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Down payment of 160k or 0 down and invest the 160k?

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Jul 18, 2023 2:14 am


We recently sold our house and made a net of around 160k…we now have a contract on a new house and I am trying to figure out how I should finance this new house. Is it recommended to put 160k down on the new house and just have a lower monthly payment with a loan or should I do 0 down and somehow invest that extra 160k? I can afford the house with 0 down, so that won’t be an issue.

As of today, I just have the 160k sitting in a wealthfront account accruing 4.55% interest, which currently brings in about $550 a month.

btw–I have no idea about investing! I simply use the autoinvest robot on wealthfront and just hope it makes good decisions…yes, I know, I need to better educate myself on how to do these things myself!

Please help me make the best decision in order to build my wealth and thank you in advance!