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Feb 20, 2009 7:18 pm

[quote=PaulAtreides]Given the way other things like forefront have been structured, it will be based on the number of Envision Plans you run and how much of your book is managed money. They love to to give the brokers incentives for certain behavior.

No source, just a guess.

    Bingo          we have a winner                                                                                               But can we real trust these liars to pay us once we jump through their hoops[/quote]

Knew I should have played the lottery last night
Feb 20, 2009 7:25 pm


Feb 20, 2009 7:25 pm

Wow, unbelievable, cannot believe it

Feb 20, 2009 7:26 pm

ok all the guys that said u wd leave its time to go! i said 200 posts ago this was never gonna happen.

Feb 20, 2009 7:29 pm

[quote=whalehunter]It’s been a while. Rumor has it there will be NO deal…[/quote]
 First post on Page 1.

Feb 20, 2009 7:29 pm

i know its not the subject.

i have to say it

i hate the CS MF cramer.

he makes me nuts

Feb 20, 2009 7:32 pm

DL is full of BS.  Unbelievable.  What a fvcking clown.   Take your statics and shove them up your @ss.

  Sell it danny, sell it... make that pitch... blah, blah, blah.
Feb 20, 2009 7:36 pm

I have been in this industry for 20 years and will say strongly that if you do not leave Wells Fargo you are an absolute idiot.  We will all deal with crap whether we are at Wells or somewhere else.  You should be paid for crap…  I don’t care if you go independant, to antoher wirehouse, or…  this clearly communicates you are not valued and that your comp will decrease.  The strategy to pay us on Forefront is ONLY to try and lock up assets at Wells so they cannot be moved away.

Feb 20, 2009 7:39 pm

I love it. this is great. now all of you that said you would leave are thinking oh sh** I did not think i would have to act on it. Now we will see if there is a mass exodus. that was the worst conference call I have ever heard in my career. enhanced payout was worst case scenario to alot of you. didnt even get that

Feb 20, 2009 7:53 pm

I am venting....  that call says we are corporate first and employees last...  the line he said that retention is not being paid b/c the merger will not be as impactful as years past just shows where the line in the sand has been drawn.  If you leave and get a check it will take you more than 5 years at Wells to make up the difference.  (in an uphill uncaring battle with mgmt)

Feb 20, 2009 7:56 pm

Look on the bright side, now we can finally give this thread the death it deserves…

Feb 20, 2009 7:58 pm

I posted a while back and knew when they moved ISG out of WS to WF Wealth that there would be no retention. Wells is a Bank, and Banks don’t pay…they could give a sh&t if you leave, you will only take 10 to 25% of your assets…these boys have this down to a science…

Feb 20, 2009 8:02 pm

While the emotions are going to run hot and heavy, I’d highly recommend a weekend without this BS on the mind with a few beers on the side. 

Feb 20, 2009 8:25 pm

Fizz…all these banks have “down to a science” is how to blow up an organization. 

  We're going FINET on March 20..our branch is closing because they lose us.   Only take 10 - 25% of our assets with us?....whatever
Feb 20, 2009 8:28 pm

[quote=CutterJon] Fizz…all these banks have “down to a science” is how to blow up an organization.

We’re going FINET on March 20…our branch is closing because they lose us.

Only take 10 - 25% of our assets with us?..whatever[/quote]

Wouldn’t that be you are going to Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, not FINET?
Feb 20, 2009 8:31 pm

[quote=CutterJon]Fizz…all these banks have “down to a science” is how to blow up an organization. 

  We're going FINET on March 20..our branch is closing because they lose us.   Only take 10 - 25% of our assets with us?....whatever[/quote] Why do want to still keep that horrible name attached to your biz?
Feb 20, 2009 8:32 pm

[/quote] Wouldn’t that be you are going to Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, not FINET? [/quote]

  Wow what a mouthful.  No wonder it took 5 months to think that one up.
Feb 20, 2009 8:36 pm

OK Guys,


Can you believe what happened today?  Our office was expecting the worse, but hoping that DL wasn’t a liar and that we had some worth to Wells - boy were we Stupid!!

Anyone on here that didn’t work for AGE just can’t imagine what the brokers have gone through.  So don’t go off and call us all whiners - we have a right to whine today!!

But you former AGE guys, can you just even believe it??

We were worth something at Edwards.  It was almost like family, we even called Ben “Uncle Ben” to his face.  We went on several trips with him and ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner with him.  I just can’t believe we got pawned off on a Corporation that could really care less.

The thing that really bugs me is that they are willing to pay new people to come in, but they won’t pay the existing people for staying, and it’s not just that we aren’t getting paid.  It’s that they said we will be pleased with what they had up their sleeve.  Wouldn’t that make you expect something good?

Tell me - who is pleased??

It’s a Crock!!  And I’m outta here!  And it’s not really even the money, although I think all the brokers should get something for all the crap they’ve been through, I am sick of the lying and no communication. 

Why couldn’t they have announced no retention months ago.  What are they going to do next??  I just refuse to work for a company like that!  No communication - nothing.

BTW, top DL’s ridiculous speech off with the new “StupidStation” they forced onto us this week and ohhhh - it just burns me!!!   Give me back AGE & Client One!!!

Ok, ranting over, time to concentrate on "Plan B"

Our office has a Plan B with another firm that is in NO WAY tied to a Bank - I will never work for a bank again - never ever!!

My husband has been in contact with other firms also and can go just about anywhere he wants.  We don’t care about the upfront money at this point.  We just want a decent company to work for and will not jerk us and our clients around.  They have been through all this crap with us too.  They deserve better!

Plan B anyone - Ex-AGE guys where have you gone and where are you going and why?? 

PM me if you would like.


btw, I’m not a broker, but I am a broker’s wife and his assistant so I feel I have a dog in this fight too!

Feb 20, 2009 9:00 pm

Maybe the guys at CitiMorg will have better luck.  Then again, with the money that MS set aside to pay retention, they could buy a one-third stake in Citigroup itself.

Feb 20, 2009 9:04 pm