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Mar 18, 2009 10:47 pm

I started asking over 2 weeks ago if the person I am speaking with in St. Louis is AGE or WB and have gotten so that if they say WB, I hang up and call back until I can speak with an AGE person.   And I am curious, are you supposed to be emailing about a problem or does that fall under the “service request” category?  Also, to the person who told me to STFU, we have 8 more pages to fill to make it “400 or Bust”,… if we all STFU,  how can we ever make that goal?  At least that is one goal I can strive to make since I cant make any at work, too busy answering action items and inputting service requests and doing global searches to check the status of my service request.

Mar 18, 2009 10:56 pm

I’m confused, I wasn’t aware AGE had people in India.

Mar 18, 2009 11:23 pm

I was told awhile ago by a WB person in Doc Control that certain jobs have been outsourced to India and if you check the respones in action items and service requests they are processed by Indian names.

Mar 18, 2009 11:34 pm

[quote=brokergirl]I was told awhile ago by a WB person in Doc Control that certain jobs have been outsourced to India and if you check the respones in action items and service requests they are processed by Indian names.[/quote]

OMG this gets better and better…wait til the press gets this one…TARP money used to fund Indian jobs lol!

No wonder I have clients lining up to transfer to SF:)

Mar 19, 2009 12:43 am

How would your clients react if they knew people in India can see their financials, ss #, portfolios  etc…

Think they’d sh*t themselves ?

Mar 19, 2009 12:57 am

[quote=clang]How would your clients react if they knew people in India can see their financials, ss #, portfolios  etc…

Think they’d sh*t themselves ?

Wachovia co-owned Genpack (sp) for several years. Jobs outsourced have no ability to see client info. Actually employees are better then the Legacy AGE i’ve had contact with LOL!!

Mar 19, 2009 1:02 am

Riiiiigghttt…because as we’ve seen, this system is 100% failsafe.

And there’s nobody bright enough in India to figure out a way, right ?

Mar 19, 2009 1:04 am

[quote=gbend]Actually, you are wrong.  Anyone who worked at A.G. Edwards home office and was at manager level pretty much got the ax.  If they didn’t get the ax, they were demoted and moved to another area (away from an area they had worked in for 10-20 years) that they knew nothing about.  Especially in Compliance and Margin.  Legacy Wachovia people came in and had so many people walking around, and no one asked them anything, they got scared and fired or moved good Legacy Edwards people because they felt threatened. [/quote]

Calling Bull $hit on this. I know 20+ WacSec operations managers that didn’t move to StL. A total of one (1) margin associate took a job in StL. Did WacSec move some people to StL…Duh we bought your sh*tty little firm!!

Mar 19, 2009 1:20 am

[quote=clang]How would your clients react if they knew people in India can see their financials, ss #, portfolios  etc…

Think they’d sh*t themselves ?


As a matter of fact I have a meeting tomorrow with a guy who is a long-time AGE client who is frustrated regarding the current situation.  Wiat until he hears that Saheeb Prujanami now knows his name, address, and social security number…

Mar 19, 2009 1:51 am

will the age contingent just move on already?  all you do is bitch and whine about how good it used to be in your 200m average production piker house…

  by the way, thanks for all the former age households that are coming to isg...40m production ytd from former age clients as their brokers moved indy...gotta love how they're walking in unsolicited to the bank rather than switching to another age broker.  your whining is indeed having an impact!    
Mar 19, 2009 2:08 am

go-huskies, do you always puff out your chest because you’re a bank broker instead of a real broker ?

Not necessary. All in the same business, no need to strut.

Mar 19, 2009 2:25 am

not puffing my chest, but i've moved my book from sb a few years ago and it has worked well. 

not sure what a real broker means to you, but to me it's a cfp that doesn't accept any account under 250m and certainly is not serving the role as a dinosaur stock broker.    my back office is a disaster since age was acquired. i don't wish anyone failure, i just wish age brokers would leave.  i've had nothing but headaches since the merger, and it wasn't supposed to have any impact on my practice   i still believe wells will unload you guys soon enough
Mar 19, 2009 3:56 am

We are merging our " legacy AGE"  office with a " legacy WS" office in a few months. Is this the kind of bias we are going to face when we move in ? Is this the underlying contempt ? The firm is damaged . The reasons are apparent. Wells is not going to help us beyond lending us their name. Wachovia guys and gals need to remember , not fault to you, the Wachovia name was tarnished by the bank. Age people can move but thats not our normal make -up after being loyal for so long. Wouldn’t  it be ironic if the “wake” at WFC Advisors is the " buy"  and the “wedding” at SF and RJF is over in a year.

Mar 19, 2009 2:35 pm

Wouldn’t  it be ironic if the “wake” at WFC Advisors is the " buy"  and the “wedding” at SF and RJF is over in a year.

What does that mean?
Mar 19, 2009 3:42 pm

he is suggesting, that WFC may become the place to be, and the others will take a turn for the worst

Mar 19, 2009 3:58 pm

Wow! huskies has really evolved a lot since this post just a few short weeks ago (15FEB 09):


 beyond the clear business disruption of clients moving out or not coming in due to the firm's collapse, this disaster has effected me personally.  i'm with isg (bank channel).  i can't write my biz plan as the jr broker i was bringing on is in limbo thanks to mgmt.  i had initiated a 401k practice in anticipation of the added help, but now i'm doing double duty.  since 401ks take time and really are more a means to get to work with the owners' personal assets, i'm working longer hours 6 days a week and am still down 20% in production.  i could drop this operation, and that would be cause for more restitution, but i'm trying to keep my focus.  it wouldn't be such an issue, as i'm not afraid of work, but we just had our 4th child.  3 are 3 and under, and dad is working overtime when i thought i'd be around even more with the junior broker. my wife's more than a bit overwhelmed, so now i'm looking to bring in a housekeeper though my production is down.  my boss is overwhelmed holding things together as wells fails to communicate. had there been details of corp structure - not merely retention, i'd already have my junior.  in other words the firm's mismanagement has created an uneven playing field against my competition and has negatively impacted both my professional and my personal life.  finally, dl offered retention months ago. i wasn't looking for retention, nor expecting it.  under the circumstances, i believe not in retention, but restitution.   as far as moving firms...3 are 3 and under, a move is way beyond me right now (unfortunately)   [/quote]

It seems he's learned the most important thing about these forums since then; that anonymously, one can bluster, front, lie and act tough without any repercussions.
Mar 19, 2009 4:37 pm

he is suggesting, that WFC may become the place to be, and the others will take a turn for the worst

ummmm...ok...whatever it takes to stay in your seat I guess lol!
Mar 20, 2009 12:35 am

LOL!! 6 months of retention talk and now with todays 90%+ bonus tax there will be nothing here.  Hope no one who did the forefront spent the money in advance.  MS to get shut out too, guess ML got their $$$ before 12-31-08 so they are good.  What a joke…but then its a fitting end for the WS/WFC deal.  “0”.

Mar 20, 2009 1:17 am
Ferris Bueller:

the 4front program is a LOAN over 9 years that does not generate taxable income until October of 2010. Even then, it is forgiven (shows up on w-2 pay statements) slowly over the next 9 years. The legislation passed today does not apply.

  Ok Nostradamus, you were so spot on with the original retention I am sure you are on the money here as well.  Can tell you from complex manager today, anyone who intends to take the money in lump sum form is in trouble as it stands.    Senator below does not go along with either..     Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., expanded the battlefield Tuesday, calling on the Obama administration to halt $3 billion in similar payments to financial advisers at Morgan Stanley (nyse: MS - news - people ). "The retention payments at AIG and Morgan Stanley are both essentially the same form of extra compensation, and they are not fully necessary to retain executives in this tough financial market," Menendez told Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in a letter. He's called on the administration to use "every legal means available" to stop the payments, which are scheduled to be awarded in January 2010. w was his assesment. 
Mar 20, 2009 1:23 am

Wells can just pay back the Tarp then…remember they didnt need it…they were forced to take it lol…ooops…oh wait they cant actually repay it and did need it what was I thinking lol