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Feb 21, 2009 11:50 pm

Hey, I just joined Wach Sec yesterday. Outstanding FAs all around. You guys are great!

Welcome step-child. Let me be the first to tell you how sorry I am. Oh btw how much did WB/WFC pay you to join our great firm???
Feb 21, 2009 11:50 pm

In regard to the reference of DL getting $10 mil - where is this verified?

Feb 22, 2009 12:00 am

I can a**ure you, I can’t wait to move. I don’t care if it is 30-60 or 180 days of hell. I see it as short term pain for long term benefits.

Feb 22, 2009 12:02 am

[quote=Client1st] [quote=

It is clear that Danny Ludeman has ZERO power/influence in this company. If the guy had any character at all he would have resigned when he was told he couldn’t deliver what he promised.

DL better never again talk about culture, or trust, etc. And don’t patronize the FA’s by telling them how great they are and how much you appreciate them. Don’t lecture about the value of communication.

He’s a duplicitious phony.[/quote]

Ill always love and the respect the guy. i give him benefit of doubt.

Although, Im surprised he didnt tell WFC to f-0ff.

I always thought he would fight like crazy for us but bolt if they bagged us.

I still think there is another round to this fight

duplicitious ?   darn good word.    ill have to goog it to see what it means

Feb 22, 2009 12:06 am

Adj. 1. duplicitous - marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; “she was a deceitful scheming little thing”- Israel Zangwill; “a double-dealing double agent”; “a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer”- W.M.Thackeray

double-dealing, double-tongued, two-faced, Ja***-faced, double-faced, ambidextrous, deceitful

dishonest, dishonorable - deceptive or fraudulent; disposed to cheat or defraud or deceive

Feb 22, 2009 12:07 am
buy low 13:

alright now that we know our fate why don’t we open a new forum called who left Wachovia securities. I would do it but i do not know how. I t would be interesting to see how many brokers leave. So if someone knows how to do it please do.   [quote=CDO Squared]

Ill always love and the respect the guy. i give him benefit of doubt.

Although, Im surprised he didnt tell WFC to f-0ff.

I always thought he would fight like crazy for us but bolt if they bagged us.
I still think there is another round to this fight

duplicitious ?   darn good word.    ill have to goog it to see what it means
[/quote]   I'll throw this out there. I still don't believe that WFC really wants us.  I still see some kind of UBS type JV happening.  Dealing Danny loves to wheel and deal.   He makes a deal, and then rides in like a white night with a retention... political/economic enviornment be dammed.   Danny got bitch slapped by WFC when he couldn't pull off a deal to get the FA's retention like he repeatedly promised.  Unless he is in complete denial he knows how much of a hit he has taken with FA's.   I'm don't plan on  being around for another go at Danny's rodeo.
Feb 22, 2009 12:25 am


  I am a small business owner, and my Wachovia Securities broker and I have built a great relationship over the past 25 years.   [/quote]   .... I am off to Schwab   Lilley,   I can agree with some of what you say - those of us that are successful are very well paid.    In regard to working a few days a week - you as a business owner know better than that - I put in around 60 hours a week, making myself available to my clients most evening and every Saturday morning.  I give my clients my cell phone number to contact me at any time.  The last time I purchased a couch I had to conform my schedule as to when the delivery truck was working through my neighborhood.   I will more than likely stay where I am because of my office environment.  As the largest producer in the office - I have more to worry about than my own well-being.    Also, as you have pa**ed judgement on an entire industry - keep in mind two things - 1) this is a very small sampling, and 2) why, if you such a great relationship with your rep over the last 25 years - you are now throwing him under the bus and heading to Schwab after reading this thread.    If this is how your decision process works - after 25 years, I wouldn't be surprised if your WS rep didn't recommend that you transfer to Schwab.
Feb 22, 2009 12:35 am
I’ll throw this out there. I still don’t believe that WFC really wants us. I still see some kind of UBS type JV happening. Dealing Danny loves to wheel and deal. He makes a deal, and then rides in like a white night with a retention… political/economic enviornment be dammed.

Danny got bitch slapped by WFC when he couldn’t pull off a deal to get the FA’s retention like he repeatedly promised. Unless he is in complete denial he knows how much of a hit he has taken with FA’s.

Feb 22, 2009 12:37 am

Client1st hit it on the nose. The last chapter has not been wriitten. UBS will play into it at some point and Danny will give everyone who didnt leave the front end they were screaming about.

Before leaving for MS, plan C was UBS. Had three meetings with regional and state manager. UBS and Wachovia were/are talking more than you know. One of my fears was going to UBS then somehow WS back in the picture all of the sudden I am out of job similiar to what happened to Wells brokers that went to Wachovia

Feb 22, 2009 12:43 am

I think it was the swiss govt.    they cant handle this.   they love that structure and have the "holier then thou attitude"

I think there was a period when they told UBS lets cut bait , get out of North america and go back to just hiding drug and tax money. something we are good at

somewhere along the line i think they had a change o fheart.   and DL was left with his…

Feb 22, 2009 12:47 am


  How do you know that DL received 10B?   Also, you FINET guys - does the 4front enhancement apply to you as well?   Lilly - What did your WS rep of 25 years say when you told him you your leaving?   CDO - respect your posts - but, sometimes I think it is a lot harder to make the decision to stay than it is to go -
Feb 22, 2009 12:48 am


we are ALL greedy.   original sin.

I have learned over the years that those that protest with the most vigor about others actions (you, Jimmy Swaggart, John Boogle etc etc)

are usually deep down more tilted to the evil side then most…

Feb 22, 2009 12:50 am

Regional manager about three weeks ago said, maybe the only one that will get a bonus out of this is Danny. He said danny got a bonus late October.

Feb 22, 2009 12:52 am

Holy sht I have now realized I have become addicted to this f**ing site. I am interested in who truly thinks a UBS deal is still probable and if front end could come out of that scenario

Feb 22, 2009 12:54 am

Regional manager about three weeks ago said, maybe the only one that will get a bonus out of this is Danny. He said danny got a bonus late October.

Maybe it was all in WFC stock. $33 ish in October to $9 or so now. That would make me feel a bit better.   
Feb 22, 2009 12:57 am

Interesting Lilly white, you come here to stir the pot and end up popping a vein. This thread is for professionals. You’ve said numerous times you are going to Schwab.  You’re a piker.

We’ve been sh!t stirred by the best of them. You’re not even in the top 100. Slap a band aid on that vein, and head on out. Overall I think we’ve been gentle with you.

Feb 22, 2009 12:58 am

I think UBS is recommitted to North America.   

I think it was pressure from Swiss Government.

I think the massive bleeding stopped and govt backed off

They have brought in SO MUCH production in last 6 months.   

real deal monster fee based brokers

They have changed balance of power somewhat

i think danny had his dream in that JV and it went poof.

if free world does not end (s and p 400 or something). I dont think UBS in play anymore

Feb 22, 2009 1:01 am

[quote=clang] We’ve been sh!t stirred by the best of them. You’re not even in the top 100. Slap a band aid on that vein, and head on out. Overall I think we’ve been gentle with you.


funny.   but so true.

well put

If anything, being an FA will give u some MF thick ass skin.

Feb 22, 2009 1:03 am

I’m a multi-milion dollar client and I’m ashamed of all you whining FA’s.  All you Wachovia boys just got paid a few years ago and now your griping about not getting another check to be loyal to a firm while your clients are losing much of their net worth and millions of others have lost their jobs.   You should be ashamed of yourselves.  Actually if you had any cojones, you would just pick up and leave instead of whining about it, but as your client don’t ask me to come with you!

Feb 22, 2009 1:04 am
CDO Squared:

I think UBS is recommitted to North America.   
I think it was pressure from Swiss Government.
I think the massive bleeding stopped and govt backed off

They have brought in SO MUCH production in last 6 months.   
real deal monster fee based brokers

They have changed balance of power somewhat
i think danny had his dream in that JV and it went poof.

if free world does not end (s and p 400 or something). I dont think UBS in play anymore

  Keep in mind they created the UBS Wealth MGT Americas group.  They also said they are determined to increase the scope and market share.   You do that by aquiring brokers and their client assets.  8,000 UBS brokers vs other firms with 20,000.   That is a lot of room to make up.  Getting togeher with WS 14,000 advisors is the easiest way to achieve that increased market share.. instead of hiring them one at a time for $1,000,000 a pop.   Danny has always come across as wanting an FA force as big as the competion.  Now he is lagging behind 2 other firms with 20,000+.    Two firms who could easily fall into each others arms... and it sounds like they got to 2cd base before taking a break...  they may still go all the way.