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Series 66 TC - HUH?

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Jun 15, 2012 7:09 pm

DG, I think it all depends on your timing. The 65 is the same test just with a 30 S7 style questions added on. The reality is you could study for that for two weeks and if you fail only have two more weeks to go to sit for your 66 again. That was my original plan until getting my TC material and deciding to pace myself rather than race through. If for some reason the unexpected occurs this time, the 65 is still an option.

Jun 16, 2012 1:02 am

DG…sorry to hear about your 66 exam. I sat for the exam today too and passed (actually got an 85 which surprised me). I used TC and thought they were good. I also had STC through my employer. STC was not good EXCEPT for the May 2012 addendum which had 110 practice questions and explanations which mirror TC. Maybe they have finally caught on that TC is eating their lunch and decided to implement an addendum with more pertinent study questions. Apparently, they have now integrated them into the tests in the June edition but I liked having it in a separate document since I had the May edition. Here’s what I would say: Invest the $125 in TC, especially if your job depends on it. Like you, I was in the same boat, I could have taken either the 66 or 65 and struggled with that decision. I ultimately opted for the 66. If I was unsuccessful on the 66, then I was going to sit for the 65 AS LONG AS it wouldn’t count towards the # of chances I get to pass. Like you, I had 2 chances and then I was done. So if you can take the 65 with no risk, then try it. I would recommend TC though, they kept it short and simple BUT they do NOT cover EVERYTHING. There were definately some questions on that test that TC did not go over. I think in TC’s effort to keep it simple, they leave out some stuff but in the end, they cover 85-90% of it which gives you a solid chance of successfully passing the exam. Again, really sorry to hear about your exam…hang in there and good luck!!

Jun 16, 2012 9:09 pm

Here are my two cents. It is always helpful to have material from more than one provider. For example, If you have STC, why not supplement it with TC? You have nothing to lose except for a few bucks and everything to gain. If it helps you pass, just think of all the time you will save by not having to study for the test again. I have not seen the materials but TC’s condensed version sounds like a good idea to me, especially for the regulatory sections. The investment topics on the 65 or 66 on not any more difficult than those on the series 7 exam. In fact, there is quite a bit of overlap.


Aug 1, 2012 3:49 pm

I used this forum as the basis for purchasing the TC test bank to supplement my Fire Solutions material for the 66. So, to hopefully help others I wanted to let everyone know my thoughts on TC for the 66.
I just got home from taking the 66 this morning and passed with an 88!! For the past 2 weeks I used the TC test bank exclusively to study for the test. I have to agree with everyone on here, TC is THE best option for the 66. I saw at least 30-40 questions on the actual exam that were EXACTLY WORD FOR WORD the same as on the TC test bank. I KNEW I had passed when I hit submit for the actual test.
All you need to pass the 66 is the TC test bank! I am a TC convert! Thank you to everyone who was willing to take the time to help test takers by giving this great advice!
And Thank You Training Consultants for providing such an accurate and well prepared test bank!

Aug 8, 2012 5:51 pm

Whats up everybody!

I have two study guides for sale for CHEAP on ebay. I do not come here often so please view them at my ebay user name “easymac135” or search STC Series 7 or STC Series 66

STC Series 7, 2012, 40th edition complete with 13 printed exams.


STC Series 66, 2012, 40th editin with printed exams
Aug 14, 2012 5:32 pm

I’m using the STC book for the Series 66. Seems like a lot of people are loving the TC simply because of similar questions. I used STC for the Series 7 and scored a 92% and there were almost no similar questions. In my opinion I would rather learn the material to pass rather than remember questions to pass. After all, this is material that will help with your profession and possibly keep you out of jail.

Aug 14, 2012 6:15 pm

I’m using the STC book for the Series 66. Seems like a lot of people are loving the TC simply because of similar questions. I used STC for the Series 7 and scored a 92% and there were almost no similar questions. In my opinion I would rather learn the material to pass rather than remember questions to pass. After all, this is material that will help with your profession and possibly keep you out of jail.

It’s pretty easy to stay out of jail. Don’t cheat and do the right thing. If it feels a little shady, it is. If you work for a wirehouse, they pretty much take care your reg requirements anyway. The only material that applies directly to me and my every day job on the 66 is the Client Investment Recommendation section and the Investment Vehicle Characteristics. I was 44 out of 45 on those two sections. Where TC helps is the Laws, Regs and Guidelines sections. These are the questions where you can know the material cold but that’s not what they test. They test your ability to read the question and work through all their double and triple negatives. I can tell you with absolute certainty, I’ve been in wealth management for 10 years and a client has never asked me to come up with a solution based on a triple negative.

Aug 26, 2012 5:08 pm

I’m using the STC book for the Series 66. Seems like a lot of people are loving the TC simply because of similar questions. I used STC for the Series 7 and scored a 92% and there were almost no similar questions. In my opinion I would rather learn the material to pass rather than remember questions to pass. After all, this is material that will help with your profession and possibly keep you out of jail.

I agree with you. The objective should be to learn the materials. To pass the the series 66 exam or any exam, you have to work hard at learning the materials.

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Aug 28, 2012 7:43 pm

I just took the 66 this morning (first attempt) and passed with a 76%! So…real close. I used the STC material and found it was not bad. I heard that TC is much better and STC sucks, but I guess STC upped its game, because the info was pretty useful. I had the latest edition, the 43rd edition and there was a handful of questions that were identical to the practice tests. My advice for the 66, do the practice tests and make sure you are getting mid 80s. Dont worry about calculations and make sure you know whats exempt, whats nonexempt. They say the 66 is half law and regulations, but it mostly seemed like all suitability questions to me. I thought the 7 was harder.

Aug 28, 2012 8:06 pm

One other thing I noticed about the 66 is the questions are not more difficult really, but the answers are more difficult to pick. What I mean by that is, during the practice tests, the answers are pretty clear, but on the test, there are maybe 2 or 3 answers that seem like the right answer. You have to end up guessing basically. Several times after I read a question I thought to myself “I know this answer” then when I read through the answers I was not sure which exact answer to pick. Tricky, tricky.

Aug 31, 2012 5:09 pm

I take the 66 next week…I’ve studied using STC material a minimum of 20 hours/week for the last four weeks. I’ve been getting 70s and low 80s on the second go around of practice exams, but just scored a mere 66 on the Greenlight 2 exam this morning. Can’t be more discouraged and frustrated.

Aug 31, 2012 5:43 pm

bobmat, I know it is frustrating. I would not worry about the info in the last chapter of the book. There were hardly any calculations or analytical style questions (5 I think). I would do the By Topic tests for state laws, there should be 3 or 4 of them. Also, you want to have a good grasp on the investment vehicles and Investment Advisor Clients sections, and do the By Topic tests on those. I was getting low 80s on the exams and got a 76 on the test, so they seem like a decent indicator. I hope you pass.

Aug 31, 2012 8:39 pm

Thanks for the advice Don, appreciate it. I did a couple of topic tests earlier in my study calendar, so maybe that’s what I’ll concentrate on as the exam approaches. I’ve written a bunch of notes as well to go over…just frustrated of doing question after question after question, and then getting blown away by Greenlight 2.

Maybe my saving grace will be how I was doing roughly the same on STC Series 7 practice exams (plenty of 60’s first go around, then mostly 70’s and some very low 80’s second time) and wound up with an 81 on that exam. We’ll see.

Sep 2, 2012 11:15 pm

Don, while you are studying, keep the following in mind, law, tax and compliance. Good luck on the exam


Sep 4, 2012 8:08 pm

I’m selling my Training Consultants Series 66 124pg Course Textbook.
Retail: $125
Asking: $70

I used the textbook plus bought access to the TC questions from a member on here and passed the first time without any issues. Let me know if you’re interested as it’s just collecting dust on my shelf now.

Sep 5, 2012 9:08 pm

Better get your training materials while they still have the Q&A of the actual exams!

Sep 6, 2012 1:38 am

Bobcat, did you pass the 66?

Sep 6, 2012 5:25 pm

Didn’t get it…failed 66 this morning with a 72. Not sure if I’m more mad about failing it or more mad about having to take the thing over again.

Sep 6, 2012 6:56 pm

Bobcat, did you pass the 66?

sorry to hear that. which material did you use for 66?

Sep 6, 2012 7:23 pm


sorry to hear that. which material did you use for 66?[/quote]
Are you going to suggest a materials provider?