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Jul 16, 2006 12:13 am

[quote=NASD Newbie][quote=BankFC]

NASD, you are a moron as usual.  Forget the commission for a moment...which is more attractive?

Take a 55 year old with $600,000 IRA rollover and of moderate risk tolerance.

If given the choice between being invested in a diversified portfolio of mutual funds in a wrap account (A share at NAV say around 1% plus 1.5% wrap fee) with NO GUARANTEE,


in a diversified portfolio of subaccounts inside a VA (say at 1.25% for the subaccounts, and 2% for the M&E) WITH AN INCOME AND PRINCIPLE PROTECTION GUARANTEE

"So Mr. Prospect, we can build very similar portfolios in all things equal, your return inside the VA will be about 3/4ths of a percent less than outside."

"Is 3/4ths of a percent WORTH principle protection and guaranteed income for life????"

For most, it is.


You're too stupid to know how to spell, why in the world would I listen to you?


NASD, please point out the word or words I misspelled. 

You are an idiot.

Jul 16, 2006 12:22 am



Thanks for the info, I do understand what your saying and I think that is a very valid concern.  I just find that quoting percentages to people is just like quoting the cost of something by saying it will only cost $2 a day.  What's wrong with giving them the real numbers and facts so they can make an informed decision.  A decision that is the most important one in their lives.

Does BankFC really know what that 3/4 of a percent really costs?


Yes, I do.  In reality though (which is where most of us live) the VA provides the comfort level for the client that NEEDS to be in the market but is fearful to participate. 

So the opportunity cost in that situation is really what the investment returns (including expenses) versus being in cash.  

What is the cost of staying in cash over 10 years?

Also, what is the cost of the piece of mind to "stay the course" during very bad times?  How much does a given client have to lose IN REALITY before they tell you thanks for nothing, sell out, and go to cash?

There is more than one type of cost, and some are easier to measure than others.

Jul 16, 2006 12:53 am

Good response,Bank FC.

Someone wrote, "In addition you definitely shouldn't be selling VA's with a guarantee if you believe that: "there is no way that all stocks will tarde lower in 10 or 20 years." Pretty much makes the guarantee useless if that's the truth."

It's not the belief of the advisor that matters.  It is the risk tolerance level of the client that matters.  VA's with guarantees allow an investor to invest in a way that is more aggressive than their risk tolerance would allow.  Here is a typical real life example.  Please let me know of a choice better than a VA with a guarantee for this client:

60 year old with a 300k IRA rollover.  Your calculations determine that this needs to grow to about $650,000 for the client to achieve their goal of retiring at age 70.  The client's risk tolerance will not allow any investments where they could lose money. 

Jul 16, 2006 1:01 am

Just doing that in my head that is about a 7% to 8% return (don't have the motivation to calculate right now ).

A VA with a GMIB rider might be a great choice, or if they wanted access to their money (take their money and "walk" so to speak), a VA with a lum sum benefit might be good too.  

Allianz High Five L share comes to mind.

Jul 16, 2006 4:17 am

Someone wrote to me:

n addition you definitely shouldn’t be selling VA’s with a guarantee if you believe that: "there is no way that all stocks will tarde lower in 10 or 20 years."

Pretty much makes the guarantee useless if that’s the truth.

I know the markets/my portfolios (Using a plural for all you homegamers) will be higher, however I cannot control behavior if we have a 40% swing that lasts 3 years, whose to say Joe client won’t cash out and walk. What good did I do him by creating a portfolio that would achieved the returns we needed, but didn’t factor in his patience level and behavioral traits. If all clients exuded rational behavior I probably wouldn’t use VA’s, but since that is not how people function I think they will become more and more common in retirement income plans.

Jul 16, 2006 2:24 pm

Since I left for my vacation to my place in Punta Gorda in July I see you have been doing some good work here NASD.  It seems to me that you are no longer just stirring up the ant mound.  You are expressing intelligent thought.  I still see you as the giant standing above the mound with the stick stirring things up but now when the ants scurry out of the ground you are at least pointing them in the right direction.   

The brokers on this forum are so pitiful though.  They are beyond your help.  Children who play on the internet all day long instead of prospecting or doing some other activity that produces gross revenue.  How their managers tolerate them I do not know.  Our industry work force is such a joke.

Somone actually telling us technical analysis does not work.  How lost have we become?  I would like to teach you all about technical analysis but of course I cant do that. 

You dont know a thing about what drives the markets...what goes on on the trading floor, what the truth is about our country and our economy and what could happen to this stock market.  Your all so dang stupid! 

It rained on our sailing trip a few days but that did not dampen the fun.  BBQing on the grill on the back of the boat under a canapy and sipping beer with family as we bobbed in harbor at Virgin Gorda. Sometimes I think I should retire.  Virgin Gorda, what a place.

Keep up the shorting who ever was talking about that.  You are a smart man.  About four months ago I said short the home builders on this forum.  Anyone take me up on that?  Working out pretty good isnt it. 

I gotta go shovel that manure now.  NASD never took me up on the offer to help me out with it.  

Jul 16, 2006 2:31 pm


I gotta go shovel that manure now.  NASD never took me up on the offer to help me out with it.  


You never said the manure was in Virgin Gorda.

Jul 16, 2006 3:26 pm

[quote=BankFC][quote=NASD Newbie][quote=BankFC]

NASD, you are a moron as usual.  Forget the commission for a moment...which is more attractive?

Take a 55 year old with $600,000 IRA rollover and of moderate risk tolerance.

If given the choice between being invested in a diversified portfolio of mutual funds in a wrap account (A share at NAV say around 1% plus 1.5% wrap fee) with NO GUARANTEE,


in a diversified portfolio of subaccounts inside a VA (say at 1.25% for the subaccounts, and 2% for the M&E) WITH AN INCOME AND PRINCIPLE PROTECTION GUARANTEE

"So Mr. Prospect, we can build very similar portfolios in all things equal, your return inside the VA will be about 3/4ths of a percent less than outside."

"Is 3/4ths of a percent WORTH principle protection and guaranteed income for life????"

For most, it is.


You're too stupid to know how to spell, why in the world would I listen to you?


NASD, please point out the word or words I misspelled. 

You are an idiot.


I see you made it back to the forum, but didn't have the guts to respond. 

Jul 16, 2006 3:28 pm


Since I left for my vacation to my place in Punta Gorda in July I see you have been doing some good work here NASD.  It seems to me that you are no longer just stirring up the ant mound.  You are expressing intelligent thought.  I still see you as the giant standing above the mound with the stick stirring things up but now when the ants scurry out of the ground you are at least pointing them in the right direction.   

The brokers on this forum are so pitiful though.  They are beyond your help.  Children who play on the internet all day long instead of prospecting or doing some other activity that produces gross revenue.  How their managers tolerate them I do not know.  Our industry work force is such a joke.

Somone actually telling us technical analysis does not work.  How lost have we become?  I would like to teach you all about technical analysis but of course I cant do that. 

You dont know a thing about what drives the markets...what goes on on the trading floor, what the truth is about our country and our economy and what could happen to this stock market.  Your all so dang stupid! 

It rained on our sailing trip a few days but that did not dampen the fun.  BBQing on the grill on the back of the boat under a canapy and sipping beer with family as we bobbed in harbor at Virgin Gorda. Sometimes I think I should retire.  Virgin Gorda, what a place.

Keep up the shorting who ever was talking about that.  You are a smart man.  About four months ago I said short the home builders on this forum.  Anyone take me up on that?  Working out pretty good isnt it. 

I gotta go shovel that manure now.  NASD never took me up on the offer to help me out with it.  


As NASD has pointed out, you need to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" before your opinion has any validity here.

Jul 16, 2006 3:48 pm


As NASD has pointed out, you need to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" before your opinion has any validity here.


There is a difference between the occasional lapse in paying attention to what you're doing and your making the error again and again and again in the same posting.

You're an idiot, kid,  Face reality.  You're actually very very dangerous as an advisor and I predict you will become very familiar with the cheek tightening that occurs when the paperwork is served and you end up stuttering, "I pppppromise to ttttteeell the truth the whole truth and nnnnnothing but the truth."

Jul 16, 2006 5:49 pm


Since I left for my vacation to my place in Punta Gorda in July I see you have been doing some good work here NASD.  It seems to me that you are no longer just stirring up the ant mound.  You are expressing intelligent thought.  I still see you as the giant standing above the mound with the stick stirring things up but now when the ants scurry out of the ground you are at least pointing them in the right direction.   

The brokers on this forum are so pitiful though.  They are beyond your help.  Children who play on the internet all day long instead of prospecting or doing some other activity that produces gross revenue.  How their managers tolerate them I do not know.  Our industry work force is such a joke.

Somone actually telling us technical analysis does not work.  How lost have we become?  I would like to teach you all about technical analysis but of course I can't do that. 

You don't know a thing about what drives the markets...what goes on on the trading floor, what the truth is about our country and our economy and what could happen to this stock market.  Your all so dang stupid! 

It rained on our sailing trip a few days but that did not dampen the fun.  BBQing on the grill on the back of the boat under a canapy and sipping beer with family as we bobbed in harbor at Virgin Gorda. Sometimes I think I should retire.  Virgin Gorda, what a place.

Keep up the shorting who ever was talking about that.  You are a smart man.  About four months ago I said short the home builders on this forum.  Anyone take me up on that?  Working out pretty good isnt it. 

I gotta go shovel that manure now.  NASD never took me up on the offer to help me out with it.  


As NASD has pointed out, you need to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" before your opinion has any validity here.


By the way, you idiot- try using correct punctuation too!

Jul 16, 2006 6:46 pm

Did you ever read malkiels book " A random walk down Wall Street"?

Jul 16, 2006 7:12 pm

[quote=BankFC][quote=BankFC][quote=NASD Newbie][quote=BankFC]

NASD, you are a moron as usual.  Forget the commission for a moment...which is more attractive?

Take a 55 year old with $600,000 IRA rollover and of moderate risk tolerance.

If given the choice between being invested in a diversified portfolio of mutual funds in a wrap account (A share at NAV say around 1% plus 1.5% wrap fee) with NO GUARANTEE,


in a diversified portfolio of subaccounts inside a VA (say at 1.25% for the subaccounts, and 2% for the M&E) WITH AN INCOME AND PRINCIPLE PROTECTION GUARANTEE

"So Mr. Prospect, we can build very similar portfolios in all things equal, your return inside the VA will be about 3/4ths of a percent less than outside."

"Is 3/4ths of a percent WORTH principle protection and guaranteed income for life????"

For most, it is.


You're too stupid to know how to spell, why in the world would I listen to you?


NASD, please point out the word or words I misspelled. 

You are an idiot.


I see you made it back to the forum, but didn't have the guts to respond. 


AGAIN, point out the mistake that i did "again and again."  You have no leg to stand on, so you don't respond.

Jul 16, 2006 7:13 pm

i = I

Jul 16, 2006 7:53 pm

Why does BankFC refer to things written by BankRep1 as if he had written them?

Oh WAIT, I know.  That way he can say something as one character and then come along as the second character and verify it.

BankRep1  "Those who work for banks are not stupid."

BankFC  "your exactly write on that  we are as smart as anybody else."

Jul 16, 2006 7:59 pm

Well now this guy will admit he is careless and poor at punctuation.  Also spelling don't forget.  I frequently type 2's instead of s's also and b's instead of d's.  It is the way my mind reads things.  It was a time in college until I figured out how my mind learns. But there you go.  It is what it is.  I got over it now you all need to also.

So now I'm gonna give you all a hard time for some of your shortcomings.  These are the things that really matter on this forum.

Do you all know why I manage more than a 200 million dollars and you don't?  Simple.  It's because I know how to run money and you don't.

Now how about that? Isn't that just a funny thing.  It is also because I am wiser than most of you and that comes out when talking to wealthy people.  You see, I can call a spade a spade and understand the world around me better than you uninformed dolts.  That is what you all for the most part are.  Uninformed dolts.

It's the reason money comes to me so fast because you all are my competition!  I kick your asses every day.  Now isn't that a funny one?  Thing is, I know plenty of guys and women far bigger than me. 

I'm sure willing to learn from them.  Hell, I had a large deal I ran accross a couple months ago.  I needed somone with better contacts with some bankers in NY than me.  So I got involved a women with almost ONE BILLION under management.  Think I shut my mouth and learned from her?  You bet I did.  Now that's what you all need to do.  Shut up and learn and get humble.      

You got somone one here I havent always agreed with but when you here someone telling you to not rule out economy calamity and you poo poo him well you know who the fool is.   

I know more about managing stocks than I'll bet 100% of the big mouths on here.  Yet you pass up an oportunity to learn because even on anonimos forum you can't control your egos. 

That's fine.  Tomarrow I will go back to work and kick some more of you little asses like I always do.  I eat your lunches every day and you don't even know it because you never even get a chance to get to the batters box with the people I have as prospects. 

You don't loose prospects to me because you never see the prospects I deal with.  Now that's a funny thing.     

Jul 16, 2006 8:17 pm

That’s fine. Tomarrow will go back to work and kick some more of you little asses like I always do. I eat your lunches every day and you don’t even know it because you never even get a chance to get to the batters box with the people I have as prospects.

You don’t looseprospects to me because you never see the prospects I deal with. Now that’s a funny thing.   

The words are tommorrow & lose. Does it give you a boner to act like someone your not?

Jul 16, 2006 8:20 pm

[quote=NASD Newbie]

Why does BankFC refer to things written by BankRep1 as if he had written them?

Oh WAIT, I know. That way he can say something as one character and then come along as the second character and verify it.

BankRep1 "Those who work for banks are not stupid."

BankFC “your exactly write on that we are as smart as anybody else.”



Although I know you would love to dream up a conspiracy theory here, we are two different people. I by the way haven’t worked for a “bank” for several years. My early posts talk about my transition.
Jul 16, 2006 9:09 pm

Don't foget that finely spelled word "anonimos" Greenhills. 

The fact is, I really don't care if someone misspells a word here and there, or uses "your" when they should use "you're." 

But what I cannot stand is hypocrites (aka NASD) who state their opinions as gospel truth, yet when questioned in the least, revert to childish grammer insults (sometimes even when no grammer mistakes exist as seen above).

He is a hyporcite in the highest order, and I love to watch him sqiurm under the very standards he tries to hold others on this forum.

It is an amusing diversion for me to make that old geriatric NASD back up again and again.

Jul 16, 2006 9:10 pm

hypocrite = hypocrite

see, we all make mistakes