Gethardgetraw's 2009-2010 Cold Calling Journal
411 RepliesJump to last post
So it is hard to take you or your post seriously if you post different information everytime… Disclosing you are at a wire, doesn’t really narrow it down for us, because there are like 50,000+ at wires…
So truth wire or indy? My guess is indy based on questions regarding if you use your "b/ds name"haha you guys are good at snooping my old posts, i should figure out how to do that for those who i like following. you should also notice that i post mainly on topics regarding cold calling, thats my favorite. Truth? Indy. Started out at an indy interning, did a good job, they are giving me the opportunity to open my own book.
Damn i was betting on wire…
So do you really call corporate companies or by that did you mean residential?There you go… now care to expand…
I too call corporate directories(i buy them, easier, less time consuming) but i call for investment ideas, portfolio reviews... never for a seminar.. What sort of response do you get?Just had someone ask me what the dollar was worth. Some old guy. I asked him which currency he was comparing it to. Then he got upset asked again what it was worth and I told him you have to pair it with another currency and I didn’t understand what he was asking. He said yesterday it was 88 cents and hung up. <3 cold calling
This is what happens to most people, not able to make a consistent number of calls over 175 each day for long stretches of time…
It’s also why my suggested schedule of making 2 hours of calls a day is better for him than his schedule of 10 hours of phoning.
Like Nick Murray says most people get all fired up and make 400 dials monday, 150 tuesday, 50 wednesday and by thursday they are out sick with a mysterious stomach ailment. You have to create a baseline for yourself of what YOU can handle and build slowly from there. If that number is only 25 then fine, start from there and build up. I am no good at being consistent either. It is hard to do.
Good point, but i don't think he is doing 10 hours per dayIt’s also why my suggested schedule of making 2 hours of calls a day is better for him than his schedule of 10 hours of phoning.
Just had someone ask me what the dollar was worth. Some old guy. I asked him which currency he was comparing it to. Then he got upset asked again what it was worth and I told him you have to pair it with another currency and I didn’t understand what he was asking. He said yesterday it was 88 cents and hung up. <3 cold calling
It's worth a candy bar. It used to be worth a gallon of gas. What is that dollar going to be worth if you leave it in the bank earning less than 2%?
What do you use?
Where are you calling from?(wirehouse, bank, ria?)[/quote]
Regional that just formed.
Bond, stock, review, it does not matter. I’m just trying to start a conversation and ask questions. Sometimes I find the end of the rainbow other things a dead end. Just dial.
My day looks like this:
20 dials
break 10mins
20 dials
break 10mins
20 dials
break 10mins
20 dials
break 10mins
80 calls = lunch
After noon - appointments or dial or walk
I get an appointment or hung up on - 5 push ups.
You don’t need some fancy ass schedule. Just bang some dials, break, bang some dials, break, bang some dials, break.
Ok who is dialing today… Starting in 30 minutes, going for 2 hours… lunch and then back again… anyone calling?
I got you chief after lunch. Let's see who can get the most calls from 1pm CST to 6pm CST.
btw, The Pursuit of Happyness is a terrible novel. After halfway in, Gardner is still in the character development stage (so boring and written on a 5th grade level), and it’s been riddled with “arrrgh we did _____ which is absolutely illegal but it wasn’t our fault the white man is supressing us again. arrrrgh just stole more stuff which was illegal. arrrrgh illegally took welfare support even after having a full time job wasnt my fault and the white police man locked my mother up. arrrgh just murdered someone hope I don’t get caught by the white man” etc…
poorly written irrationally biased novel, stick to the movie