal about fees. I guarantee your clients will do the same. I dismiss the fees as the cost of doing business and end it there. Thats the end of the discussion and the client accepts it. Why dont you fee conscious folks agree to start paying for all the mailings to your clients that the firm must do. Maybe you’ll change your mind about fees. They pay for this kind of stuff. 

Jan 7, 2009 3:06 am
3rd ID:

Welcome to the real world of brokerage, where we actually charge fees for our services. Some of you folks make such a big deal about fees. I guarantee your clients will do the same. I dismiss the fees as the cost of doing business and end it there. Thats the end of the discussion and the client accepts it. Why dont you fee conscious folks agree to start paying for all the mailings to your clients that the firm must do. Maybe you’ll change your mind about fees. They pay for this kind of stuff. 

  I think the 60% of my production they keep would cover these expenses if they would just lose some of the 43 layers of management between me and Danny.
Jan 7, 2009 3:19 am

Amen to that Sam.  They can start with my useless complex manager. And then move on to the non-existent regional manager.  There’s 2 simple layers right there with lots of costs associated with them that could give me another couple points payout.  May as well go right up the ladder.  Surely there are others that can go and nobody will realize they are gone.  Yeah, my 60% handoff right off the bat should cover more than what it does.  It is amazing how little support we really do get nowadays as well as the deterioration of the back office.  You would think payout would go up in that scenario. 

Jan 7, 2009 4:00 am

[quote=3rd ID]Welcome to the real world of brokerage, where we actually charge fees for our services. Some of you folks make such a big deal about fees. I guarantee your clients will do the same. I dismiss the fees as the cost of doing business and end it there. Thats the end of the discussion and the client accepts it. Why dont you fee conscious folks agree to start paying for all the mailings to your clients that the firm must do. Maybe you’ll change your mind about fees. They pay for this kind of stuff. 

We already do, and they bill the client to boot…great plan huh!

Jan 7, 2009 4:33 am

[quote=Hank Moody] [quote=Gaddock]I will never ever ever understand how/why they would make us use the f-ing “VM”

  I've never seen a worse piece of crap in my life. If there is anything that is screwing with my head it's the POS software.[/quote]

What are "VM" and "POS software"?
[/quote]   VM = virtual machine---program that runs all the AGE programs on top of the WS smartstation freezes, internet drops out, order entry hangs up-basically POS   POS= piece of shat
Jan 7, 2009 2:51 pm

Its now the 7th of January and no word on when an announcement will be made.   Ive just about had it.  If nothing is announced soon, I will have to do what I believe is best for my business and my family.   I know  that I am not alone. 

Jan 7, 2009 2:53 pm

Ditto.  You are not alone.

Jan 7, 2009 2:57 pm

Its now the 7th of January and no word on when an announcement will be made.   Ive just about had it.  If nothing is announced soon, I will have to do what I believe is best for my business and my family.   I know  that I am not alone. 

Jan 7, 2009 2:58 pm

[quote=BukiRob]Its now the 7th of January and no word on when an announcement will be made.   Ive just about had it.  If nothing is announced soon, I will have to do what I believe is best for my business and my family.   I know  that I am not alone.  [/quote]

Don’t tell me you’re gonna kill yourself. Just do the second best thing for your family, ok?

Jan 7, 2009 3:00 pm
Hank Moody:

[quote=BukiRob]Its now the 7th of January and no word on when an announcement will be made.   Ive just about had it.  If nothing is announced soon, I will have to do what I believe is best for my business and my family.   I know  that I am not alone.  [/quote]

Don’t tell me you’re gonna kill yourself. Just do the second best thing for your family, ok?

Jan 7, 2009 3:01 pm
Hank Moody:

[quote=BukiRob]Its now the 7th of January and no word on when an announcement will be made.   Ive just about had it.  If nothing is announced soon, I will have to do what I believe is best for my business and my family.   I know  that I am not alone.  [/quote]

Don’t tell me you’re gonna kill yourself. Just do the second best thing for your family, ok?

  Well, any questions anyone might have had about you being a douche bag are certainly undeniably answered.  Only someone who is a mindless troll makes the kinds of comments you just made.  Sadly, you can be placed on ignore and banned from posting.
Jan 7, 2009 3:06 pm

[quote=Hank Moody] [quote=BukiRob]Its now the 7th of January and no word on when an announcement will be made.   Ive just about had it.  If nothing is announced soon, I will have to do what I believe is best for my business and my family.   I know  that I am not alone.  [/quote]

Don’t tell me you’re gonna kill yourself. Just do the second best thing for your family, ok?

  Well, any questions anyone might have had about you being a douche bag are certainly undeniably answered.  Only someone who is a mindless troll makes the kinds of comments you just made.  Sadly, you can be placed on ignore and banned from posting.[/quote]

I try to save your life and THIS is the thanks I get? I thought douche bags were people who allowed the lack of an announcement to trigger a tantrum.
Jan 7, 2009 3:09 pm

Damn, Ruki. He was just teasing you. Why do people take HM so seriously?

Jan 7, 2009 11:53 pm

Word is no decision until month end and WFC dont want to pay anything. A friends buddy is a recruiter and he says thats the story. I know recruiters are trying to scare fa’s with this crap, but I dont think he’d bs his friend. Besides he was on the money with his call on the MER BAC retention deal. Take it with a grain of salt, but this was the rumor of the day over my way.
If these guys come out and say no deal…I say their will be a lot of deal takers and outright resignations from the biz.

Jan 8, 2009 12:03 am

Only in the brokerage biz could 30-40% be less than 150%