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Jan 31, 2009 2:52 am

, have a PDA, well that’s $21/mo to your net: discount, well that’s $15 ticket charge…

  I thought there was a credit back on this?    
Jan 31, 2009 2:56 am


LMAO at scale and scope......right out of Danny's do realize that tagline is hogwash...explain to me what Wachovia has that AGE didn't have....answer nothing...more headaches maybe. 

[/quote]   Ability to do Aircraft Leasing[/quote]
Oh crap I totally forgot about the ol aircraft leasing!!!! LMAO
Jan 31, 2009 2:57 am
CDO Squared:

DL is a brokers BEST ally.    
I love the guy.
respect the hell out of him
root for him

leave then.   

go to that peice of crap UBS
or MER is looking real good until Lewis makes then tellers.
or how about SB.

Danny is the man

It's official, you are really Jim Hayes....there you go Jim, the mask has been pulled off. Quit praying at the DL alter, WFC is not there with us.  Yes, he's a 'nice guy' but he has 0, that's ZERO, credibility left, NONE!
Jan 31, 2009 2:58 am

[quote=CDO Squared]

if it sucks that bad dont blame DL

blame ur management and board that cut the deal

all of a sudden AGE is the greatest firm ever

give me a break[/quote]

Were you born yesterday…it isn’t all of the sudden…it always was…check the registered rep broker surveys for the last 10+ years…whre did AGE rank year in and year out  1 or 2
Wachovia ALWAYS brought up the rear!

Jan 31, 2009 2:58 am

[quote=nestegg] [quote=maddog]

LMAO at scale and scope......right out of Danny's do realize that tagline is hogwash...explain to me what Wachovia has that AGE didn't have....answer nothing...more headaches maybe. 

[/quote]   Ability to do Aircraft Leasing[/quote]
Oh crap I totally forgot about the ol aircraft leasing!!!! LMAO
[/quote] would have hated to be the WS guy who lost the 50 million citi plane (that obama made them cancel) commish at the very last second
Jan 31, 2009 2:58 am

not everyone here is age... what's with the dl love affair?  he's stand up, but stop laying it on already.

the firm will be down to 8000 brokers a year from now...
Jan 31, 2009 2:58 am

The greatest thing that could ever happen is spinning off WS to old school broker only (yes like AGE)

run by danny

thats what i was hoping for when C was chopping up WB

and yes go.husk DL is caught in the middle

I will always trust and respect the hell out of him

one of the all time coolest managers ive seen in this crap business in 26 years

bob foman

jamie price

H. Clark (remember that tool)

joe plomari

etc etc

please add to this list of as%^&*s

danny is my hero

Jan 31, 2009 3:00 am


LMAO at scale and scope......right out of Danny's do realize that tagline is hogwash...explain to me what Wachovia has that AGE didn't have....answer nothing...more headaches maybe. 

[/quote]   Ability to do Aircraft Leasing[/quote] ticket charge?[/quote]   Wait.....there are ticket charges on 'aircraft leasing'.....oh, man..   I started at AGE in 2001.  So far, I like what I am seeing regarding Smart Station and the PIM platform.  Since mostly advisory based - ticket charges do not appear to be a problem.  However, we have guys in the office that are very transactional and do a lot of small trades.  They will be crushed in March.   Biggest concern is lack of name and communication.     
Jan 31, 2009 3:02 am
CDO Squared:

The greatest thing that could ever happen is spinning off WS to old school broker only (yes like AGE)
run by danny

thats what i was hoping for when C was chopping up WB

and yes go.husk DL is caught in the middle

I will always trust and respect the hell out of him

one of the all time coolest managers ive seen in this crap business in 26 years

bob foman
jamie price
H. Clark (remember that tool)
joe plomari
etc etc

please add to this list of as%^&*s

danny is my hero

If that is your idol list, it explains alot.  I am sorry that you are such a sad and pathetic's OK to come out of the closet Jim...really, you don't always have to back up DL, grow a set.
Jan 31, 2009 3:07 am
CDO Squared:

The greatest thing that could ever happen is spinning off WS to old school broker only (yes like AGE)
run by danny

thats what i was hoping for when C was chopping up WB

and yes go.husk DL is caught in the middle

I will always trust and respect the hell out of him

one of the all time coolest managers ive seen in this crap business in 26 years

bob foman
jamie price
H. Clark (remember that tool)
joe plomari
etc etc

please add to this list of as%^&*s

danny is my hero

  CDO  -   I agree with a lot of what you say......I think.....sometimes it takes a couple of reads to figure out the fragments.   However, you are schtick kind of sounds like the intro's that D. Kowach (sp) gives for DL before he speaks.  
Jan 31, 2009 3:08 am


  DL told me that there were hundreds-- in fact thousands-- of small groups of people looking at how AGE did stuff and how WS did things and they would decide the best practices case by case. Sounded really good because I knew we had our act together and I figured WS must do some things pretty good but I never worked there but they were a real brokerage firm--right? So these teams (if they ever existed) decide:   Fireing all of our recearch people is a good idea.  Not having a research department is a better idea than having one.   Complexing and major marketing is a good idea. Adding  many layers between managers and the region will help things get done.   A grid verses the AGE payout and production bonus schedule is a good idea. None of the AGE brokers even know what a grid is.   Call centers instead of departments dedicted to specific branches are a good idea. In important customer service areas such as margin, account transfers, new accounts, legal, drt, you are as likely to get a recording as a person and the person may just be in India.   Not paying customers a fair interest rate on cash in there account is a good idea. Make the brokers pick up cash manually and put it in a money market then try to remember to shake it loose every time we do a trade is a productive use of our time.   I could go on but DL did not keep controll of all he told me he would do. Remember those "stakes in the ground" he was always talking about.  My bosses never heard of them. They do not know what I am talking about.  Who do I see about that.   BTW.  AGE really was that good.
Jan 31, 2009 3:15 am

there are only about 2 stakes in the ground remaining.  Can anyone recite the 5 stakes?

Please, re-enlighten me.  Best-o-both-co's, what a crock.  I will give DL this, he was an awesome salesman and I really did believe him at first.  No longer.
Jan 31, 2009 3:17 am


Jan 31, 2009 3:19 am

I believed him to. No longer.

Jan 31, 2009 3:21 am

I did too…and when I no longer did I left…about 4 weeks now…that’s right folks I am out.

Jan 31, 2009 3:25 am

scary and sad times

no doubt

wealth destroyed at rates i didnt think possible

your timing was horrible bad luck

getting WB/wfc sucks

indexes down 50% sucks

etc etc

its survival yes

Not DL fault.

i respect and love the guy

he didnt create all this

In 26 years. he is the only top management guy i say i REALLY trust

u sound like a whinning pussy client

the market went down

who can i blame

u aint with AGE anymore

deal with objectively

my call center was better…i cant read the grid

gezz man stfu.    

are you going to start crying?

Jan 31, 2009 3:25 am

I did too…and when I no longer did I left…about 4 weeks now…that’s right folks I am out.

Good for you, were to nestegg?
Jan 31, 2009 3:28 am

[quote=nestegg]I did too…and when I no longer did I left…about 4 weeks now…that’s right folks I am out.

Good for you, were to nestegg?[/quote]
Never thought I would leave...I went where was best for my clients and ms...didn't take the biggest check...didn't go to a wirehouse...din't go indy (not for me)...wen't to the closest thing to the old AGE..and I fell like I stepped back in time to how things used to be.
Jan 31, 2009 3:28 am
CDO Squared:

scary and sad times
no doubt
wealth destroyed at rates i didnt think possible
your timing was horrible bad luck
getting WB/wfc sucks
indexes down 50% sucks
etc etc
its survival yes

Not DL fault.
i respect and love the guy

he didnt create all this

In 26 years. he is the only top management guy i say i REALLY trust

u sound like a whinning pussy client
the market went down
who can i blame

u aint with AGE anymore
deal with objectively

my call center was better…i cant read the grid

gezz man stfu.    
are you going to start crying?

What are you the Hycue (sp?) King?? NO, just a DB.  DL is a man, nothing more. Not the diety that you profess.
Jan 31, 2009 3:29 am

Jones. good for you.     balls