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Generating Cold Calling Lists - For 500 day war

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Apr 22, 2011 6:27 pm

Hey everyone,

I am running into problems getting enough cold calling lists. I usually always run out every couple is a big hassle with the DNC list and scrubbing takes forever. I like to cold call but more so I would love to have a list of lets say 10000 names and just concentrate on calling day in day out.

I would very much appreicate some help on generating a huge amount of names.

Thanks for your help

Apr 25, 2011 5:09 am

Bro, valid point.  I had the exact same problem.  I ended up failing out of the wirehouse because of it.  Networking is a great long-term strategy, but the only way to get assets in the door in the meantime for someone in my situation was cold calling.  I learned that the hard way and way too late.  It's all good though, 'cause now I have a book that was given to me that generates more in residual income than my salary at the wire.  :-)

Goodluck, man.

Apr 25, 2011 11:55 pm

We have a program in my office called the "Haines List"  or something like that, and it works like a charm.   Search location, owner occupied homes and 1,000 names and numbers pop out.   Scrubbed.   I believe it is on a subscription basis.  Best part about that bad boy?  It doesn't cost me a thing.

May 2, 2011 1:29 pm

Where can one find a copy of the 500 day war?  I have searched the net and have been unable to locate it.

May 2, 2011 2:28 pm

It's a post on this forum by The Judge. It's a few years old now but you can find it with the search feature (top right corner). Its called The 500 day war (for rookies)

Here you go:

May 21, 2024 8:41 pm

For anyone new who comes to this thread in the mid 2000s (2020-2060), try listshack for list of names. If you have the money, wealthx might have the database with more detailed info. ZoomInfo is another. Your local library might have access to tools where you can get info on businesses, like mergent archives if you deal in the publicly traded markets. I just discovered my library gives me access to morningstar, for example. Anyway, there are resources. I also get a big ass phone book delivered to me every year with over 20,000 businesses. Idk how or why I get them, but I am thankful for the free resource lol