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Jan 30, 2009 1:21 am

    I knew you were a dumbass.  Even better than me having you pegged, you just proved it for everyone by your own words… 

Jan 30, 2009 1:22 am

The quote, “I can see Russia from my house.” is attributable to the
writers of Saturday Night Live, delivered by actress Tina Fey.
 I know that’s exactly what you all knew too, right?

Jan 30, 2009 1:33 am

[quote=YHWY]The quote, “I can see Russia from my house.” is attributable to the
writers of Saturday Night Live, delivered by actress Tina Fey.
 I know that’s exactly what you all knew too, right?


Jan 30, 2009 1:37 am

Gee, do ya think?  Lets do one better, what are your thoughts on the possibility of age/wb brokers gettin a shitload of money handed to them again while you get nothing?

Jan 30, 2009 1:44 am

Best case scenario, Wells “gives” you an amount of money equal to what Wachovia kept of yours over the past year. P.S. You’re welcome for the history lesson.

Jan 30, 2009 1:51 am

I’ve actually got a nice monthly pay raise coming March 1st.  I happen to be on the right side of the curve while you are obviously on the left.

Jan 30, 2009 1:52 am

Obviously. LOL!

Jan 30, 2009 2:42 am

wow - I tell people that I have never lost an account due to fees and I discount, and its automatically assumed I dont provide any service. 

  Its a numbers game, more assets allow me charge lower fees.   If a prospect walks into my office and I propose a 1.10% fee on a million dollar account with managers, and then walks to your office and you propose anything over that I wonder who wins the business?   Here's another shocker - I pay all my client account fees that are not IRA's. IRA's were all charged in the past and even fund companies charge for IRA's. I spread it out over several months. If I have a good month I write more off in that month.   I guess the Wal-mart/vanguard business models could work, but what do I know?   Jesus, what kind of service do you provide for 3% on a managed account?
Jan 30, 2009 2:50 am

So will Obama and Barney Frank Scare WFC out of retention after the way they are going after the Merrill Bonuses?

Jan 30, 2009 2:51 am

[quote=kowachovia]wow - I tell people that I have never lost an account due to fees and I discount, and its automatically assumed I dont provide any service. 

  Its a numbers game, more assets allow me charge lower fees.   If a prospect walks into my office and I propose a 1.10% fee on a million dollar account with managers, and then walks to your office and you propose anything over that I wonder who wins the business?   Here's another shocker - I pay all my client account fees that are not IRA's. IRA's were all charged in the past and even fund companies charge for IRA's. I spread it out over several months. If I have a good month I write more off in that month.   I guess the Wal-mart/vanguard business models could work, but what do I know?   Jesus, what kind of service do you provide for 3% on a managed account?[/quote]   I never said you did not provide any service.  What I said is if you don't feel the service you provide is worth full value, how do you expect a client to view you at full value.  If you want to associate yourself with Walmart, go right ahead.  I would be insulted by such a comparison, but to each his own.
Jan 30, 2009 2:53 am

So will Obama and Barney Frank Scare WFC out of retention after the way they are going after the Merrill Bonuses?

  Didn't congress vote itself a pay raise recently?  Isn't Obama wealthy?  As soon as they take a pay cut, I will agree to the same. 
Jan 30, 2009 3:12 am

[quote=Sam Houston][quote=kowachovia]wow - I tell people that I have never lost an account due to fees and I discount, and its automatically assumed I dont provide any service. 

  Its a numbers game, more assets allow me charge lower fees.   If a prospect walks into my office and I propose a 1.10% fee on a million dollar account with managers, and then walks to your office and you propose anything over that I wonder who wins the business?   Here's another shocker - I pay all my client account fees that are not IRA's. IRA's were all charged in the past and even fund companies charge for IRA's. I spread it out over several months. If I have a good month I write more off in that month.   I guess the Wal-mart/vanguard business models could work, but what do I know?   Jesus, what kind of service do you provide for 3% on a managed account?[/quote]   I never said you did not provide any service.  What I said is if you don't feel the service you provide is worth full value, how do you expect a client to view you at full value.  If you want to associate yourself with Walmart, go right ahead.  I would be insulted by such a comparison, but to each his own.[/quote]   its a business model not a stereotype. I love competing against Merrill and UBS I know their fee structures backwards and forwards. You cant buy I shares in their fund wrap progams.   Just because you dont charge full value doesnt mean you have to provide a lower level of service.   This happened a few years ago prior to 00:   A broker left to another firm and did a bunch of managed money. He charged mostly 2.0%. I have never participated in book reassignments, but I was in the meeting where the manager was speaking about the account ditribution of the former FA.  I suggested that everyone cut the fees on the accounts to 1.50% - the other FA's retained a ton of accounts that way.   Like you said - to each their own.
Jan 30, 2009 3:38 am

Where is John Galt when we need him?   Time for Atlas to Shrug!

Jan 30, 2009 3:39 am

Why are you people here talking about fees, market tops and bottoms, and tina fey??? Do you have nothing better to do? I’m here to look for some original insight about what people think our fate might be and a majority of you fools are taking about everything but our fate with WFC.

Jan 30, 2009 3:44 am

I say we vote right now


i love this thread.

even AFTER retention or no retention

we keep it open!!!

closes on S and P new high?

Jan 30, 2009 3:50 am

The longer this drags on and the more bank scrutiny from the press and the hill - the more I think something aint right.

Jan 30, 2009 3:52 am

why doesnt our deals come up more in media?

u would think a MF like gasparino would be all over it

Jan 30, 2009 3:56 am

[quote=CDO Squared] I say we vote right nowBINDING. i love this thread. even AFTER retention or no retentionwe keep it open!!!closes on S and P new high? [/quote] CDO X 4…we may need this thread to be available for group counseling!!!      

Jan 30, 2009 4:02 am

today sucked

not sure why. today really bummed me out

its really really really really really hard to see the MF rainbow.

(hard to crack me. we prolly due for monster rally)

BTW-most oversold condition…ever

Jan 30, 2009 4:06 am

[quote=CDO Squared] today suckednot sure why. today really bummed me outits really really really really really hard to see the MF rainbow.(hard to crack me. we prolly due for monster rally)BTW-most oversold condition…ever[/quote] Hey CDO X 4…best market to prospect in and the most exciting market I have ever seen!!! Glass half full - Chin up bud.