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Mar 21, 2009 1:25 pm

[quote=Sam Houston]If you think the statement BS is the final straw get this.  I had a small IRA transfer out.  No cash in the account.  I was informed unless the client brings a check in for the $95 transfer fee, I will get charged for it.  WS makes every attempt to fee the client any way it can, and if they can’t steal their fee from the client, they will take it from the broker.  Awesome.[/quote]

Thats not the way it happens. The ACAT fee is sent with assets to other firm. Then its there problem. If they didn’t do that do an excellence first complaint and you will get action.

Mar 21, 2009 1:40 pm

I’m just going by what the genius in the home office told me.  As far as excellence first, its not like they respond anyway.

Mar 21, 2009 8:01 pm

LOL, this gets better by the day.

Mar 21, 2009 9:00 pm

I just can’t believe the complaining AGE guys.  (I know there’s a whole thread devoted to telling you all to stop the whining).  With a back office conversion comes big disruption.  This should not have been a mystery.  You had plenty of time to set expectations with your clients.  This is why retention was offered.  Why the surprise?  With WFC, this will be my 5th firm, but same desk.  If you don’t make a big deal out of it, your clients won’t either.  As for the clients who are mad about statements, fees or whatever else mistakes were made by WB/WFC recently.  Handle it.  Their mad, so make them happy.  You got payed to deal with these changes.  You should know better than to let someone tell you the firms is going to charge you $95 for a small IRA ACAT.  Don’t you have a manager?  Don’t you have an avenue to vent and get things done rather than a chat room?  (As a side note, stop the complaining on contact mgmt too…never use a firm based contact mgmt…then they really have a shot at eventually owning your clients).  Quit being passive.  Deal with it and get over it.  You were paid to put up with all this stuff.  Don’t like it?  Leave.  Very simple. 

  I'm also dumbfounded by the old AGE guys who did move and come back to this site with their superior attitude and LOL.  F you.  I'm not even AGE alum and don't get you guys.  You made your decision which I respect.  So leave already.  I've seen SF.  Very 1990's.   Great company, but very 1990's right now.  I've seen MS/SB, MER, UBS.  Good, not great.  I know the Indy story...some pros, some cons.  I saw AGE.  Great home office support and that was it.  In a few years their will be a new thread by all the SF guys saying "where's retention?," when your CEO sells you out like Bagby did.  AGE guys and girls, you got hit harder than most by this merger/WB debacle.  We all got hit the hardest.  It's done.  It's over.  It only lives on with you because you're not dealing with it proactively.  Make your decisions and be happy already.  Life's too short. 
Mar 21, 2009 10:28 pm

[quote=FawnLiebowitz]I just can’t believe the complaining AGE guys.  (I know there’s a whole thread devoted to telling you all to stop the whining).  With a back office conversion comes big disruption.  This should not have been a mystery.  You had plenty of time to set expectations with your clients.  This is why retention was offered.  Why the surprise?  With WFC, this will be my 5th firm, but same desk.  If you don’t make a big deal out of it, your clients won’t either.  As for the clients who are mad about statements, fees or whatever else mistakes were made by WB/WFC recently.  Handle it.  Their mad, so make them happy.  You got payed to deal with these changes.  You should know better than to let someone tell you the firms is going to charge you $95 for a small IRA ACAT.  Don’t you have a manager?  Don’t you have an avenue to vent and get things done rather than a chat room?  (As a side note, stop the complaining on contact mgmt too…never use a firm based contact mgmt…then they really have a shot at eventually owning your clients).  Quit being passive.  Deal with it and get over it.  You were paid to put up with all this stuff.  Don’t like it?  Leave.  Very simple. 

  I'm also dumbfounded by the old AGE guys who did move and come back to this site with their superior attitude and LOL.  F you.  I'm not even AGE alum and don't get you guys.  You made your decision which I respect.  So leave already.  I've seen SF.  Very 1990's.   Great company, but very 1990's right now.  I've seen MS/SB, MER, UBS.  Good, not great.  I know the Indy story...some pros, some cons.  I saw AGE.  Great home office support and that was it.  In a few years their will be a new thread by all the SF guys saying "where's retention?," when your CEO sells you out like Bagby did.  AGE guys and girls, you got hit harder than most by this merger/WB debacle.  We all got hit the hardest.  It's done.  It's over.  It only lives on with you because you're not dealing with it proactively.  Make your decisions and be happy already.  Life's too short.  [/quote]   Well said. I understand the frustration, but shut up, already.
Mar 21, 2009 10:47 pm


   I've seen SF.  Very 1990's.   Great company, but very 1990's right now.  I've seen MS/SB, MER, UBS.  Good, not great.  
Obviosuly everyone has needs...not sure what the 1990's comment means, Maybe by 1990's you mean profitable unlike every other firm right now lol...after seeing WS and now at SF...I can tell you the only thing you have on me is TARP money lol...and the ability to do Aircraft Loans lmao...other than that there is nothing at WS that isnt at Stifel...other than the BS of I am not sure "what you saw".

If you truly think WS is best for your biz, than seems for whatever reason you think it is...however a majority of the firm doesnt seem to agree with you...some will stay and complain others like me will move to a firm that treats their clients and brokers with respect and makes doing business better..whether that it is SF, RJ, Indy or whatever.

By the way...not saying SF will never be sold..because after AGE anyting can happen, but it is still better than staying at WS...why would you sell a company when you are eating all your competitions lunch...why sell to a competitor...and btw employees own 50% of the stock so a sale would not be easy :)
Mar 22, 2009 12:03 am

[quote=Sam Houston]I’m just going by what the genius in the home office told me.  As far as excellence first, its not like they respond anyway.[/quote]

Get a reply every time i use it

Mar 22, 2009 12:48 am

"Where do I find out about this Excellence First Program ? " said the clueless Legacy AGE guy. ’

Mar 22, 2009 12:53 am


Glad to see your happy, you already sound like a fair weather fan though..SF is lacking your still honeymooning. No place has it all figured out, not even close. Best of luck in return spare us the hard feelings you have, just take care of your clients and family. 
Mar 22, 2009 1:24 am

[quote=nestegg] [quote=FawnLiebowitz]

   I've seen SF.  Very 1990's.   Great company, but very 1990's right now.  I've seen MS/SB, MER, UBS.  Good, not great.  
Obviosuly everyone has needs...not sure what the 1990's comment means, Maybe by 1990's you mean profitable unlike every other firm right now lol...after seeing WS and now at SF...I can tell you the only thing you have on me is TARP money lol...and the ability to do Aircraft Loans lmao...other than that there is nothing at WS that isnt at Stifel...other than the BS of I am not sure "what you saw".

If you truly think WS is best for your biz, than seems for whatever reason you think it is...however a majority of the firm doesnt seem to agree with you...some will stay and complain others like me will move to a firm that treats their clients and brokers with respect and makes doing business better..whether that it is SF, RJ, Indy or whatever.

By the way...not saying SF will never be sold..because after AGE anyting can happen, but it is still better than staying at WS...why would you sell a company when you are eating all your competitions lunch...why sell to a competitor...and btw employees own 50% of the stock so a sale would not be easy :)
[/quote]   Nestegg,   Do you see what I mean?  All your threads contain LOL, LMAO, still more LOL, SF is the best, I'm eating everyone's luch b/c SF rocks.  I'm glad you left and that it's working well for you.  I would have left as well if I were AGE.  Staying has worked very well for me and my business.  As a matter of fact, no one has left my office or complex yet (it's a large complex and the inside word so far is that no one is leaving).  So whatever you're having for lunch, it's not mine.  I have no home office problems or any type of administrative problems.  And if I ever do, they're taken care of someone else other than me or my assistant (my manager, ops manager, etc. gets it done for me).  I'm not trying to get in a playground type my firm is better than your firm pissing contest here, but out of respect for your former AGE guys...leave it alone.  You made your move which we all respect and wish you well (even though our well wishes appear not in need).  Just do your work and go quietly away.  Laugh quietly to yourself, just don't lol.  Karma is a real bitch.  Some of us outside of SF are very happy and I don't feel the need to apologize for that.
Mar 22, 2009 2:15 am


Glad to see your happy, you already sound like a fair weather fan though..SF is lacking your still honeymooning. No place has it all figured out, not even close. Best of luck in return spare us the hard feelings you have, just take care of your clients and family. [/quote]
Is anywhere the small minded thinking that is inspired by wirehouse management that Regionals or anyone other than Merrill, Wachovia etc have what is needed to serve clients is the biggest sham around. The same way that Wachovia added no value to AGE...just more layers of management, no addtional tools or products or anything better for clients than what we already had.

Am I happier than I have been in years...yes...did I take a big check to SF right for I said some people may be happy at WS...and if you are stay by all means...most aren't which is proven daily by the ongoing exodus, I thought I would retire at AGE, until the last years debacle.
Mar 22, 2009 2:21 am

[quote=FawnLiebowitz][quote=nestegg] [quote=FawnLiebowitz]

   I've seen SF.  Very 1990's.   Great company, but very 1990's right now.  I've seen MS/SB, MER, UBS.  Good, not great.  
Obviosuly everyone has needs...not sure what the 1990's comment means, Maybe by 1990's you mean profitable unlike every other firm right now lol...after seeing WS and now at SF...I can tell you the only thing you have on me is TARP money lol...and the ability to do Aircraft Loans lmao...other than that there is nothing at WS that isnt at Stifel...other than the BS of I am not sure "what you saw".

If you truly think WS is best for your biz, than seems for whatever reason you think it is...however a majority of the firm doesnt seem to agree with you...some will stay and complain others like me will move to a firm that treats their clients and brokers with respect and makes doing business better..whether that it is SF, RJ, Indy or whatever.

By the way...not saying SF will never be sold..because after AGE anyting can happen, but it is still better than staying at WS...why would you sell a company when you are eating all your competitions lunch...why sell to a competitor...and btw employees own 50% of the stock so a sale would not be easy :)
[/quote]   Nestegg,   Do you see what I mean?  All your threads contain LOL, LMAO, still more LOL, SF is the best, I'm eating everyone's luch b/c SF rocks.  I'm glad you left and that it's working well for you.  I would have left as well if I were AGE.  Staying has worked very well for me and my business.  As a matter of fact, no one has left my office or complex yet (it's a large complex and the inside word so far is that no one is leaving).  So whatever you're having for lunch, it's not mine.  I have no home office problems or any type of administrative problems.  And if I ever do, they're taken care of someone else other than me or my assistant (my manager, ops manager, etc. gets it done for me).  I'm not trying to get in a playground type my firm is better than your firm pissing contest here, but out of respect for your former AGE guys...leave it alone.  You made your move which we all respect and wish you well (even though our well wishes appear not in need).  Just do your work and go quietly away.  Laugh quietly to yourself, just don't lol.  Karma is a real bitch.  Some of us outside of SF are very happy and I don't feel the need to apologize for that.[/quote]

Like I said in my other post , I am sure there are those that are happy at WS, and for whatever reason it suits your buisness. Most AGE guys are not, and from what I can see alot of WS guys are not either. Everyone has to do the right thing for their clients and themselves. I just took exception to your misguided and uninformed opinion of SF...I have been inside both so I can tell you things are not the way Danny makes them seem to be outside the walls of WS.
I am a straight shooter, if I came here and things were horrible, I would warn everyone I could to not make the mistake I did. On the flip side when things are better than expected, I will tell that tale too! I wish you and everyone that stays at AGE/Wach/Wells the best, and hope things do turn around for everyone there.
Mar 22, 2009 12:02 pm

Thanks Nestegg I’m sure we will all be fine.

Mar 22, 2009 1:21 pm


Like I said in my other post , I am sure there are those that are happy at WS, and for whatever reason it suits your buisness. Most AGE guys are not, and from what I can see alot of WS guys are not either. Everyone has to do the right thing for their clients and themselves. I just took exception to your misguided and uninformed opinion of SF…I have been inside both so I can tell you things are not the way Danny makes them seem to be outside the walls of WS.
I am a straight shooter, if I came here and things were horrible, I would warn everyone I could to not make the mistake I did. On the flip side when things are better than expected, I will tell that tale too! I wish you and everyone that stays at AGE/Wach/Wells the best, and hope things do turn around for everyone there.

I love these broad statements" “Most AGE guys are not, and from what I can see alot of WS guys are not
There are Max 25 WS or AGE people that post here so most are not happy, thats like saying all brokers are crooked because some do illegal things!

Mar 22, 2009 3:20 pm


Like I said in my other post , I am sure there are those that are happy at WS, and for whatever reason it suits your buisness. Most AGE guys are not, and from what I can see alot of WS guys are not either. Everyone has to do the right thing for their clients and themselves. I just took exception to your misguided and uninformed opinion of SF…I have been inside both so I can tell you things are not the way Danny makes them seem to be outside the walls of WS.
I am a straight shooter, if I came here and things were horrible, I would warn everyone I could to not make the mistake I did. On the flip side when things are better than expected, I will tell that tale too! I wish you and everyone that stays at AGE/Wach/Wells the best, and hope things do turn around for everyone there.

I love these broad statements" “Most AGE guys are not, and from what I can see alot of WS guys are not
There are Max 25 WS or AGE people that post here so most are not happy, thats like saying all brokers are crooked because some do illegal things!

I should clarify…out of the 6-7 branches in my area…hundres of advisors between the ones that left are leaving or are complaining, most seem pretty pissed off!

Mar 22, 2009 11:43 pm

So,is Envision considered a bonus under the 90% rule or is it considered safe from new 90% taxation??

Mar 23, 2009 12:31 am

400 or bust? I haven’t been back here in a few weeks - but hey, I’ll help y’all make it to 400. As someone who deals with 60 or so branches and about 700 brokers on a daily basis, I will say that there are a handful that are TRULY considering leaving. Sure, everyone was pissed initially at the “no retention” deal, but now, not so much. I see the weekly attrition report, and contrary to popular belief (or at least your belief, nestegg) - there is no mass exodus. Sure, there are bad attitudes in the home office - because most everyone is learning a new system right now, and when all you deal with are people in the field bitching about how broker vision was fabulous and CM sucks, you tend to get dragged down and have to fight your way back out of the sludge!.   Going from the AGE service model, which was very personal, to the WS service model, which is very automated and IMpersonal, is a learning curve for everyone, and is not a pleasant experience, including for those people you’re dealing with in St. Louis - they’re no happier about it than you are. Contact management is new for EVERYONE (except the legacy WS FAs, who haven’t experienced that privilege just yet), and it shouldn’t have ever been released yet, but had to be so there would be somewhere for the BV info to go! Your info is there, you just have to spend a little time learning it. Fixing it. Cleaning it up. I was there when BV was released, and it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine. People bitched then. That’s human nature. But if it takes you a few (or even a few HUNDRED hours to fix it, initially), that’s a one time expenditure of time to make your life easier. That’s a drop in the bucket of what the people who are developing the new CM are spending (and yes, they ARE legacy AGE people, so stop blaming!). People will leave. If you think you’ll have a better deal elsewhere, then go. Buh bye. Times, they are a-changin’. I don’t always like it, and I certainly don’t condone some of the things that have gone on over the past few months at WS, but the financial world is different now. If you don’t see that, you need to pull your head out and join the real world.

Mar 23, 2009 12:38 am


  you are one f***ing retard..  get the f*** out of here douch
Mar 23, 2009 1:16 am

Bring on 400 and then shut this thing down!

Mar 23, 2009 2:15 am

Wachovia Securities sucks. I can go into more detail but it all boils down this.   WACHOVIA SECURITIES SUCKS.