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Feb 21, 2009 7:14 am

Beyotch…thanks for the good wishes. I hope WFC doesn’t fire all you managers at once. Nevertheless, with your simpering manner, rest assured you’d make a great wholesaler.

Also, trust me, clients are begging to move.

Feb 21, 2009 7:23 am

I’m an ex-pru mgr who left in 2003 during the merger. I knew this day would come with this guy at the helm. I’m actually enjoying this. We call WS “Hee Haw Securities” at my firm because of this knucklehead and his “posse”. Nothing like coming through for your loyal FA’s. From serving jumbo prawns in his back yard in Richmond in 2003 to woo the pru fa’s,  to this. This guy played the bs waiting game with retention bonuses just like he did with AGE. Great retention strategy…If he would have acted when he should have,  WS FA’s would have received a bonus. The climate was different just 4 months ago. How can MSSB do it but he can’t? This one will KILL this firm. Other than the day the ML retention packages were announced, the happiest day of my career. I manage a branch at a major competitor that doesn’t LIE to their workforce. . I’m destroying ML. Now, I’m going to clean WS out. I didn’t leave my office until 8 tonight and I’m seeing people already tomorrow. My adrenaline is going so much here I am at 2:20 a.m. posting away. Thank you Danny. I am forever grateful. Enjoy those prawns Danny, sorry you’ll be eating alone.

Feb 21, 2009 7:23 am

[quote=clang] Beyotch…thanks for the good wishes. I hope WFC doesn’t fire all you managers at once. Nevertheless, with your simpering manner, rest assured you’d make a great wholesaler. Also, trust me, clients are begging to move.


Dear Clang. Not a manager. Not simpering. I’m in the trenches, just there with a positive attitude. I guess I’m as happy EARNING the money as taking the handout, when my company is in a struggling industry in the midst of a recession. So shoot me, I’m BAD.

Feb 21, 2009 7:49 am

So, what happened? No retention? Leave and leave now. How can ANYONE ever look at Danny the same in any future company get togethers. It isnt that they didnt pay, its that he hid under his desk for so long. Danny recived 10 mill on WFC merger, did you know that? Where is your buddy Hays right now. Guys, get out and get out fast

Feb 21, 2009 10:38 am

We do not give 2 shits for the brokers at wachovia all we care about are checking accounts and mortgages.

Feb 21, 2009 1:07 pm

Okay, I’m going to need a little explanation here. Let’s see if I’ve got the gist of it. You make a six figure salary. You work a few hours a day. Your chosen career is in the financial services industry, an industry that, by nature, is volatile. You are in this industry in 2009, when the economy is in a serious recession, the market is off 50% from it’s highs, your client’s accounts, as well as your own, reflect this loss. You most likely were paid a tidy sum in upfront money to join WS, AND you received a pretty healthy retention check one year ago to stay through the turmoil of yet another merger. Maybe you have to learn a new computer system, poor babies. Maybe you feel like you’ve been lied to. Well, don’t we all! The truth is that nobody is paying your clients a big check to stay with you - how are they going to feel when you tell them “Sorry Joe, they wouldn’t pay me a big retention check to stay, so I have to leave and go to the highest bidder. Hope you understand and will follow me there!” How about your clients start up a little chat room of their own, all about how you’re getting paid the big bucks and they’re getting the shaft. How about the press picks up on this chat room, includes all of your sorry a$$ names…welcome to 2009, which you now have a stake in. Great company you’re keeping - John Thain, Bernie Madoff, Stanford whatever. If you think Gorman has any “allegiance” to his brokers at Morgan, talk to anyone who’s WORKED at Morgan and left - I think they’ll tell a bit of a different story. As for the changes to 4Front, if you’re going to post details, you might want to post them right - a little clarification: 1) this 4Front enhancement has no Advisory component - that’s right, none - it’s HH, Envision, and SLC - no product push whatsoever, so you can do what is RIGHT for your client (WOW, what a concept!); 2) the survey - if your clients don’t return the survey (or I think the term was “sh1tcan it”), it’s NOT counted against you. It only counts against you if they return a survey that reflects YOU not fulfilling your stated commitment to them. So suck it up. Deal with it. And if you don’t like it, then don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

    The last thing I or any other advisor needs right now is some salaried douche managment type spewing more company line BS.  I SURE as hell dont need you telling me how to run my business.  Its attitudes like YOURS that are a part of the problem!
Feb 21, 2009 1:11 pm

Bottom line is that DL LIED.  He is a man with no credibility, a used car salesman, a PHONEY.

  Great leaders inspire people. Danny L is no leader.  He should be fired.
Feb 21, 2009 1:12 pm

Go Huskie, you got that right They are king at not paying when they say they will

Feb 21, 2009 1:12 pm

  Good Morning,   I am curious.  Now that folks are waking up and sobering up.....How many of you folks will actually be staying at this lousy firm???   It's about more than just the $$$$.  It's about the firms integrity as well as your own.   How can you get up and look in the mirror everyday when you realize that each day you work at a firm that doesn't really give a rats ass about you or the client.   On top of that if you were in ISG you are working with a group of folks on the bankside that really don't understand what you do you get paid for it and have different goals than your own that change on a daily basis sometimes.....   Not to mention a completely REACTIVE environment everyday............   It's time to be PROACTIVE  and get out and do the right thing for yourself as well as your clients because at the end of the day this industry has enough emotional demands.....   Don't you want to feel good again about what you are doing everyday and where you are doing it??????????????????????????????????            
Feb 21, 2009 1:17 pm

Want to be ill?  GO read the retention package for MS/SB and then tell me how we should just stand in there and tote the company line.

  The earlier guy was right... this firm is all but dead.  Top end guys will leave in DROVES.
Feb 21, 2009 1:18 pm

theyotch -

I know Corporate is corporate...don't tell me what to deal with.  We were with AGE for almost 20 years, then "merged" with WS; now WFC.  So, I've seen a good firm based on clients' satisfaction and happiness, trust and communication be destroyed.    Also, that was only my second post, so NO, I did not say anything about Bob Bagby during the "Merger".   Don't care anythng about Morgan, either...thought we were talking about the Wachovia retention, actually.  And, I was just trying to point out (unsuccessfully, obviously) that due to Danny (et al) waiting to announce 'nothing' (literally), the trust is GONE - and the brokers should follow and find a firm where the trust is. 
Feb 21, 2009 1:20 pm

[quote=BukiRob]Want to be ill?  GO read the retention package for MS/SB and then tell me how we should just stand in there and tote the company line.

  The earlier guy was right... this firm is all but dead.  Top end guys will leave in DROVES.   The thing that is most upsetting though is not the money.  Thats bad, real bad but the fact that management stone cold lied to us.   Spare me the excuse of how "things have changed"  BULL CHYAT they've changed.  THIS FIRM is STILL paying huge checks to new brokers coming from other firms though that will hit a brick wall now that everyone sees managment cant stand up for its people and instead lies to them.  Every firm that has been aquired or merged has paid a retention so explain to me how things have changed because they havent[/quote]
Feb 21, 2009 1:22 pm

Scotman, dead on I was there…

Feb 21, 2009 1:29 pm

[quote=bocabroker]I have been saying for a couple of  months we would not get anything, I even posted what Danny would say

  Where is the Wachovia retention deal?
Posted: 05 Feb. 2009 at 7:18am To Danny Ludeman, In respect to your request for a retention for your advisors we can not in this current financial and political environment risk our reputation and capital base on such an endeavor. Thank you for your input and keep an eye out for the new Wells Advisors stage coach that is on the way to run your ass over if you ask us agian.
[/quote] I am with you Boca, I have been saying it since day one
Feb 21, 2009 1:32 pm

Good Morning little boys and girls, still crying over spilt milk I see.  Shouldn’t you be on the phone telling your clients you have moved to a new firm for a “BETTER OPPORTUNITY”, “BETTER PLATFORM”, and BETTER SUPPORT!!!

  Reminds me of when I walk past the welfare office on my way to work and hear all the lazy, greedy people there out to GET THEIR CHECK!!    They better give me my check, I need my money.  I'm gonna get my check!!!   Go ahead leave your firm where you are well paid anyway and GET YOUR CHECK!!!    
Feb 21, 2009 1:35 pm


you can call us many things.   maybe some are true.

lazy is NOT one of them

this biz is hard. very hard

you cant fake it

FA’s earn it.

Feb 21, 2009 1:36 pm

Yee Hawwww!!  Going to get my check!!!

  New suspenders, more cigars, and a new suit!!!!   More TARP, please!!!
Feb 21, 2009 1:39 pm

[quote=Uber Screwed]CDO Squared, I just wish you’d included a little more vulgarity in your rant.  It falls just a little short of just how pissed we are, too.

  I don't have enough a$$holes on my body to be a$$fkd this much.   You remember how our Wachovia options that expired worthless several years ago? Or how our own Wachovia shares lost 96 percent of their value in 2008? Or how FundSource went to hell after the Edwards merger and our clients suffered?   How about when First Union Securities first introduced the grid in the midst of the 2001-2002 meltdown?   And now they are pouring us the Envision kool-aid, trying to get us to run OUR practices THEIR way.   I may take a little while to pick the right firm for my clients and my practice, but I have NO loyalty to Wachovia.    I'm a young producer within 10% of Premier Advisor status.  I plan to give the best 25 years of my career to a firm that appreciates my hard work.  [/quote]   Client fees are up. FA support is in the dumpster. FA's are getting dinged on payouts left and right.  MGT, starting with Danny Ludeman has no crediblity, you can't believe  a word he says, the firm has no leadership and the regional and branch managers are left to try and hold it together with talking points and  a bs 4front program handed down from DL.   Just watch typical Danny Ludeman  sweep the entire thing under the rug and act as if nothing ever happened and say that WS is the greatest firm ever known to man.  FA memories are so short, and their loyalties, trust and respect not easily earned after all he has said and done.
Feb 21, 2009 1:40 pm


Ill give you one thing.

USA looking more and more like you loser Limey socialists

what are you guys down too? working 3 days a week?

Feb 21, 2009 1:41 pm

Stupid station, Info minimum & excellence lost … what a bummer.