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Feb 5, 2009 1:27 am

Retention will be announced sometime next week.  It will be all cash.  20% under 350 to 75% over 1mill. 

Feb 5, 2009 1:30 am

Where you gettin that from??? And what about in between $350 & $1mill?

Feb 5, 2009 1:31 am

25% of the 75% for 1mill+ will be back end

Feb 5, 2009 1:31 am

g26…I will be shocked if those no’s come out next week…the retention is going to be very minimal…

Feb 5, 2009 1:34 am

hes saying 20 percent below 350k and 75% for 1mil over and nothing for 350K to 1 mil 

Feb 5, 2009 1:39 am


200-350=20% 350-500=30% 500-750=40% 750-1mill=50% over 1mill= 50% +25% back end   This is what DL went to wells with.  He was able to get what he wanted.
Feb 5, 2009 1:41 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller]That plus a massive advertising campaign that will make every small indy broker look like Bernie Madoff.[/quote]
That would be quite a feat indeed, to come up with an ad campaign to try and convince everyone that it’s really the independents that are at the core of this melt down, rather than all these these huge Wall Street firms that have been in the news everyday and who have taken hundreds of billions in tax payer bail outs.  

That should be good for a hoot.  

Feb 5, 2009 1:42 am

The original plan last Dec had -0- below 300k

and 30% above 300k plus an acceleration and payout of the tail piece for AGE and deferred comp for WS given at the WS/AGE merger. That has now been slashed…it aint going to be that good…

Feb 5, 2009 1:46 am

Where are you getting your info?

Feb 5, 2009 1:52 am

g26 I was on the call today for my first post…on the $ info

got that in Dec but I wont name the guy…Hays really downplayed the retention tday…the numbers ur posting would be great but I think very optimistic…hope ur right

Feb 5, 2009 1:54 am


200-350=20% 350-500=30% 500-750=40% 750-1mill=50% over 1mill= 50% +25% back end   This is what DL went to wells with.  He was able to get what he wanted.

You seem pretty certain of this. Do these numbers apply to both PCG & ISG? 

Feb 5, 2009 1:55 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller] [quote=Morphius]

[quote=Ferris Bueller]That plus a massive advertising campaign that will make every small indy broker look like Bernie Madoff.[/quote]That would be quite a feat indeed, to come up with an ad campaign to try and convince everyone that it’s really the independents that are at the core of this melt down, rather than all these these huge Wall Street firms that have been in the news everyday and who have taken hundreds of billions in tax payer bail outs. That should be good for a hoot. [/quote]

Should be quite simple. Wirehouses may have done some bad deeds but at least their clients still have money.   Madoff clients have zero.   A smart campaign will paint indy firms and Madoff with the same brush. The investing public will eat it up. [/quote]


Thanks for the clients, tool.

If you haven’t seen lately, the assets are only going one way.

Fidelity, and Schwab - thanks to us small independents - just ate your f’ing lunch. The numbers coming from Wachovia were billions out, with the exact same numbers landing in our lap as inflows.

I laugh at you fellas every day, along with the rest of the investing public asking ‘if they can’t even manage their own firms, why should I trust them with my money…’.

Good luck.


Feb 5, 2009 2:00 am

I was told this by a person that is in the loop.  He wouldnt just make it up.  He could be wrong but I dont think so.

Feb 5, 2009 2:02 am

[quote=tdude]The original plan last Dec had -0- below 300k
and 30% above 300k plus an acceleration and payout of the tail piece for AGE and deferred comp for WS given at the WS/AGE merger. That has now been slashed…it aint going to be that good…

[/quote]  That wouldnt work with half the firm doing less that 300k. Someone said that mgt said the advisors would be happy with the retention.  Not paying half the advisors wouldn’t accomplish that. 

Feb 5, 2009 2:09 am

I wonder if some guys out there with a little bit of  pride left will not sign just out of principle if it comes?

Feb 5, 2009 2:10 am

Ferris:  To be fair I have also read that Schwab assets are up, and that smaller firmx like RayJ and Stifel are adding advisors and assets while the big guys are losing both.

  Kudos to you if your and your branch are enjoying an increase in production and assets.  You are a wirehouse exception it seems.
Feb 5, 2009 2:13 am

go long…not sure happy on retention would apply however under 300k I think the tail pieces may still be accelerated as I originally said that applys to 300 and over…my bad…frankly I hope g26 is right.but I would be shocked given the tone of the conference call today

Feb 5, 2009 2:18 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller] Hey captain douchebag,

Our branch and my personal assets are UP. I’m bringing in clients from guys like you that have mickey mouse operations and the clients worry about you stealing their funds. You must have missed the announcement from Fidelity about their layoffs. You sound like a real moron. [/quote]

Ferret ‘up your ass’ Bueller -

I’ll look for your bald-ass mug shot on the upcoming ‘[Brokerage] House of Cards’ to be aired on CNBC on 2/12. Looks like CNBC is doing the independent’s newly-minted advertising campaign for free.

You are a tool schlepping around at a $1 firm still waiting for the reach-around.

I left, sold my WB at $55 and have some newly-minted equity in my practice.

Hee-haw, you broker-shirt-wearing office slut.

I’m still laughing at you… and… the assets are only going one way.


Feb 5, 2009 2:18 am

I think they at this point want to under promise and over deliver.  The guy that told knows what the retention package.  The only way I am

wrong is if he is being a d@@k and pulling my chai.
Feb 5, 2009 2:20 am

not sure where anyone here gets there info but we were told today that there will be NO RETENTION. I am totaly disgusted. They are blaming it on OBAMA and the TARP of all things. Lets see if I get this right…paying brokers 1.5-2x to come join wb is okay but retention is part of the TARP. So sick of the lies from this place and the lack of leadership. DL and JH have a call and man up…but then again look what wb did to the people who moved from richmond to st. louis then stiffed then on there bonus…by the way…anyone hear from there mkt managers or regional mgrs for that matter?..i know i have not and come from one of the biggest producing branches in the system…(not for long)