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Interview at A.G.E. - Thoughts?

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Aug 28, 2006 1:47 pm

dude, I too am talking with AGE - 1.5 hour “exploratory” meeting with the local branch last week. Through a 3rd party I discovered they thought the meeting went well (interested in me). Can you provide any info on why you moved from Morgan to AGE, and why you left AGE? If it’s not too personal that is…


Aug 28, 2006 1:51 pm

BTW, when I said (interested in me) - it was in a cursory sort of way - long way to go before an offer of any kind. For the record.

Aug 28, 2006 5:15 pm

It is a long story but had to do with moving out of state due to family circumstances. 

As far as which firm is better, I liked them both.  Morgan had marble floors, brushed steel walls and mahogany everything as well as the ego to match it. 

AG Edwards was more humble, down home and friendly from a culture perpective.

I thought the technology platform was better at AG Edwards interestingly.

Aug 28, 2006 5:25 pm

Dude between MS & AGE which one do you believe had the better payout? Also interested in what your thoughts are on the fee based choices at both firms.

Aug 28, 2006 5:37 pm

AGE has the better payout across the board....basically a flat 40% (with exceptions of course) plus bonus and awesome 401(k) contributions.  Go to onw*llstre* (you figure out the asterisks) to see payout grids from the major firms.

I liked AGE's fee based platform better.  I thought it offered more choices.  Their only downfall is that they were a little behind Morgan in the implementation of a 'unified' type account combining SMA's, mutual funds and ETF's etc...  Never the less I liked their options better.

Aug 28, 2006 6:02 pm

Thanks for info update dude.

Aug 28, 2006 6:45 pm

Yes, thanks dude - much appreciated.

Aug 29, 2006 5:42 pm

You're welcome.

Aug 29, 2006 6:25 pm

Had the interview today. I thought it went well - and I am sure that following dude's suggestions was a factor. Having a written business plan, which showed research and preparation, helped a lot. (Of course I don't have the job yet, but having a good interview is always a nice first step!) Next step is to take an aptitude test for the series 7 on Friday. Anyone ever done this before?

Thanks again, dude.

Aug 29, 2006 6:45 pm

I have recently taken the apptitude test at ML, SB, MS, and UBS. They are all the same. Know how to do multiplication and division of integers and fractions. Know how to calculate simple rates of return etc.

Good Luck.

Aug 29, 2006 6:47 pm

I think it's a timed test that you take at one of their office workstations. It's basic math consisting of some fractions, rations, basic addition and some algebra.  Last I heard, you cannot use a calculator. The nice part is there is no waiting, you'll know if you passed right after you complete the test because they will pull the results down from home office.

Aug 29, 2006 6:50 pm

When you get to the ratons portion be sure to mention “Meals Ready To Eat,” they like that a lot.

Aug 29, 2006 7:52 pm

replace "ratio's" with "rations". My error.

You would know about those tasty MRE's eh nasd?

Aug 29, 2006 8:08 pm

[quote=Registered Rep]

replace "ratio's" with "rations". My error.

You would know about those tasty MRE's eh nasd?


Er, did you fix the error?

Aug 29, 2006 10:41 pm

bespel - I’m in this same process - a step or two behind where are. Curious

what you covered in your business plan, and how you went about develping

your plan… care to share?

Aug 30, 2006 11:42 am

[quote=Andre017]bespel - I'm in this same process - a step or two behind where are. Curious
what you covered in your business plan, and how you went about develping
your plan... care to share?

If you have any background whatsoever in business, you could make a better plan than mine. Asking dude would probably be more helpful, but for what it's worth I simply made an outline of my professional and social network. I included other resources I thought would be useful in locating prospects. I used tables and bullet points, but nothing fancy.  It was only three pages long.

Aug 30, 2006 3:20 pm

Thanks - appreciate your feedback!

Aug 30, 2006 6:02 pm


[quote=Andre017]bespel - I'm in this same process - a step or two behind where are. Curious
what you covered in your business plan, and how you went about develping
your plan... care to share?

If you have any background whatsoever in business, you could make a better plan than mine. Asking dude would probably be more helpful, but for what it's worth I simply made an outline of my professional and social network. I included other resources I thought would be useful in locating prospects. I used tables and bullet points, but nothing fancy.  It was only three pages long.


Great job.....brief, concise.  Perfect for a first interview.  You should expect to develop a more comprehensive and detailed "business plan" before they hire you.  This plan should include a detail of your asset gathering goals, daily, weekly and monthly activities as well as some thought to your "value proposition".  You should try a website called horsesmo*th.  They have an excellent business plan template and I think they give a free trial of their website.  If you are a new or aspiring broker you must sign up for this site, it is the most comprehensive and poignant site for learning the business in my opinion.

Aug 31, 2006 2:17 am

Thanks dude. Appreciated.

Sep 1, 2006 6:31 pm

Well, I "passed" the aptitude test, and now have a telephone interview set up for next week. That gives me about five days to prepare. I think I have a pretty good "telephone voice," but I'm not sure what the format is going to be. Anyone here been through it?