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Series 66 TC - HUH?

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Oct 17, 2012 11:45 am

Does anyone have TC materials they would sell me at a decent price (especially looking for access code to get full practice exams). PM me if you do and are interested, thanks!

Oct 18, 2012 8:08 pm

Its amazing to me how people are still interested in their practice exams despite the FINRA lawsuit.

Oct 18, 2012 8:17 pm

Last I checked you are innocent until proven otherwise so, lets see how this plays out. Hope they win their case because Tina’s method of teaching worked for me. Although I did find it annoying at first…

Question though MStudy don’t you have your own website for Studying?

Oct 18, 2012 8:28 pm

Innocent?? lol Tina and her kids took a combined 64 FINRA exams and horribly failed more than 50 of them…and she teaches the material…i would consider that proven guilty

Oct 18, 2012 9:47 pm

Twooten, I believe the court already ruled in favor of FINRA and issued a preliminary injunction. Not sure about any of the details regarding the injunction, though. You can’t study via my website. My company offers tutoring.

Oct 26, 2012 10:57 pm

What is the deal with a preliminary injunction?
I mean, I’m still using TC stuff, so it obviously didn’t turn off my materials… Has anyone seen any additional information on that preliminary injunction?
I guess as long as I get through my exams and pass, I’ll be happy… Most of this material won’t even apply to what I’m going to be doing…

Oct 28, 2012 9:34 pm

The suit did not include the 66

Nov 2, 2012 11:15 pm

Happy to report that I passed the 63 (score of 85) last month and then the 65 (score of 80) yesterday, both on the first attempts, and both using STC. I still would have liked to have taken another crack at 66, especially since I missed it by just three questions, but I’m just thankful that my studying days are over!

Nov 4, 2012 4:57 pm

Bobmat, Congratulations!

Nov 14, 2012 11:53 pm

Just passed the Series 7 using Fire Solutions a few hours ago. I need to take the 66 in a few weeks. Would anyone know which package is best to purchase for the TC material? Online? Live? Everything? Or just the text book?

Nov 19, 2012 12:51 pm

Just took the 7 and passed using STC with an 88. I bought the STC text for the 66, but it does not come with online access to tests like before.

Does anyone have access to STC or even TC practice tests that I could purchase from them? I have spent so much on these tests already, just looking for a little relief…

Jan 7, 2013 5:14 am

Hello everyone,

I’ve been following this site since I was studying for the Series 7. Using Kaplan, I passed the 7 with a 78. I then had the Series 66 and didn’t pass, getting a 70.

I heard all the raves about TC, so I went ahead and borrowed the book, as well as purchased the exams online (don’t have access to the lectures)

On Kaplan, I’m averaging in the low 70’s for practice exams, but for training consultants I’m averaging in the 80-86 range on the practice finals.

I take the exam Wednesday and my job may be depending on this. For those that have been with TC, is that good enough final scores to pass this exam? Any tips before Wednesday?

Jan 12, 2013 2:04 am

Hey all any TC for sale questions anywhere???

Yeah ran into a gal yesterday from another office who said the same and at their office they all break the rules and have TC books going around because too many fail using the mandatory Fire for the 66. Fire is horribly frustrating. We are forced to use it. Got an 80 on my 7 but felt I did not pass because the Fire program left me handicapped which I was. I have an 86 fairly open book with no review before submitting average going into Final 9 tomorrow. I passed both these exams 13 years ago with. If you know where to get some TC exam bank questions PLEASE let me know. Never failed a test for work and don’t want to start now. Thanks.

Jan 14, 2013 5:40 pm

Hi all, I just want to let you guys know I passed the 66 two weeks ago using SOLELY Training Consultants. I got a 78% on the exam, and I was scoring 82, 85, 82, 80 on the random finals towards the end.

I memorized a bunch of information regarding Exempt Securities, Transactions, defintions of IA, Agent, IAR, BD, etc - and also the differences in Corporations/LLCs/Partnerships, and basically regurgitated (sp?) that information on the notepad I received prior to even entering the test. It definitely helped to have a reference while taking the actual exam.

Actual exam took me about 75 minutes.

Jan 30, 2013 8:35 pm

Hey everyone,

Sorry I forgot to get back with you. I PASSED the 66 with a 78 using Training Consultants while I failed with a 70 using Kaplan before.

Training Consultants definitely helped me and yes, some questions are still exactly the same on the exam.

I still have the online practice exams due to expire on April 4th 2013. I’ll sell my name and password to someone for $25 to get some of my money back ($99 on website)

Studying for Life and Health insurance as we speak, hopefully this one is a lot easier lol.

Jan 30, 2013 10:54 pm

Congrats and yes it does get easier. Life and Health Insurance are a joke of a test.

Feb 5, 2013 4:18 am

I passed the 66 (with a 77%) using STC reading materials and TC practice exam question. STC has way too much reading, but i felt like it did a good job explaining the concepts and etc… Unfortunately, I did not pass the first time using STC, so I purchased TC practice questions, upon reading this forum. The TC practice question were fairly easily… i score about 79,83,86,92,89 on first attempt, but it did boost up my confident. On the actually exam itself, i would say it had about 15-20 question almost exactly the same as TC. Overall, I spent two weeks preparing for this exam, and TC definitely helped me pass.

I’m selling my TC practice exam bank for $50, if anyone needs. The Retail price is $99 online, and I only used it for 1 week, so there is 3month and 2 weeks until it expires. plenty of time.

Feb 6, 2013 6:12 pm

I’d like to say thanks to everyone who has contributed I find it very useful.

I recently passed the Series 7 with an 89 using STC. I have the STC materials for the 66 and plan on using them but I personally know of too many people that have failed using STC. One of them was getting 80s on the practice exams.

Does anyone know for sure if the 66 exams from TC have been altered since the lawsuit? Has anyone used them recently that isn’t trying to sell them?(no offense to anyone)

I’ve heard that the Kaplan Qbank is good as well. I plan on using it. Any input is appreciated. I don’t have long to study so I want to make sure I make the most of the limited time I have.


Feb 6, 2013 7:37 pm

Basically, I don’t think I have time for both the Qbank and the TC tests and I’m debating which one to use.

Feb 8, 2013 1:01 pm

ZenAdvisor, Congratulations on passing the 7 with an 89! The FINRA versus Training Consultants lawsuit did not actually involve the NASAA exams. I don’t know if the exams have changed at all. I agree with ccon2000 about Smart66 from PassPerfect