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Feb 13, 2009 1:44 am

It’s been a while. Rumor has it there will be NO deal…

  1st post, almost 250,000 views ago....
Feb 13, 2009 1:45 am

Every last person in m branch will leave if no retention.

Feb 13, 2009 1:47 am

so they’re taking the time to evaluate how to f*ck us!?!?

  don't tell us anything, just determine how best to shove those shards of glass up our a$$.   what a f'in organization!  
Feb 13, 2009 1:48 am

i came here in 204 also and was at a wire house also and all of the brokers in my region all came from a wire house so i am on your side but those numbers are what my manager threw at me. they should just stop being pansy’s and tell yes or no on retention so the people that want to leave leave and the ones that stay stay and we can all get off this blog and continue with our lives in this shitty market

Feb 13, 2009 1:49 am

gauge…what happened to your “source”??? Any insight or info??

Obviously tomorrow is not looking too good...Thanks
Feb 13, 2009 1:51 am

also i heard that there are teams going round and looking at branches and trying to figure out how so many people are going to fit in the small wachovia branches oh i am sorry STORES that probably meens that all isg brokers report to a hub sorry you don’t have an office any more

Feb 13, 2009 1:53 am

Heard from two Managers today. One is regional. Retention and name to be announced before 1 pm tomorrow. Both told me that the retention part will be bad news.

Feb 13, 2009 1:53 am

i find the thread cathartic.  chomp on some glass, tuck some bamboo under my fingernails and become enlightened by BE PATIENT.

i wonder if i can get anything out of the firm for turning me into a masochist?
Feb 13, 2009 1:53 am

It is not bad info unless Friday comes and goes with no announcement STKbrkr. But I can say your humor is poor and wasted on this forum. You all are very grumpy, its not Friday yet hang in there.

Let me ask a question. Worse case scenario, no upfront, shit retention offer. Wells obviously would be the reason for no retention so we will all say F Wells. Would we all follow Danny if WS were to LLC w/ UBS and Wells no longer had the puppet strings or is there just as much hate towards Danny as for Stumpf?

Feb 13, 2009 1:56 am

I have called him three times and he hasnt returned my call.  He text me saying that

he couldnt talk.  Something has changed for the and not for the better.
Feb 13, 2009 1:57 am

you might of mentioned this already are you PCG ISG or FINET

Feb 13, 2009 1:59 am


Feb 13, 2009 2:02 am

gauge was you RM out in st louis this week or was it just the ISG rm’s

Feb 13, 2009 2:02 am

I heard Friday and don’t get your hopes up - forward looking deal.

  That link to Morgan Stanleys' conference call really presents a great comparison.    I can only speak for myself however, this place is making me feel as though they think we are dinosaurs.    I thought of a good analogy  It's like blowing off a girlfriend - you just stop calling them and hope they wander off.    What do we get from the leaders at the firm except:  We have no information - we're busy!  Don't bother asking - don't bother asking... We'll call you don't call us - who is it? Oh you again, no information - BYE!    Basically it's the same exact thing as blowing off a girlfriend.  I mean what do you want?  Our immediate managers are doing the very best they can - but I believe they're getting the same thing.  I've got no problem at all with them - they're the best but, what are they supposed to do?
So then MS comes out with this beautiful conference call:  WE WANT TO KEEP OUR TEAM!!! We love you guys!    So on top of all this the markets down like 1400 points in a couple of weeks.  God - hopefully Friday turns this whole thing around to be a positive.  I'm not holding my breath.
Feb 13, 2009 2:03 am

Heard from two Managers today. One is regional. Retention and name to be announced before 1 pm tomorrow. Both told me that the retention part will be bad news. Recruiting and retention incentives for financial advisers have never been better. Brokers are dangling packages of as much as three times the revenue a broker generated for their employer in the previous year, recruiters said.
Feb 13, 2009 2:03 am

[quote=Me]gauge…what happened to your “source”??? Any insight or info??

Obviously tomorrow is not looking too good...Thanks[/quote]   Our complex manager called me tonight to let me know the announcement WILL be tomorrow.    He had no details on the retention either way.  He was on a conference call with our regional today who announced the news. 
Feb 13, 2009 2:04 am

I dont know if she was or not

Feb 13, 2009 2:08 am

i am curious to see if they are telling PCG one thing and ISG something different

Feb 13, 2009 2:13 am

isg is no longer part of ws, we’re part of wells…grab your ankles

Feb 13, 2009 2:15 am

huskie thats why we should get retention we where effected the most