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Feb 14, 2009 3:52 am

what your clients tell you and what they do are not always the same. Most will come with you but I would be on the phone just in case. Its your business and you know other guys are calling your biggest clients tonight and telling them how WFC is the only AA rated bank left, etc etc.

Jimmymac - We have had nothing but bad press, yesterday how much did WB come up with to pay back on UIT/MF debacle?? I think all of us here will b very successful in moving our books if and when we decide 2. WFC will not be enough to save us from all the negatives, AA rating or not. I personally will never touch a client of a collegue who jets the firm. Our clients deserve better....
Feb 14, 2009 3:56 am

BP.....Best of luck to you, I bet we have met a time or two, or ten on pinacle trips. 

Feb 14, 2009 3:57 am

Looking forward to sharing strategy with the serious pros out there after the word comes next week. Not sure if I am staying. I am of the mind to take their juiced grid (if that is the offer) and skeedaddle when it’s done if things don’t get a whole lot better.

  Depending on the juice - I think it could be beneficial.  Will give actual producers the opportunity to greatly increase t12.  Timeframe provides for additional forgiveness on current term.  When runs out - start looking.  Maybe by then there will be a reversal of the 'Universal Bank' model and a return to the regionals.   And, by the way...I do a bit more than 120, but do slip into a comfortable pair of holy sweat pants every evening.  Makes it easier to play tennis on the Wii.
Feb 14, 2009 4:11 am

so everyone can resign on tuesday based on your information?

Feb 14, 2009 4:14 am

Maddog–Refreshing to hear from someone who might understand that when the clarity comes it truly will be time to get back to work. Ironically, I have been re-reading Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead this week. I recommend it to anyone who has viewed this melodrama as an entiltlement. Don’t get me wrong–I want and need a retention bonus. But I am prepared to make my own way and I will not allow this management to control my income or my happiness for another day. And if I ever have to choose between loyalty to WFC and my clients there will not be a moments hesitation. I have a long memory.

Feb 14, 2009 4:18 am

I have a deal ready to sign.  I dont know why but I dont want to go.  I truly think all my clients will come with me.  I have a very good relationship with my BR.  Maybe thats why.  I just told my firm to be that i am going to give it one more week.  If nothing then I am going to have to go.  If i get a 70% pay out for the next couple of years then I think I will stay. If Im not happy with the firm in two years i will leave then.

Feb 14, 2009 4:19 am

I think its safe to say this will be the largest thread ever in the history of internet forum and we re not even half way there.

Feb 14, 2009 4:20 am

is it time for a new topic on this subject?

Feb 14, 2009 4:26 am

No, we dont know the answer yet

Feb 14, 2009 4:28 am

is it time for a new topic on this subject?

Maybe we might discuss further hair cuts and restrictions imposed by the mother firm???? Has anyone one from the AGE side gone on Infomax and hit a link to find out that you are restricted from that link and your attempt has been logged by "big brother"? I wonder what kind of report this generates and what "service request" form I will need to complete for this action.....
Feb 14, 2009 4:33 am

I guess I am in the dark.  What hair cuts are we going to have?  serioudly

Feb 14, 2009 4:33 am

I just got a text from my Manager, he says Stumpf is going to fire DL this weekend. 

Happy President's Day Ludeman family.
Feb 14, 2009 4:36 am


I guess I am in the dark. What hair cuts are we going to have? serioudly


I really have no clue as to further haircuts Gauge, but with all we have been thru, bet there is more to come…sorry.
Feb 14, 2009 4:36 am

[quote=gauge26] I dont know why but I dont want to go. {/QUOTE]

Your hesitant because it is SCARY as hell to move.

Everyone in here plays such bad-asses.

Its scary, hard work and a living hell for a few months.   

It will test you in many, many ways.

You will feel a huge range of intense emotions crammed into a relatively short period of time.

it will put hair on your chest.

u guys want to be big old bas asses in here go for it.   

It was horrible (and we were very successful)

Feb 14, 2009 4:40 am

noone seems to mention how MS still has not announced a retention bonus and they were told it would be a few weeks and it has been a month. I think what is going on is bigger than we think. Its not just WFC. If MS gives SB guys a nice retention and its upfront THAN i can see WB and AGE guys getting really pissed and leaving.

Feb 14, 2009 4:41 am


I just got a text from my Manager, he says Stumpf is going to fire DL this weekend.

Happy President’s Day Ludeman family.[/quote]

Is your manager and “Be Patients” wife friends???
Feb 14, 2009 4:41 am

If I werent scared I would have already left.  So yes I am scared.  I will leave though if I dont get any respect very soon.  I came very close today.  The reason....scared and the hope that something in the form of retention is with in days from the mouth of JH. 

Feb 14, 2009 4:42 am

No he heard it form another manager who told us in December retention would be here before Christmas.

Feb 14, 2009 4:44 am

Info from FINET management:

  1. name next week: wells fargo advisors 2. retention for ALL channels 3. UBS a possibility in the future 4. HEAVY influx of advisors to Finet from SB and ML last 6 weeks 5. Don't worry! Wells LOVES RETAIL BROKERAGE!!!   woooohooooo! see! They really DO love us!
Feb 14, 2009 4:45 am

Info from FINET management:

  1. name next week: wells fargo advisors 2. retention for ALL channels 3. UBS a possibility in the future 4. HEAVY influx of advisors to Finet from SB and ML last 6 weeks 5. Don't worry! Wells LOVES RETAIL BROKERAGE!!!   woooohooooo! see! They really DO love us!     Bull shit!!!