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Jan 27, 2009 4:38 am

[quote=Baba Booey]

We didn't go tits up.....and I don't have to explain to my clients why we needed TARP dollars.  I guess you're right...that is MUCH better.

[/quote]   When did WS go tits up?  When did WB get TARP money?  Did I miss something?
Jan 27, 2009 4:39 am

Baba booey you clearly are an idiot based on your comments and questions. What the f— is RBC? Let me explain why a retention from Wachovia to Wells is in order.

Dear Mr AGE guy, we Wachovia have bought A.G. Edwards and with the numerous choices you have would like you to continue to have you work for us. Ok, I will bite, looks like a good company, good stock, thank you for the 1.2 mill check.

1 1/2 years later, oh by the way we forgot to tell you based on our idiot CEO’s decisions we are going to do the following

1. Turn your 1 million in company stock into 200K
2. Almost go bankrupt and put you through absolute hell with our Wachovia to Citi to Wachovia independant, to Wells decision making, all while you are having to field 1000 calls on whether your money market is safe
3. We are going to turn your long term options into wothless pieces of shit
4. We are going to hang you out for 17 weeks wondering what company you are even going to be working for. When your clients call to ask them who they do business with you have to say “Me, beacuase our corporate cant make a f—ing decision”.

Thats why !!!

I often wonder why people like you that dont even work for Wachovia or Wells would even be on a forum like this. You quit us 8years ago. You had a hard time explaining who AGE was when you were there? What a f—ing moron. I would guess you are single, bored, sitting in your underwear, eating your swanson frozen dinner at the computer wondering if you are going to break 100k this year.

Ps: In case I didnt already say it, you are a f—ing moron

  You're right, I'm a fat, underproducing moron...nice call.  For a sales guy, you sure don't read people well...maybe that's why you're so bitter.   Back to my original should leave, nobody is holding you hostage...The only thing I am wondering is if I'm going to bring in $10mm this year, or be stuck at $9mm.
Jan 27, 2009 4:42 am

Sam come on…you know just as well as I do that WB opened at $.70 and was on life support until Citi, then WFC stepped up…they went tits up for all intensive purposes.

  WFC has received TARP money...
Jan 27, 2009 4:42 am

[quote=jimmymac24]I am a ws broker and came over on a deal from another firm 3 yrs ago. i am still on a deal so i dont feel i deserve a retention deal. My manager says I may get one but I am not focusing too much on it.

  Truthfully do we really deserve much?? I just don't get why everyone feels so entitled to a retention deal.  I think a lot of the threats of leaving are just that. Most guys will stay. Some will leave but thats the nature of the business. I think WFC is probably just baffled at how our industry works and doesnt get it and is really given danny a lot of resistance. My guess is there will be a deal but it will be a lot lower than the estimates.[/quote]   i wasn't expecting much originally, but mgmt mishandled the whole process from the early days when danny offered retention back in november. he opened the can of worms, then completely fumbled the ball.   we all deserve market rates. it wouldn't take 100% up front to stay, but more than that has been offered to leave.  mgmt created this issue. they'll pay double to restore the lost revenue if they don't deliver.  
Jan 27, 2009 4:43 am
Baba Booey:

I averaged $225k from the age of 25-31 slinging bagels and doughnuts…saved a shit load of money to whether the income hit, now I’m back. While in production at AGE, I was recruited by Jones to take over a $20mm office and was offered the wholesaler job. Decided to cut my teeth as a wholesaler.

Am I supposed to be impressed that you averaged 225K from 25-31?   BFD.
Jan 27, 2009 4:44 am

plus, Stern is not funny anymore.

Jan 27, 2009 4:44 am

Hey leave Baby Boo Hoo alone, he might bring in $10mm.  Idiot.

Jan 27, 2009 4:47 am

[quote=Baba Booey]Sam come on…you know just as well as I do that WB opened at $.70 and was on life support until Citi, then WFC stepped up…they went tits up for all intensive purposes.

  WFC has received TARP money...[/quote]   I work for WS.  WS did not go tits up.  Made a nice profit last year.  Making a nice profit this year.  Those are facts.  The only TARP money WFC took is the $25mmm they TURNED DOWN before Paulson told them that turning down TARP money would show which banks were really in trouble, and was not an option.  Get your facts straight.
Jan 27, 2009 4:49 am

when this thread hits 100.    retention next day.

Jan 27, 2009 4:49 am
CDO Squared:

when this thread hits 100.    retention next day.

Or rrmag's servers blow up for the win.
Jan 27, 2009 4:49 am

$225k is about $600k in production, did you average that in your late 20’s?  $9.2 so far in the past 11 months…have you ever brought in $10mm NEW in 12 months?

  And Stern is better than ever...don't hate.
Jan 27, 2009 4:51 am

[quote=Baba Booey] $225k is about $600k in production, did you average that in your late 20’s? $9.2 so far in the past 11 months…have you ever brought in $10mm NEW in 12 months?

And Stern is better than ever…don’t hate.[/quote]

Yes and Yes. You’re not that special, dude. Seriously. You’re not.

Can’t speak for Stern.
Jan 27, 2009 4:56 am

I’m just getting you guys going.  I could give two shits if you get paid…

  But you have to admit, there's 94 pages of you guys crying about the retention...that's pretty funny.  My wife is yelling at me to come eat my swanson dinner....salsbury steak to go.
Jan 27, 2009 4:57 am

I think we all have gotten a little full of ourselves and are going to face a grim reality over the next several years. The good old days are over and are not coming back for a long long time. Lets face it. We benefitted from an economic boom that started in the early 90s and is clearly over now. We were way overpaid and things are gonna continue to change for the worse. Harry Dents new book the next great depression is an eye opener for me. We are in for a rude awakening. Half the guys on these posts will not be in the business in 5 years. We all benefitted from a boom that made us look a lot smarter than we really are.

  Time to come back down to reality. maybe that is why everyone is so tense about retention because you want one last payment thats really not deserving before things get a lot worse. I understand that. We just need to call a spade a spade. Things will never be the way they were for us.
Jan 27, 2009 5:19 am

9 million my ass. Any producersupposedly making the big $ as you say then decides to be a wholesaler? What a moron. I have read many different posts, many I disagreed with but you my friend take the cake. Let me get this straight.

You are a big producer who quits AGE to be a wholesaler then comes back to be a 9 mill producer who in his spare time gets on Reg Rep forum to chat about a company he quit 8 yrs ago? You are a liar, a loser, a dreamer and once again ----a moron

Jan 27, 2009 5:34 am

[quote=jimmymac24]I think we all have gotten a little full of ourselves and are going to face a grim reality over the next several years. The good old days are over and are not coming back for a long long time. Lets face it. We benefitted from an economic boom that started in the early 90s and is clearly over now. We were way overpaid and things are gonna continue to change for the worse. Harry Dents new book the next great depression is an eye opener for me. We are in for a rude awakening. Half the guys on these posts will not be in the business in 5 years. We all benefitted from a boom that made us look a lot smarter than we really are.

  Time to come back down to reality. maybe that is why everyone is so tense about retention because you want one last payment thats really not deserving before things get a lot worse. I understand that. We just need to call a spade a spade. Things will never be the way they were for us.[/quote]   harry dent???...we should be at dow 36000 per his last book.   read this article from Time in 1970...history repeats itself. it ain't going to be easy, but depression talk is throwing in the towel...,9171,902674,00.html
Jan 27, 2009 5:46 am

I know what your getting at gohuskies but We are writing new history here.  Our govt is scrambling to figure out what to do and is lost really.  I hope things get better but realistically we had a great run and its gonna be a long time before we see better times.

My only point really is I think guys in our business are funny with how they think they are entitled to retention bonuses when we are in this economy. There are too many guys running advisory businesses that are underqualified and benefitted from the a boom economy. So many guys doing 300k who think they deserve retention. Its gonna be survival of the fittest and I feel 5 to 10 years from now the number of brokers will shrink drastically.

Jan 27, 2009 7:12 am

Its gonna be survival of the fittest and I feel 5 to 10 years from now the number of brokers will shrink drastically.

I agree with this and your previous post. Not because of Dent. He is a dumb ass, but we are still heading into an awful period. Most FA’s refuse to accept this. Its going to get a lot worse.

Jan 27, 2009 12:25 pm
CDO Squared:

Danny did’nt create all this stuff.
Danny is the man
Danny is THE single biggest ally of independent brokers out there period.
so STFU u clueless losers.

the loser with the screen name dissing Danny…im betting ur whinning pu&^%$ that never did over 5.   some things never change

open ur MF eyes
Profit formula, FINET, The new monhly pay plan a few yars ago.
In Danny’s model the broker is the driver of the business.
WS leadership is BY FAR the neatest bunch of people ever in this business.

I root for them in all this BS

  "We are changing our sweep program to three strong Wachovia banks instead of the ten banks AGE uses because it is better for your clients"   "We are all fortunate to work for such a strong parent company"   "The bond dept doesn't mark up bonds"     'universal bank, universal bank, universal bank...blah blah blah"   I hate to break the news to you CDO, but Danny has a few credibility issues, amazing he is still in charge.
Jan 27, 2009 1:09 pm

There will be some kind of retention for higher end producers. Companies will retain there best employees, even in hard times. They have to, it is the ONLY choice for them. Granted WFC stock being down 50% doesnt help the situation, and indicates there is something else coming in the financial sector but  that is an even more important time to retain your best employees. There is value in brokers why else would they be recruiting, and why would SB being offering 230%.

I dont think anyone doing 300k can expect much, but bigger numbers will get something. Just enough to keep most.   I love all the talk about "how dare you expect something for nothing talk" and "what about company loyalty." This is a money business, a market business. If SB is offering 230, that is the market. Entice me to stay, tell me why I should stay. I wont be because of the retention "payment" WB paid me, I will gladly give them the 80% i havent vested back.Why on earth any one would be loyal to these fools who ran these companies into the ground is beyond me.