ML "vacation time" for advisors
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Why are any of you giving Hull the time of day?
Lets look at some facts:
He has posted 729 times since March 13. That is almost 9 times a day (including weekends) If you exclude weekends he posts almost 13 times a day.
Do you really think he is the big closer he likes to talk about?
Think about it. If you posted on here 10 times a day, how much time would you have to be Mr. Prospector? He has no credibilty and I am tired of him taking good threads and degrading them to this drivel.
It would be best to just not answer him. It is obvious he is someone that doesn't have a job, or has one that he does not like and is not good at. Just leave him alone, he will go away.
[/quote]So are you the same person as san fran broker?
NY and San Fran, well said.
It kind of blows me away that Joe the Broker feels a need to defend Bobby. It feels really dysfunctional.
No! More than one person OBVIOUSLY echos the same opinion, acidic moron.
Only acidic morons are entertained by other acidic morons. You are not only a moron, you are an acidic moron! You allow him to act this way because you are this way yourself, acidic moron!
I echo that.
NY and San Fran, well said.
It kind of blows me away that Joe the Broker feels a need to defend Bobby. It feels really dysfunctional.
[/quote]Does posing the question if San Fran and NY are the same person really equate to defending Bobby in your book?
I guess I didn't see it that way.
Acidic morons feed off of other acidic morons
they cluster and feed
and brownnose each other
and feed some more
till the acidic morons are fully infected with acidicity that they can spread and spread the infection.
Do they get their dr's permission before infecting others with this disease? Nope, just like the TB guy, they fly anyway, no concern with spreading the acidity infection throughout the entire Registered Rep Forum: Acidity Morons At Work!
I echo that.
Exactly what is wrong with BH's post on this thread? Frankly I thought he made a rather astute observation.
Bobby posts some rather acidic commentary and occasionally juvenile humor, but frankly I find it entertaining. He also adds some useful information at times, too.
Now go back and read Bobby's posts here. He attacks and name calls. You know exactly what I am talking about. Are you just patronizing my comment here for your own amusement?
Exactly what is wrong with BH’s post on this thread? Frankly I thought he made a rather astute observation.
Bobby posts some rather acidic commentary and occasionally juvenile humor, but frankly I find it entertaining. He also adds some useful information at times, too.
Now go back and read Bobby's posts here. He attacks and name calls. You know exactly what I am talking about. Are you just patronizing my comment here for your own amusement?
I honestly do not understand what you mean when you say I am "patronizing your comment here..." Can you explain?
I still do not understand what was specifically wrong about BH's comment on this thread.
As for other threads, he says some stuff that some people would consider offensive, others would consider hilarious. I frankly tend to find myself back and forth between the two camps, but spending the majority of my time in "Camp Hilarious".
If you don't like his posts, tell him, or just ignore them.
It's not just this thread! Your acidity moroness is beyond compare - in fact, you echo the same acidity moroness of BH. You also echo the same offensive acidity in your posts as well and then pretend you are a normal human with no intention to hurt others. I don't buy it and neither does regurgitate.
Hilarious? Only an acid clone of BH's would find him hilarious.
You are an acidity moron who finds sarcastic, demeaning drivel entertaining and hilarious. You reside in Camp Acidity Moronville!
I echo that - you are a mean spirited acidiotic moron who enjoys and encourages as well as partake in this acidiotic behavior yourself.
JDBKR not calling him on his behavior proves that you are just like the acidic BH - and others have been infected with this disease.
This site has been infected with this acidity virus. It needs to be disinfected! I echo that!!!!!
This site has been infected with this acidity virus. It needs to be disinfected! I echo that!!!
[/quote]Yes I agree…this bulletin board has been infected with newby trolls who seem to feel they have the right to sit in judgment of our behavior. It would seem to me that most of the folks who are complaining that we ‘don’t play nicely’ are these mysterious newbies who registered in the last 30 days with a very low post count.
In all honesty this is getting very tiresome. I’m starting to see why some other boards are ‘closed’ to the general public. I am honestly starting to think I’m wasting my time and effort here.
[quote=joedabrkr] [quote=echo]
This site has been infected with this acidity virus. It needs to be disinfected! I echo that!!!!!
In all honesty this is getting very tiresome. I'm starting to see why some other boards are 'closed' to the general public. I am honestly starting to think I'm wasting my time and effort here.
Bring on the TGP format......please
Ms. Chute doesn't live here anymore.
Tiresome! Trying to teach you boy, you ain't acting right-thinking that it's ok to do that is wrong, boy, didn't your mama teach you anything: where's your manners, boy! You seem schooled using those rootin tootin fandangled words that you seem to think you can convince others that you can write your way out of a paper sack. Just wanting you to see the err of your ways, Boy! Why say it's ok to be infected with that behavior: treating others badly is hillarious and funny - well, not if it's a happening to you, Peepsqueek.
Straighten up now! You hear! Don't be a rollin around in the same infectious mudd puddle as that BH - when you do that you are saying you are from the same mold as that evil doer.
play nice! I echo that.
You is busted, JDBRKR: you are becoming the company you keep.
Don't ya pretend that ya don't know what I am talkin about!
don't be talkin any more of that s*ht here:
EVERYONE who has any sense of decency at all have called this BH on his bad ways ...and then, you support him...
all 'cause he hasn't attacked you yet!
I suppose you would laugh if he also hit a small child and left the scene of an accident, long as he said "yep, the kid took the bait!"! You seem to agree with his bad behavior and that makes you just as bad, brkr boy.
BH should be banned. Thinks he can pull the wool over our eyes with a few good posts - nope, a little bit of poison spoils the entire pot of porridge - he might have one good apple but he's basically a rotten crate of apples, infected through and through - you entertained by this, think this behavior is halirous!
Other posters are finally sickened by this and can't stand it: this BH makes me want to puke.
He needs to be given the finger and told to hit the road: come back with a new name and quit being so nasty! He needs to re-engineer that evil mind of his. His sarcastic derivel might amuse you and your twin, Pratotell but no one else is entertained or find him hilarious.
It's you Brkr who should insist on higher standards and if others find him offensive as many do, call him on his bad behavior. He would be better off logging in under new name and playing nice.
That goes for you, too! Play nice: stop the acidic droning and being holier than thou thinking you are the only one who is right. Wrong: you are not right.
Quit your lollygagging just because he brownnoses you. You must have higher standards and stop being a juvenile, brkr boy. Do it now before it's too late.
Quit getting your kicks from being mean & cruel to others.
Others respect you as a poster UNTIL .... you seem to agree with this behavior. Then it's evident, you must be cut from the same cloth, showing your true colors. For shame! For Shame!
broker boy! Or you're going to be in a heep of trouble with the big kahuna, the big CEO who owns the mother of all the Gold who makes your little Smith Barney look like a minature bobblehead Barney Fife! You must have higher standards, JOE THE BROKER. no more warnings!
I echo that:
her'es a corrriction of this:"Wrong: you are not right."
Meant to say: Right: you are wrong!
I echothat!
Hi all.
Just in case any of you had any doubts, echo is the latest incarnation of parachute/goforbroke/4luvofmoney/etc. I forget all her other names.
She’s stayed away from the board for almost 9 hours since the latest time she said “goodbye forever”. This is a new record and must have taken an incredible amount of willpower for her. OR maybe she was just at work at her temp job.
Either way, we should all be proud of her having so much newfound will power!
Welcome back oh troll. We missed you so much!
You agree not to use this forum to post any material which is vulgar, defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws.
Since you are brand new and never posted here I'll cut you some slack, I did however want to repost something from my bestest friend FreedomAdvocate.
In the future you may want to follow these rules so you can continue to post you're talented insight.
Beg your pardon. I am only me, yes siree and not any body else.
Did I breaks any rules of this here site - no not I. Oh, "moron" yep, you can easily pick up bad habits. I'm pleading with this Joedabrkr feller to not hang around with the bad blood on this site.
If he likes flaming, go to the flame site that whomit mentioned - it is simply appalling how this little boy doesn't take a stand against this BH - maybe he thinks BH is his long lost daddy or something and when BH posts, the broker feller thinks BH is saying "this is your pappie now do's like I taught you and applaud any sarcastic evil doing I do on this site just like I taught praytellman right after I kicked him real good first! Otherwise, I'll punish yu boy with the same filth that I've posted here for others: you want that! that's what I'll do to you! Listen to pappey-remember use words like "entertaining and hilarious" yep...that's right!"
learn how to spell, moron! "your" insight w/ spelling aint so good.
A little self-righteous are we boys?
Will power: Can't you have manners for at least a day, either way, that would be a record for you, Boy! I have faith: c'mon give it a whirl.
You mustn't support the nastiness of that BH- lookin out fer ya own welfare boy.
SEVERAL people have said how bad his behavior is and you jest don't git it, do you Boy! Straighten up! Stop the infection.
I echo that!