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Feb 25, 2009 4:52 am

Did you all go out there and get your check yet!!!

  Why in the world doesn't anyone pay you all some more money.  You all need it bad, get out there and get your check!!!  Hurry up before all these "awards" are gone, you all deserve it for all the all are so deserving!!   Churn and Burn baby Churn and Burn!!!!
Feb 25, 2009 4:56 am

My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.

Feb 25, 2009 5:11 am

[quote=Wheat-ie]My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.[/quote]

ribbit ribbit.

Feb 25, 2009 5:11 am

Finet …do you get the same bonus that Pcg gets for the fore front/ envision plan and what is the cut off date for the bonus period.

Feb 25, 2009 5:27 am

why is this retard on this forum?

Feb 25, 2009 5:35 am

Hey Lilly pad, I just realized why you come here. Its because you’re a broke-d**k dog, and it irritates you that we gets paid. Gets paid well. You’re irrelevant and pathetic. Really. And to hammer home that point again in case you missed it first time. yep, we gets paid. And you don’t.

Feb 25, 2009 5:57 am

[quote=skbroker]why is this retard on this forum?[/quote]

Which one?  You’re going to have to narrow it down for us.

Feb 25, 2009 6:36 am

the dude who sells used furniture out of his garage?

Feb 25, 2009 4:33 pm
CDO Squared:

  Sorry but you've got this bass ackwards.  Wachovia bank was a complete disaster and run completely into the ground.  Stumpf is a banker and a pretty smart guy and no amount of retention or success with the brokerage operation can save his bank from the asset meltdown.  He needs to preserve cash and get the gov out of his business as quickly as he can.  Throwing cash down a rathole doesn't get it done.  While I feel for the brokers affected by this, there are other places to work and successfully build a business.  As a taxpayer I applaud his decision.  Stop being a victom and get on with your life.     
Feb 25, 2009 4:54 pm

On all guys leaving, who pays ACATs fee;

clients eat?

broker eats?

new firm pays?

old firms forgives?

Feb 25, 2009 4:59 pm


Feb 25, 2009 5:09 pm


On all guys leaving, who pays ACATs fee;

clients eat?

broker eats?

new firm pays?

old firms forgives?

[/quote]   Most receiving companies will eat the ACAT fees on all accts. transferred during a specific period of time as an inducement to clients, or at least on accts. above a certain value.  If I remember correctly, when we left AGE and went to RJ they took care of the ACAT fees on all accts. $10,000+.  Ran into a situation a few weeks ago when a client who has moved out of state was trying to transfer her stuff to the local EJ guy in her new town because she wanted to be able to pop into the office from time to time, and he wouldn't take care of her ACAT fees because it would be seen as 'buying the account.'  We're talking a total acct. value of over 250k.  Kind of short sighted, if you ask me. 
Feb 25, 2009 5:12 pm


On all guys leaving, who pays ACATs fee;

old firms forgives?

Feb 25, 2009 8:10 pm

Feb 25, 2009 11:00 pm

You better check the math, and, understand they will own you completely after you sign your life away

Feb 25, 2009 11:07 pm

My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.

    Why would wells do that, what do they get for 700,000 once you are under a 10 year contract?   Measure twice, cut once
Feb 25, 2009 11:09 pm

[quote=Wheat-ie]My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.[/quote]

ribbit ribbit.

  Maybe only time for one ribbit
Feb 26, 2009 1:08 am

Has any one seen any brokers leave since the no retention announcement?

Feb 26, 2009 1:27 am

[quote=Wheat-ie]My manager wne through the math today on my new “4Front possiblities”, which I never even considered as i considered it such a d***-burger substitute to anything meaningful. While I am still peeved about the situation, the reality isn’t too bad: I do an envision on my top 25 HH only, and i get a check for $500k…another $200k eligible, but i have to do 175 HH to get it…not bad.

    Why would wells do that, what do they get for 700,000 once you are under a 10 year contract?   Measure twice, cut once[/quote] I think we need to check the math for Wheat-ie...25 HH X 3,000,000 (max per hh eligible) = $75,000,000 MAX ....take 75,000,000 X .0025= $187,500 for 25 households at the most. Very respectable, but a long way from 500 k.
Feb 26, 2009 1:47 am

And you STILL have to sign a forgiveness contract…