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Cultivating Top-of-Mind Awareness and Generating Referrals

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Dec 20, 2013 6:03 pm

We've done much research on the topic of client development.  It tends to fall into two categories: 1) Increase value from current clients; 2) Find new clients.  And, #2 can really be segmented into 2a) Develop new clients as referrals from clientele and COIs; and, 2b) Find new clients by other means.  By far 2a is most effective and rewarding.

We've built a company that serves #1 and 2a, it is all we do for wealth and luxury based businesses.  You can learn more at

Also, we recently release an article discussing appropriate gift and value add ideas as many firms are looking for a good gift idea to differentiate themselves.  In the end a great gift serves two purposes: A sincere gesture of appreciation and a smart marketing tool.  Link to article below.

What Makes a Great Gift for an Upsacle Clientele. Hint: It Also Grows Business!

 Happy Holidays!