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Feb 13, 2009 9:56 pm

Good afternoon to all fellow forum advisors. I would first like to apologize for passing on as fact information that was given to me as fact. I was 100% shocked there was no retention announced today.

As of today, after 20+ years with A.G. Edwards I have decided to move to a new firm. I have received 270% total package with the new company but I will be honest, it wasnt the money that made me leave, I could have left a long time ago for a lot more. I left because:

1. While I have a tremendous amount of respect for Danny, I believe he is operating in an environment where his hands are 100% tied. While he may have good intentions, he cant follow through with those intentions while Dad (Wells Fargo) holds the checkbook.

2. Nobody will ever be the old A.G. Edwards, but Wells seems to be the polar opposite of A.G. Edwards. Ben would never allowed the haircuts, the extra trivial charges and fees that are popping up more and more. I have been on numerous recognition trips with overflowing lobster, now I am grilled on every expense.

3. I have had many opportunities to dine with Ben Edwards. I was in St. Louis one time and Ben excused himself for the evening. About ten minutes later he came back upstairs and said “I got to my car and I just couldnt leave without making sure you knew how much I appreciate your hard work for our company, you are a blessing”. Who does that? Stumpf? Hays? Ludeman? Would Ben have left the office today with this still hanging out there? I believe 100% in the “Client first” thought process and we have discussed it at length. Your clients are yours, treat them right and we will treat you right. Gentleman, do you see even a glimpse of that with Wells?

4. The last reason for leaving is this. During these horendous times in the market the key is to keep in touch with your clients. Let them know you are there for them. The communication from Hays and Ludeman has been horendous. Wrong to promise timing of retention once, no problem, twice OK, 5-6 times just plain head scratching. Hays said in a conference call with managers two weeks ago “Days, not weeks” re: retention. How does Hays pack it up today and go home knowing there is a broken promise and a very large staff hanging on his every word, and not address it one bit?

Gentleman, UBS may happen (I personally think it will), retention may come, it may be front end, it may be higher payout, it may be no, what I do know is I will no longer be lied to, and made to feel as if I am not important to a company.

I wish all of you the best, I will be checking in to see the status of retention (Pure Curiosity) and I hope you all have a wonderful three day weekend. Again I apologize for passing on information that I deemd 100% accurate.

  What a shame that management (Dl, JH et al) don't read this board.
Feb 13, 2009 9:59 pm

if you left today shouldnt you be calling your clients?  you got some gigantic balls.

Feb 13, 2009 10:10 pm

If we treated our clients like dl an jh have treated us, we would not have any clients. Enough said.

Feb 13, 2009 10:11 pm

if you left today shouldnt you be calling your clients?  you got some gigantic balls.

he didn't say he left, he said he has decided to leave...
Feb 13, 2009 10:17 pm

[quote=skbroker]if you left today shouldnt you be calling your clients?  you got some gigantic balls.

he didn't say he left, he said he has decided to leave...[/quote]   Looks pretty past tense to me: " ...I will be honest, it wasnt the money that made me leave, I could have left a long time ago for a lot more. I left because: "
Feb 13, 2009 10:18 pm

[quote=BE PATIENT]I would first like to apologize for passing on as fact information that was given to me as fact. QUOTE]

  Now who's the knucklehead??????????   
Feb 13, 2009 10:18 pm

Who gives out 270%

Feb 13, 2009 10:18 pm

Good afternoon to all fellow forum advisors. I would first like to apologize for passing on as fact information that was given to me as fact. I was 100% shocked there was no retention announced today.

As of today, after 20+ years with A.G. Edwards I have decided to move to a new firm. I have received 270% total package with the new company but I will be honest, it wasnt the money that made me leave, I could have left a long time ago for a lot more. I left because:

1. While I have a tremendous amount of respect for Danny, I believe he is operating in an environment where his hands are 100% tied. While he may have good intentions, he cant follow through with those intentions while Dad (Wells Fargo) holds the checkbook.

2. Nobody will ever be the old A.G. Edwards, but Wells seems to be the polar opposite of A.G. Edwards. Ben would never allowed the haircuts, the extra trivial charges and fees that are popping up more and more. I have been on numerous recognition trips with overflowing lobster, now I am grilled on every expense.

3. I have had many opportunities to dine with Ben Edwards. I was in St. Louis one time and Ben excused himself for the evening. About ten minutes later he came back upstairs and said “I got to my car and I just couldnt leave without making sure you knew how much I appreciate your hard work for our company, you are a blessing”. Who does that? Stumpf? Hays? Ludeman? Would Ben have left the office today with this still hanging out there? I believe 100% in the “Client first” thought process and we have discussed it at length. Your clients are yours, treat them right and we will treat you right. Gentleman, do you see even a glimpse of that with Wells?

4. The last reason for leaving is this. During these horendous times in the market the key is to keep in touch with your clients. Let them know you are there for them. The communication from Hays and Ludeman has been horendous. Wrong to promise timing of retention once, no problem, twice OK, 5-6 times just plain head scratching. Hays said in a conference call with managers two weeks ago “Days, not weeks” re: retention. How does Hays pack it up today and go home knowing there is a broken promise and a very large staff hanging on his every word, and not address it one bit?

Gentleman, UBS may happen (I personally think it will), retention may come, it may be front end, it may be higher payout, it may be no, what I do know is I will no longer be lied to, and made to feel as if I am not important to a company.

I wish all of you the best, I will be checking in to see the status of retention (Pure Curiosity) and I hope you all have a wonderful three day weekend. Again I apologize for passing on information that I deemd 100% accurate.

  You may be leaving, and you may be unhappy, but why give us your complete bullshit 270% total package crap?  You shot your credibility in the second line. 
Feb 13, 2009 10:19 pm

I suspect there are going to be several resignations from WFC in the coming weeks.

Feb 13, 2009 10:19 pm

“As of today, after 20+ years with A.G. Edwards I have decided to move to a new firm. I have received 270% total package with the new company but I will be honest, it wasnt the money that made me leave, I could have left a long time ago for a lot more. I left because:”

  This is past tense....he left......   
Feb 13, 2009 10:20 pm

I heard another bit of gossip that’s apparently on the rumor circuit as well.

  Danny L will soon tender his resignation.
Feb 13, 2009 10:28 pm

He kept us thinking that WE should BE PATIENT but he was planning his departure the whole time…

Feb 13, 2009 10:31 pm

Really …

Feb 13, 2009 10:32 pm

He kept us thinking that WE should BE PATIENT but he was planning his departure the whole time…a**hole.

As I was reading that book that Be Patient posted here...I was thinking exactly the same thing.   Talk about hypocrisy!  
Feb 13, 2009 10:34 pm

Nothing wrong with having a plan B.

Feb 13, 2009 10:39 pm

Both UBS and Morgan Stanley are giving out 270% for 1 million plus producers.

Feb 13, 2009 10:39 pm

The one thing about these anonymous forums is you can’t believe anything you read.  I am mad at myself for beliving him.  He left before the end of the day, why was he so convinced we were going to hear something today.    BP, JH, and DL are all the same.

The deal will be what is, when it is.  I am going to get my bonus in March and go from there.
Feb 13, 2009 10:39 pm

I said it 100 pages ago and no one believed me.

  So I'll say it again. You already received your retention.   It was that nice pea green WFC hat along with that sh-itty little spongy stagecoach that we all received at merger time.   I got a call from a big shot today and he asked me to tell you to wear your hat with pride and start dialing. There's plenty of six figure names in that  reverse directory Fox.
Feb 13, 2009 10:41 pm

I hate to call a 60 year old a douchebag but you fit the description.  OK so you have decided to go to another bank and get paid 270% and you tell us its not about the money?  Please its all about the money and if it wasnt you would be headed to lpl or sf.  I hope your clients arent dumb enough to follow you.

Feb 13, 2009 10:51 pm

You are right SK. It's not about the money! 270%! Have someone read your post to you and see how you sound. That's like banging some other chic and telling your wife it wasn't about the sex.