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Feb 5, 2009 3:08 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller]Hey captain douchebag,

Our branch and my personal assets are UP. I’m bringing in clients from guys like you that have mickey mouse operations and the clients worry about you stealing their funds. You must have missed the announcement from Fidelity about their layoffs. You sound like a real moron. [/quote]

The longer you cling to your quaint and misinformed notion that every independent is a small mickey mouse operation run by planning pikers who couldn’t make it at the wirehouse, the easier it is for us.  Keep blindly accepting what you hear other wirehouse people tell you about independents.  Don’t question whether they have a vested interest in telling you only information that would make you want to stay put.   

Ignore the inconvenient fact that those who have zero first hand experience outside the wirehouse world are the source of your misinformation.  Disregard those of us who have actually experienced both wirehouse and independent life.   When doubt creeps in call people clever names like moron!  Ouch!!  That will show them not to mess with you and your world of make believe!

Feb 5, 2009 3:10 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller] [quote=Morphius]

[quote=Ferris Bueller]That plus a massive advertising campaign that will make every small indy broker look like Bernie Madoff.[/quote]That would be quite a feat indeed, to come up with an ad campaign to try and convince everyone that it’s really the independents that are at the core of this melt down, rather than all these these huge Wall Street firms that have been in the news everyday and who have taken hundreds of billions in tax payer bail outs.   That should be good for a hoot.   [/quote]

Should be quite simple. Wirehouses may have done some bad deeds but at least their clients still have money.   Madoff clients have zero.   A smart campaign will paint indy firms and Madoff with the same brush. The investing public will eat it up. [/quote]

I don’t see conservative Wells will go that route…but what do I know…however my personal marketing strategy is…Wells/Wachovia, UBS, BAC, Merrill, Smith Barney, Morgan all caused tis mess…they can’t even manage their own money…and can you trust hedge funds and small one man shops after Maddoff?
Where do you want your money? Wouldn’t you rather deal with a 100+ year old firm that has had 13 striaght years of profitability including last year, didn’t leverage to the hilt, was not part of the financial meltdown, can manage its own finances, hasn’t aked for or recieved a penny of Gov’t handout, and can offer you every product and service on the market…who would you rather deal with…now that is an adertisement…and all true

SF is the symbol…if you would like more info

Feb 5, 2009 3:14 am
Sam Houston:

[quote=mnbondguy]You guys see the CEO from Stifel on Kudlow tonight?  Very impressive.  If there is no retention at WS, Stifel is going to have such a long line of brokers wanting in, that brokers  will have to PAY Stifel to take them!!!

  Stifel better to hope to get the brokers in and producing sooner than later before their MARS issue comes to a head.[/quote]

Most of the MARS were due to transfer brokers....therefore it is not part of SF's problem...not purchased there...the remainder is small in comparison
Feb 5, 2009 3:17 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller]Wells caused this mess?   Rofl[/quote]

They are part of it…they loaned and leveraged like the rest and purchased one of teh worst culprits…Wachovia…sure not to the extent of the others…don’t ask me ask the market they seem t think there are issues…stock down 50% in the first month of the year? Is Wells the cause…no…but the Universal bank model certianly was a huge part of it

The Market is making a clear separation of good vs bad…C, BAC, UBS, MS, WFC on one side JPM, GS, SF and others on the other side…the stock prices tell the tale

Feb 5, 2009 3:21 am


SF?????????????   bawawawwawahahahahahahahahahahah   right.    Thats right Ben et al went to SF first to bail out Bear...  ahhahahahahahahahahahahah
Feb 5, 2009 3:25 am

[quote=CDO Squared]


SF?????????????   bawawawwawahahahahahahahahahahah   right.    Thats right Ben et al went to SF first to bail out Bear...  ahhahahahahahahahahahahah[/quote]
Did I say they are the same they are moving together...

SF stock 35 a share....Wachovia was 5, Citi and BAC are less than 5....yeah I guess the market has it way wrong lol!

My clients don't seem to have any issue leaving Wachovia/Wells...3 weeks in and about 80% already ACAT'ed over :) Many also brough over money I didn't have because they didn't want any additional money at Wachovia!
Feb 5, 2009 3:28 am

CDO…watch the entire video.  Kruzewski talks about the future of the industry and why he has been successful.  The market has already spoken on which model is superior.    
Feb 5, 2009 3:32 am

im sorry

i could resist sf an greta firm im glad you moved and got yoru people and are happy. We all are God's little advisors I root for everyone (even captain)
Feb 5, 2009 3:36 am

If either of these proposed Retention packages are presented with a Wells Fargo name how should we feel?  I think it is something we can feel positive about.  We would work for the firm we know, they did bail us out on the MARS (Unlike UBS).  Who would be a better option, I am not sure anyone would be at this exact point in time.  If there is no retention SF will get flooded worse than they are now.  I would think they would have a hard time keeping up.  Clients have heard of WFC, “their the bank with the VEGAS parties”

, so there is familiarity with the brand and I like VEGAS.   Unfortunately I think patience is the call for my book.  Wait a year and revisit the options.  Instead of trying to move when my fees are down 20% and I might only move 80% of my book.  Plus I still owe WS/WFC 80% of the last bonus cutting in half what I would get to move.
Feb 5, 2009 3:37 am

when C was chopping us up.  

and DL was talking about old school RJ,SF,IJL model.   thats what I was rooting for.   you guys are correct.    that "brokers giving advice model" has been the ticket no doubt.   no 40 to 1, no MF cdo's,no reverse repo airline leasing package witch hazel crap etc    although, at the end of the day.  peopel deal with me and my team.  thats what we stress 24/7
Feb 5, 2009 3:39 am

The universal banking model is clearly becoming a universal failure.  All most clients know is that the banks caused this mess, paid their leaders $millions to do it, and now require taxpayers to bail them out.  They are very skeptical of the entire financial system, but most especially of the major banks that had to be rescued and then re-rescued.  Why would they trust these very same companies to manage their life savings?

Feb 5, 2009 3:42 am

Either the retention package I was told or the one from BP I will be happy.  I just want to take the walkovera sign down.  Every client that walks through my door makes some smart a@@ coment about the sign.  They think they are being funny.  it would be funny if this sh@t hadnt been draged on for so long.

Feb 5, 2009 3:45 am

Reuters) - Swiss bank UBS AG (UBSN.VX) (UBS.N) hired more than 200 brokers in the United States in the fourth quarter as it sought to counter client defections, a report by Bloomberg said.

Switzerland's largest bank lured employees from Goldman Sachs Group (GS.N), Morgan Stanley (MS.N) and other competitors by offering signing bonuses of as much as 260 percent of the revenue the brokers brought in over the previous 12 months, Bloomberg said, citing two people with knowledge of the matter.

The agency also said UBS may report a loss of almost 18 billion francs for 2008 when it publishes results on February 10, citing a median estimate of eight analysts surveyed.

The fourth-quarter deficit was probably 6.3 billion francs, Bloomberg added.

UBS, hobbled by $49 billion of losses on subprime mortgage securities and other assets during the past two years, received a $5.2 billion capital injection from the Swiss government on October 16.

The bank has shaken up its capital markets management ranks, announced plans to slash its exposure to capital intensive businesses and cut thousands of jobs.

A UBS spokesman in Hong Kong was not immediately available for comment when contacted by Reuters.

(Reporting by Bhaswati Mukhopadhyay in Bangalore, editing by Will

Feb 5, 2009 3:52 am

G26…would agree on all 3 points…

Feb 5, 2009 4:38 am

I cant tell you how many of my referral sources have told me that they have tried to send me some prospects and when he or she told the people who I worked for they where turned off.  They said Im not going to put my money with wachovia…they are about to go under.  This retention package will just reimburce me for the lost revenue that suffered because of wachovie. 

Feb 5, 2009 4:43 am

I cant tell you how many of my referral sources have told me that they have tried to send me some prospects and when he or she told the people who I worked for they where turned off.  They said Im not going to put my money with wachovia…they are about to go under.  This retention package will just reimburce me for the lost revenue that suffered because of wachovie. 

  Common theme with almost everyone I know, definitely hurt me.  Nice accounts left in October, and lost several referrals similar to how you break it down. 
Feb 5, 2009 4:58 am

On the managers call today JH said that he was proud of all the managers for bringing in so many new brokers.  He said in the last quarter we took in something like 400mill in T12.  This was an increase in 30mill overall if you take into account for the brokers that we lost.  So we lost 370 in t12 from brokers leaving.  Why?  Because we put the proven brokers on hold about retention.  A ton of big producing brokers have left.  It would have took at the most 100% to keep them.  Instead they pay brokers from other firms 185% to keep up the overall T12....doesnt make since to me but then again I dont make the big bucks like DL.

He may just be trying to get his golden...oh never mind oboma put an end to that  So we are willing to pay 2X to get ne 
Feb 5, 2009 5:05 am

Jesus - turn the wells buyout of WB into a positive. If you think its any better at any other major firm you are an idiot. If you want to go back to the AGE way go to Stifel, Baird or RayJ.

  This business is not all that different than it was a few years ago...the person with the most assets and does the most gross wins.   The landscape, however, is changed forever.......500+ you can work at a major firm or be on your own, below 500 you are at a regional or on your own. You decide.   And the way many of you spell - its a wonder you have any clients!!!   bring on the .50 + .25 back end for $1MM+. I will be thrilled!!
Feb 5, 2009 5:09 am

Thank god for spell check!! 

Feb 5, 2009 5:29 am
Message Topic: Where is the Wachovia retention deal?
Posted: Today at 9:14pm By nestegg Originally posted by Sam Houston

Originally posted by mnbondguy

You guys see the CEO from Stifel on Kudlow tonight?  Very impressive.  If there is no retention at WS, Stifel is going to have such a long line of brokers wanting in, that brokers  will have to PAY Stifel to take them!!!!   Stifel better to hope to get the brokers in and producing sooner than later before their MARS issue comes to a head.

Most of the MARS were due to transfer brokers....therefore it is not part of SF's problem...not purchased there...the remainder is small in comparison NestEgg, you are either lying, being lied to, or just very uninformed.  Stifel customers currently hold $226.4 million of Auction Rate that were sold to them at/by Stifel, and $83.1 million of ARS that were either tranferred in or bought after February of 2008.  It's in Stifel's most recent filing.