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Jan 27, 2009 3:03 am

has to be something with the earnings report of wednesday, eh?

Jan 27, 2009 3:03 am

Danny did’nt create all this stuff.

Danny is the man

Danny is THE single biggest ally of independent brokers out there period.

so STFU u clueless losers.

the loser with the screen name dissing Danny…im betting ur whinning pu&^%$ that never did over 5.   some things never change

open ur MF eyes

Profit formula, FINET, The new monhly pay plan a few yars ago.

In Danny’s model the broker is the driver of the business.

WS leadership is BY FAR the neatest bunch of people ever in this business.

I root for them in all this BS

Jan 27, 2009 3:05 am

Bud, my wire steals from my clients with their own BDP. So no need to talk to Wachovia, i can be miserable right where i am, and my clients will be ripped off the same way. All the firms have this i guess.
When i said cash in brokerage, i meant MM.
Whatever, i think we are saying the same thing.
This thread is a pisser. I never saw something go on for so long. I think SB and MS are supposed to announce retention next week - thats about 3 weeks after the announcement. If that happens, boy  do you guys look bad.
But it really doesnt matter, all the wires have turned into shit houses. We are all brothers in the same toilet.

Jan 27, 2009 3:06 am

800 K if you must know. And DL needs to produce or resign.

Jan 27, 2009 3:08 am

Bud, my wire steals from my clients with their own BDP. So no need to talk to Wachovia, i can be miserable right where i am, and my clients will be ripped off the same way. All the firms have this i guess.
When i said cash in brokerage, i meant MM.
Whatever, i think we are saying the same thing.
This thread is a pisser. I never saw something go on for so long. I think SB and MS are supposed to announce retention next week - thats about 3 weeks after the announcement. If that happens, boy  do you guys look bad.
But it really doesnt matter, all the wires have turned into shit houses. We are all brothers in the same toilet.

  Agreed...but could ya please flush it and put us out of our misery?  Or do we get to just keep swirling round & round the bowl smearing everything we touch......
Jan 27, 2009 3:09 am

CDO did you really use the word “neatest”? How long have you and your boyfriend been together?

Jan 27, 2009 3:14 am

produce or resign.

u really are a mf tool.

resigning would be his easiest choice u lightweight

Jan 27, 2009 3:20 am

I like the direction this thread is going.

Jan 27, 2009 3:25 am

Where would retention be without Danny? It will come but dont expect $ announcement before week of Feb 9th. So with two weeks to go I imagine there will be a lot of negativity. As I have said 1 mill+ 50-75% upfront

Jan 27, 2009 3:31 am

BE PATIENT, I am being patient and certainly hope you are correct. I also hope WFC has a good PR firm to explain the 2 bil in TARP money to pay the retention

Jan 27, 2009 3:33 am

[quote=Bud Fox]

Agreed…but could ya please flush it and put us out of our misery?  Or do we get to just keep swirling round & round the bowl smearing everything we touch… [/quote]
I would if i could but i cant so i wont, but i might just go indie.
Jan 27, 2009 3:38 am

10 pages left…

Jan 27, 2009 3:45 am

Yes, WFC hired the same PR company as BofA, Morgan, UBS and the rest. They will also explain that they havent had to touch the 25 bill they were made to accept, they will also explain their toe in the water at a time approach to spending that 2 bill

Jan 27, 2009 3:45 am

I don’t understand why all the WS/AGE legacy guys are expecting a retention.  WB paid $25 billion for Golden West, bought AGE, paid a retention to AGE legacy 18 months ago, then the company basically went tits up.  Now WFC is expected to pay a retention…why?

  If you don't like working for WFC, then leave....I hear a lot of firms are hiring.  Just sounds like a lot of bitching.  Is it in the best interst of the clients/sharholders to shell out another retention package?
Jan 27, 2009 3:48 am

Hey Baba Booey you are late to the game. After your lunch break at Charles Schwab go f— yourself.

Jan 27, 2009 3:48 am

[quote=BE PATIENT]Then quit bitching and leave. Third biggest broker in our office left to of all places Merrill for 150% and I have eaten 11 million of his accounts in the last 3 weeks. Good luck with your new firm. I hope they give you the respect you deserve[/quote]

Its not a question of giving me respect, At this point I can tel what the character of our new firm is…I need to respect the firm…my clients need to feel comfortable there…I can’t work for a firm I can’t respect…BTW you would have no idea if those accts will leave or stay after 3 weeks… post back in 3 months.
I would never go to Merrill, I think that is frying pan to fire…same with SB/MS, UBS etc…Ray Jay, Stifel or Indy…and if you have good relationships you will easily take 90% of your book…fast…if coming from AGE.

Jan 27, 2009 3:54 am

[quote=Baba Booey] I don’t understand why all the WS/AGE legacy guys are expecting a retention. WB paid $25 billion for Golden West, bought AGE, paid a retention to AGE legacy 18 months ago, then the company basically went tits up. Now WFC is expected to pay a retention…why?

If you don’t like working for WFC, then leave…I hear a lot of firms are hiring. Just sounds like a lot of bitching. Is it in the best interst of the clients/sharholders to shell out another retention package?[/quote]

WB paid AGE guys to transition to WB not to WFC. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you, but you don’t seem that smart.
Jan 27, 2009 3:54 am

I don’t work for Schwab, and I’m not the one crying because I’m not getting another retention.  If you want to get paid…leave the firm.  Or better yet, grow your business.

Jan 27, 2009 3:56 am

[quote=Reggin] [quote=Baba Booey] I don’t understand why all the WS/AGE legacy guys are expecting a retention.  WB paid $25 billion for Golden West, bought AGE, paid a retention to AGE legacy 18 months ago, then the company basically went tits up.  Now WFC is expected to pay a retention…why?

If you don't like working for WFC, then leave....I hear a lot of firms are hiring.  Just sounds like a lot of bitching.  Is it in the best interst of the clients/sharholders to shell out another retention package?[/quote]

WB paid AGE guys to transition to WB not to WFC. I can't believe I have to explain this to you, but you don't seem that smart. [/quote]   So now you need to get paid to transition to WFC?  Got it, the transition to WB from your desk must have been tough.
Jan 27, 2009 3:56 am

Oh right you work for RBC.   That’s MUCH better.