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Jan 23, 2009 7:27 pm

Wait a minute…you mean none of you have been doing ‘aircraft leasing’ deals???

  When the WB 'Banking Specialist' came to our office last year - he said WB was a leader in personal 'aircraft leasing' - highlighting this as an advantage the bank brings to help us cross-sell.
Jan 23, 2009 7:38 pm

No…but I did use the sea going barge leases that were also offered.

Jan 23, 2009 8:43 pm

So much for deals not being out there. A SB guy just called and said 230%. WFC has to know this.

Jan 23, 2009 11:01 pm

[quote=maddog]Wait a minute…you mean none of you have been doing ‘aircraft leasing’ deals???

  When the WB 'Banking Specialist' came to our office last year - he said WB was a leader in personal 'aircraft leasing' - highlighting this as an advantage the bank brings to help us cross-sell.[/quote]        We probably had the same 2 bozos are our office I remember thinking I cant believe I sat through 30 mins of this BS       Jet Airplanes????????    yeah sure.
Jan 23, 2009 11:35 pm

Page 75 on its way to 100!!!

Jan 23, 2009 11:47 pm

any of you guys starting to get emails from mgt about how lucky we are to have Wells, etc etc etc? Seems like the prep work is being done for no retention announcement. Either that or mgt is getting worried about guys leaving. 

Jan 23, 2009 11:53 pm

They are worried, trust me. They will throw just enough at us to make us stay.

Jan 23, 2009 11:57 pm

[quote=showmethemoney] any of you guys starting to get emails from mgt about how lucky we are to have Wells, etc etc etc? Seems like the prep work is being done for no retention announcement. Either that or mgt is getting worried about guys leaving.


My manager has limited communication with the AGE side. We are an integrated branch - I believe he is VERY concerned with his own position. All we do hear from the manager is that we need to cut cost. On monday we will be buring candles for a light source, turning the heat down (dress warm folks!) and hopefully he will not can another staff member to keep his branch bonus in tact…

Jan 24, 2009 12:10 am

They are worried, trust me. They will throw just enough at us to make us stay.

  "Make us stay" - Really?  I would rather be "enticed" to stay.
Jan 24, 2009 12:24 am

That Dude from WFC (kolakawski or whatever) doesnt mess around.


in the heart of california.   

how many witch doctor loans done? : ZERO

how about the C “talks” with fdic in the house

u see a lot of compremise coming from WFC?

These MF play for keeps.   thats why they on top

they dont want WS.

Imagine explaining retention to the dude?

you PAY them what to STAY?

in this economy?

excuse me?

no chance.

ull get a WFC wind breaker and some WFC golf tees

Jan 24, 2009 12:45 am

CDO - made me laugh out loud.

Jan 24, 2009 1:12 am

Since retention was paid a year ago that could be a factor.

Jan 24, 2009 1:16 am

At this point with all of the info gathered, call with Hays, etc. anyone still talking about “NO” retention is an absolute idiot. Either doesnt work for WB, didnt listen to conference call with Hays or is just a f—ing idiot. It is no longer about “IF”, it is how much. Retention will come, may be a shitty back end or stock option thing but it will be something. Give me 50% of my T12 1.23mill and I will be just fine

Jan 24, 2009 1:28 am

At this point with all of the info gathered, call with Hays, etc. anyone still talking about “NO” retention is an absolute idiot. Either doesnt work for WB, didnt listen to conference call with Hays or is just a f—ing idiot. It is no longer about “IF”, it is how much. Retention will come, may be a shitty back end or stock option thing but it will be something. Give me 50% of my T12 1.23mill and I will be just fine

  So where did all the folks go that predicted no retention?       
Jan 24, 2009 1:36 am

WFC has waited for the right time in light of the financial news NOT to pay retention. They may have someone too tha paid $36,000 for a toilet. There goes retention.

Jan 24, 2009 1:47 am

I have predicted no such thing.

Jan 24, 2009 1:49 am

WFC has waited for the right time in light of the financial news NOT to pay retention. They may have someone too tha paid $36,000 for a toilet. There goes retention.

  It wasn't a toilet.  A commode is a toilet in the trailer park.  On Wall Street, a commode is a small chest of drawers.  Page 76 and counting!!
Jan 24, 2009 1:49 am

F—ing idiots.

Jan 24, 2009 1:54 am
Sam Houston:

[quote=Vet20]WFC has waited for the right time in light of the financial news NOT to pay retention. They may have someone too tha paid $36,000 for a toilet. There goes retention.

It wasn’t a toilet. A commode is a toilet in the trailer park. On Wall Street, a commode is a small chest of drawers. Page 76 and counting!![/quote]

Jan 24, 2009 1:56 am

[quote=Ferris Bueller] [quote=Go_Long] [quote=BE PATIENT]At this point with all of the info gathered, call with Hays, etc. anyone still talking about “NO” retention is an absolute idiot. Either doesnt work for WB, didnt listen to conference call with Hays or is just a f—ing idiot. It is no longer about “IF”, it is how much. Retention will come, may be a shitty back end or stock option thing but it will be something. Give me 50% of my T12 1.23mill and I will be just fine[/quote]

So where did all the folks go that predicted no retention?   

Do think guys over 1 million will probably get something, but think highly likely no cash, but deferred something or stock.  If guys under 500K get $1.00 in cash, I'll admit I was completely wrong; but all i am going by what Ive been told by those who claim to know, I am not a soothsayer.  If I had to bet i'd bet 5K there will be no cash money for guys 500k and under and still would be willing to bet a little there will be no upfront $$ cash for anyone.


For the record, the people saying that retention will be zero are:
