Gethardgetraw's 2009-2010 Cold Calling Journal
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[quote=gethardgetraw]0 calls
0 contacts 0 prospects 0 salesSpent the entire day creating a list of ~10,000 prospects including name, address, and phone number[/quote] That's ok. Don't let one day turn into two. Make sure you get your 200 contacts by the time you leave the office on Saturday.
[quote=Primo][quote=gethardgetraw]0 calls
0 contacts 0 prospects 0 salesSpent the entire day creating a list of ~10,000 prospects including name, address, and phone number[/quote] That's ok. Don't let one day turn into two. Make sure you get your 200 contacts by the time you leave the office on Saturday.[/quote] Or make the list saturday and calls today
[quote=gethardgetraw] 0 calls
0 prospects
0 salesSpent the entire day creating a list of ~10,000 prospects including name, address, and phone number[/quote]
That’s what weekends and nights are for son. How the hell can you start off your week building a list. I want to see better results out of you tomorrow.
…and total BS about creating a list of 10,000 in one day. No way possible you did that yourself. At most you can build 40-70 names per hour. I pay a guy 300 bucks and have 5000 it within 3 hours. Boooom! Better ROI
[quote=gethardgetraw]0 calls
0 contacts 0 prospects 0 salesSpent the entire day creating a list of ~10,000 prospects including name, address, and phone number[/quote] This is avoidance activity that's taking you one step closer to failure. It's the equivalent to the 7/11 owner closing his store one day to take inventory.
[quote=WarRoom] [quote=gethardgetraw] 0 calls
0 prospects
0 salesSpent the entire day creating a list of ~10,000 prospects including name, address, and phone number[/quote]
That's what weekends and nights are for son. How the hell can you start off your week building a list. I want to see better results out of you tomorrow.
..and total BS about creating a list of 10,000 in one day. No way possible you did that yourself. At most you can build 40-70 names per hour. I pay a guy 300 bucks and have 5000 it within 3 hours. Boooom! Better ROI[/quote] Sure it is, reference usa, sort and then download all..
You said you couldn’t do it in a day, that is all I was responding to.
Mr. Literal huh? One can of course build a list online in a very short period of time. Homeboy said it took him all day and that's the reason he couldn't find the time to call. Using referenceUSA is not building a list yourself. Going to the library and using a Polk directory is. One can not build a 10,000 name list in a day doing so. Done.
They are all owned by the same company and offered under referenceusa, sales genie, Polk Directory etc…
31 calls
9 contacts 2 prospects created 0 sales Had an all-day regional event, snuck into office afterwards to make a few calls. Found $50k CD coming due this month and was told to call after New Year's with an idea.What kind of track are you on in regards to production? How much GDC do you need to have by what point in order to be appointed/keep your job/etc.?
JOnes is all done by 4 month average… So I think by year 2 you have to have a rolling 4th month of $8K, which is what 96K/year on average…
[quote=gethardgetraw]31 calls
9 contacts 2 prospects created 0 sales Had an all-day regional event, snuck into office afterwards to make a few calls. Found $50k CD coming due this month and was told to call after New Year's with an idea.[/quote] Are you serious? I assume you knew this all day event was going on today when you took all day yesterday to make a list. I have a lot of respect that you are posting your numbers here. I assume you are doing so to get feedback. Here it is. You have been posting for two weeks. You have posted 174 contacts. You need 400 contacts. You have accomplished 43.5% of what you need to. This will not work. You are failing. You need 266 contacts tomorrow just to catch up for two weeks worth of calling!!!! Stop making excuses. Stop making lists. Stop posting during business hours. Stop talking about how hard you are going to hit it tomorrow. Today is all that matters. If you call 20 minutes of every hour you should be in the office, you will make it. You are calling less than 10 minutes per hour. What are you doing with the rest of your time? You are wasting an opportunity.Primo is absolutely correct. When I was at Jones consistency was my problem as well. My activities were hit and miss like yours. I would string together maybe 3 weeks making 100 dials a day and then frustration would set in and the next 2 months I would be at 30 or 40. The frustration built up and I wasn’t making any money. 27 months in I jumped ship to become a teller. My 4 month rolling average was 10k and I was meeting, but that isn’t good and it doesn’t pay the bills.
Everybody does that at Jones because the numbers are so easy to hit…Rolling $15K by year 4 or 5 that is just too easy, you need a rollover each month with some trails and you are there…
Primo is right. Make lists at night or on weekends(sunday). Call during week. Have a friend who calls makes about 150 dials a day. and Pulled in $9MM in so far this year(of course he violates the DNC).Primo… with 40 contacts/day =400/week(not saturdays) how many accounts are you opening a month 8-12?
It’s wrong for me to joke about anyone’s production…but I will anyway!
I’ve adopted a new schedule:
7:30 AM - Arrive. Read emails, msgs, check inventories, headlines. Coffee, music 8:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 1 person
8:04 AM - Coffee, EAT, music, check market. 9:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 2 people
9:05 AM - Coffee, music 10:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 1 person 10:02 AM - Coffee, music 11:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls 11:01 AM - Coffee, EAT, music, check market 12:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 1 person - I'll call him a prospect!!!
12:04 PM - Coffee, music 1:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls 1:01 PM - Coffee, music 2:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 2 people 2:03 PM - Coffee, EAT, music 3:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls 3:01 PM - Coffee, music, check market 4:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls - Talk to 1 person 4:03 PM - Coffee, music 5:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls 5:01 PM - EAT, music 6:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls - Talk to 1 person - I'll call him a prospect!!!
6:05 PM - Music 7:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls 7:01 PM - Check tomorrow's schedule 8:00 PM - Leave
31 calls 9 contacts 2 prospects created 0 sales
I did more than this and I failed....really got to get your game up GHGR...or move on...
[quote=Still@jones] It’s wrong for me to joke about anyone’s production…but I will anyway!
7:30 AM - Arrive. Read emails, msgs, check inventories, headlines. Coffee, music 8:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 1 person
8:02 AM - Coffee, EAT, music, check market. 9:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 2 people
9:02 AM - Coffee, music 10:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 1 person 10:02 AM - Coffee, music 11:00 AM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls 11:02 AM - Coffee, EAT, music, check market 12:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 1 person - I'll call him a prospect!!!
12:02 PM - Coffee, music 1:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls 1:02 PM - Coffee, music 2:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 3 cold calls - Talk to 2 people 2:02 PM - Coffee, EAT, music 3:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls 3:02 PM - Coffee, music, check market 4:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls - Talk to 1 person 4:02 PM - Coffee, music 5:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls 5:02 PM - EAT, music 6:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls - Talk to 1 person - I'll call him a prospect!!!
6:02 PM - Music 7:00 PM - Pick up phone, start dialing 2 cold calls 7:02 PM - Check tomorrow's schedule 8:00 PM - Leave
31 calls 9 contacts 2 prospects created 0 sales
I did more than this and I failed....really got to get your game up...or move on...
[/quote] I avoided working and got fired. Then I blamed it on the system. I'm selling insurance now. Well, not really, I'm working for an insurance company at least.