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May 8, 2015 12:04 am

Just passed the 66 today with an 88. Thought I’d add my 2 cents for what little it’s worth.

First things first. It’s not that hard of a test. I’m not saying you don’t have to study, but some of these posts act like its a CFA exam or something. Don’t psych yourself out.

I used the TC ExamCenter, it was great. No complaints, I purchased the flash cards too, don’t waster you’re money, really didn’t even use them. Purchased the TC study guide Mon, wrote the exam today (Thur). In fact I thought the TC practice exams were tougher than the real thing.

Surprisingly, Investopedia had a great section on 66 Exam prep that was all free. There were no practice exams, which is probably what prepares you the best, but as far as the information in a nice organized format, it was pretty good.

Probably the driest, most boring exam I ever wrote, kind of reminded me of an LSAT.

May 8, 2015 1:45 am

congrats what do you mean by you wrote the test? I am using tc online study for this one based on all the recommendations…$225 will just use their study guide and their exam questions as I love to see some very similar questions from practice on the real thing

May 12, 2015 2:56 am

I stumbled upon this thread while searching for any input I could use to assist me with the 66 exam. After reading all the positive input on Training Consultants I was dead set on purchasing the program. I made a commitment to share my experience on this blog once I passed the exam. With the help of TC I achieved a score of 85!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what to expect when you use TC let me give you a break down. You’ll be guided through the entire book word for word via lectures from the owner Tina who has been teaching the course since inception. She even instructs you when to write pertinent study info onto a flash card or when to highlight key concepts in the book. I thought that was extremely helpful getting me through all the dry info your brain will be subjected to throughout your studies. At the end of each chapter you will have a chapter test ranging from 10 - 50 questions testing you on your knowledge of what you just learned. I highly recommend you take these chapter tests seriously as they will further cement all key concepts assisting you with the final exams.

Be warned you are thrown right into the heart of the exam in chapter one which is the Uniform Securities Act. There are a series of lectures within this chapter roughly 4 1/2 hours in length. This accounts for 30 percent of the test and it is crucial you know the material inside and out. The second hardest would be chapter 6 Investment Recommendations and Strategies… Stock up on Caffeine and shock therapy for this chapter as it is probably the biggest chapter within the material which accounts for 30 percent of the test as well.

Majority of the test is memorization… I only had two or three questions where the calculator was required. You will need to know certain formulas or concepts for some questions which do not require the use of a calculator.

I suggest you read the question twice and beware of questions with the words “only, except, not… etc.” it sounds easier said then done but when your midway through the test and the questions are lengthy missing one word can make a huge difference. Secondly make sure you read ALL the possible answers even if your certain that the first or second choice seems dead on… You’ll be surprised to find that there are usually more than on correct answer your job is to find the Best answer… again this is all trivial.

When you sign up with TC you are provided with a phone number should you need to speak with a teacher to assist you with a concept that just is not clicking in your head. Every time I called someone was available and believe me I used that number. Your also provided with a support option via the web which was always answered in my case the next morning by 10 am Eastern time with a very detailed explanation. I found all the support staff to be very knowledgeable and sincerely happy to assist you with ANY question you threw at them… Very helpful in my case.

It is vital that you score 85 or better on ALL the chapter exams prior to taking the final exam (five in total and countless random finals) this will give you the best chance. I had difficultly getting passed the first chapter exam… for some reason it just did not sink in I finally moved onto the next chapter after 5 failed attempts to achieve 85 and revisited it a few days later with success.

The goal is to score 85 or better on the final exams ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT this is why it is critical to pass all chapter exams with 85 or better. If your scoring 85 or better on the first shot you are in a good position to succeed. I found it useful to review every question on the final exams even if I got them correct and whatever questions I got wrong I went to damage control and reviewed the material within the chapter associated with the question. I recommend taking all five final exams the first two will draw on all the core questions, and take two-three random finals and you should be fine.

Lastly, I highly recommend you get through the entire book, You must know this material inside and out. Just continuing to do test after test will not cut it with this exam you will be putting yourself in to a difficult position with this strategy in my opinion. I have the 7, 63, 24, L&H and I can definitely say this is an entirely different animal.

I hope I have answered some questions or curiosities for any of you stumbling upon this blog. I assure you if you put the time in and follow the program word for word you will pass this exam with no problem.

Should anyone have any questions feel free to ask.

Good luck to all!

Jun 1, 2015 2:03 pm

I promised myself I would post here after passing the 66, and I’m so thankful I can finally follow through with that. I actually failed the exam twice, once with a 70 and the second time with a 74. I was using Kaplan for reading, and STC for questions. To much of my frustration, although they provided a lot of detail, it wasn’t quite clicking for me.

My colleagues swore by TC and after stumbling upon this blog, I was reassured and bought the testing material. I didn’t do the lectures or the readings for TC, since I already knew a lot of the basics. The TC tests were worded very similarly to test, so that was very helpful. The only stipulation I have is a lot of the questions are recycled throughout the final exams. I was scoring in the high 80’s and low 90s on the TC tests and received a 80 on the actual exam.

Overall, I don’t think I would have passed this last time around if it was not for TC. They really do help prepare you for the exam and I honestly would recommend the practice tests to anyone that is struggling with the material.

Good luck and feel free to ask any questions, trust it’s worth every penny.

Jun 2, 2015 8:16 pm

just passed my 66…took it in about an hour and passed it with an 81…i must say it was easier than the 7. TC is the real deal 20-25 verbatim questions…flew though it…TC ALL the way.

Now on to the real world…this is where I actually get started…

Jun 4, 2015 12:38 pm

does anyone have any experience with testeachers for the 66? i used them for the 7 and passed and am signed up with them for the 66. however- after reading all the TC supporters, i’m worried. i was hoping to take my exam on 6.29.15… will that be enough time? also thought about perhaps supplementing my studying - and get the TC online exam section… any thoughts- feedback? bueller? bueller?

Jun 4, 2015 4:42 pm

Very few of my students have used test teachers for the 66 ( none that I can recall). The majority of people that I work with have used Kaplan and STC and sometimes Pass Perfect. A small percentage that I have worked with have used Training Consultants. I usually recommend Pass Perfect. The questions are challenging and there are lots of them. I think they have about 4000.questions in their online product.

Jun 4, 2015 7:49 pm

thanks mstudy!

Jun 10, 2015 5:12 pm

[quote=soodafed]I promised myself I would post here after passing the 66, and I’m so thankful I can finally follow through with that. I actually failed the exam twice, once with a 70 and the second time with a 74. I was using Kaplan for reading, and STC for questions. To much of my frustration, although they provided a lot of detail, it wasn’t quite clicking for me.

My colleagues swore by TC and after stumbling upon this blog, I was reassured and bought the testing material. I didn’t do the lectures or the readings for TC, since I already knew a lot of the basics. The TC tests were worded very similarly to test, so that was very helpful. The only stipulation I have is a lot of the questions are recycled throughout the final exams. I was scoring in the high 80’s and low 90s on the TC tests and received a 80 on the actual exam.

Overall, I don’t think I would have passed this last time around if it was not for TC. They really do help prepare you for the exam and I honestly would recommend the practice tests to anyone that is struggling with the material.

Good luck and feel free to ask any questions, trust it’s worth every penny.[/quote]
I am currently in the exact same situation as you. I failed the exam twice, the first go around with a 70 and the second with a 74. Now I am waiting another 30 days to retake it and I am using TC for the second time around. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Jun 11, 2015 5:23 pm

hello, I found this website extremely helpful.
My husband has to take this test in a few days and he is struggling. He did pass the series 7 first try and I am very proud of him. The series 66 is much more challenging and that and the combination of work and family life is draining. Can anyone please send me any cheat sheets or pointers ? I would really appreciate it.

Aug 5, 2015 2:17 am


The cheat sheet would be the same he used for the series 7. Depending on who he chose, they may provide these.

I’m using STC as provided by my firm.

I enjoyed the series 7 and the process. I loved learning the concepts and the math.

Unfortunately, I failed the 66 two days ago with a 74% (75% required)

I agree with the general consensus that STC gives material that is slightly harder than the actual exam. I remember being very confident during my 7 and 66, but I had a few difficult questions and ultimately that’s what got me.

In the opinion of people who have used STC for the 66 have you found that sometimes the questions and answers contradict each other? I’m guessing it has more to do with the fact that I am mixing up exempt and non-exempt, registered and non registered, as well as the tricky definitions of what is and is not a security (commodities vs options on commodities)

I think the biggest hinge for a lot of people is the wording, it gets convoluted because it feels like they are intentionally trying to trick you as opposed to the 7 where it was just to see you understand the concepts.

Aug 5, 2015 8:49 pm

How could a “cheat sheet”, if there is one, be the same for the 66, as it was for the 7. The 66 is a different exam, with half of the test focusing on regulations.

Aug 12, 2015 7:00 pm

How could a “cheat sheet”, if there is one, be the same for the 66, as it was for the 7. The 66 is a different exam, with half of the test focusing on regulations.

There is a lot of overlap. Mainly calls, puts, spreads, etc. Same acts like '33 and '34

Aug 27, 2015 4:13 pm

DO NOT USE EXAMFX, for life and health they were good, series 7 they were below average and series 66 beyond appalling. The server might log you off during a simulated exam (ex: on question 91 out of 100, logged off), and they have no way to find out what you did. Kaplan Kaplan Kaplan, they over prepare you and you have a much better chance to pass using them. I was scoring in the mid 70’s on kaplan and around 95 on ExamFx… All of the exams arent that bad and are of course not a problem with serious studying but using a good platform is half the battle.

Sep 21, 2015 9:35 pm

Count another one for Training Consultants! I got an 81 today. I scored a 74, 85, 81, 85, and 90 on my practice exams. I saw a bunch of the same questions on the actual exam.

Sep 28, 2015 7:08 pm

Count another one for Training Consultants! I got an 81 today. I scored a 74, 85, 81, 85, and 90 on my practice exams. I saw a bunch of the same questions on the actual exam.

Congrats! Would you recommend just getting really good at TC stuff? I have acess to both TC, STC, and then a Maggie Shine book.

After reading this may just try to get really proficient at TC and Maggies Class book?

Oct 4, 2015 7:16 pm

I recently passed the S7 with Kaplan and now moving onto the 66. Anybody want to share any hints/tricks that helped them with their 66? I take mine at the end of the month and looking for advice. I did purchase the TC program and will be focusing on their structured study guides along with their practice test.

Any sayings, riddles, tips, and or tricks would be helpful!

Oct 4, 2015 7:17 pm

Sorry double post

Oct 12, 2015 5:50 pm

If anyone needs the exam bank from TC, I still have it. It’s valid through end of this year. $50

Mar 23, 2016 3:55 pm

Hi all!!

I finally just passed the Series 66 on attempt #2 with an 85%!!! I finally have my life back!!!

I wanted to get on here to help any future test takers!! Piece of advice, DO NOT USE KAPLAN!!!
Kaplan’s book is unneccessarily large and the questions are not in similar format of the test. I used Kaplan on my first attempt, because I had such success with Kaplan for my Series 7 (passed the first time with a 78%).
I felt prepared, was scoring 80s on the practice tests, and then got to the test and had a panic attack when I saw information that was not in the huge study book.
I got a sad 70%.

I did some research on this thread and got the Training Consultants book for my second try! THIS BOOK IS EVERYTHING! The practice exams are excellent!

That being said, the test is still very hard. You have to re-read every question and every answer choice. The wording can be confusing and you have to go with your gut.

If anyone wants to talk more about TC or Kaplan or the test, feel free to PM me.