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Possible Presidential Pairings?

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Sep 8, 2008 6:48 pm

[quote=babbling looney]Oh, i see you’re confused about the meaning of the word guillible. Let me give you some synonyms: innocent, trustful,simple, naive. Anything meaning mental defect in those words? There isn’t. But don’t let that get in the way of a good rant

  I understand the meaning of the word gullible.  I also understand the intent behind your use of the word. You mean it as belittling insult.  Prick has a dictionary meaning.  So does the word ass. If I call you a prick or an ass be assured I don't intend the meaning to be the  ones found in the dictionary.   To me it is inconceivable that anyone would have voted for Bush in 04 knowing the Iraq invasion was based on a lie.   A lot of things are inconceivable to you evidently.  You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.  I voted for Bush because the alternative was Kerry.  The lie that the Iraq War was predicated on lies is just another tired old talking point from the left.   Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it the truth.  I suggest you get a new handbook.  There is a new game in town.   Take a look around at the mess this country is in. Economy in the toilet, tens of thousands of people dead on a war based on a lie. People losing their jobs. Others barely scraping by. Our rights flushed. Look at all that and then look into a mirror. Because it's your fault babs. You and your millionaire roping horse freinds who are just fine with the way things are.

Really?  Are you sure you are an actual financial advisor?  High GDP growth.  Coming off of record unemployment to 6.1% which is still a low figure historically. You need to refresh yourself on the economic cycle. Do you think things always go up?  How old are you?  30 or less?  If you can't remember the Carter years I suggest you get a history book and read a bit.  Are things rosy in the economy? Of course not. We are in a downward economic cycle right now and inflation is a problem. The weakness in the financial markets is also a huge problem but can be solved.  How about instead of setting your hair on fire and point blame at people for what is a natural and repetitive economic swing you try to guide your clients through it.   The economic policies proposed by your boyfriend Obama will positively throw us into a depression instead of the mild recession that we are in at this time.

My millionaire "roping horse" clients (as you so snidely say) are those who create jobs.  They create wealth, industry and pay through the nose for the welfare state that Obama wants to expand. 

Lastly, that you immediatly embraced Palin without knowing her is disconcerting.   You have no idea what I know or don't know about Palin. I've been hoping that she would be selected as McCain's VP for many months now.  What is disconcerting is that you can't accept that people have the ability to make judgements that don't jive with your world view.  Instead you call people gullible, uninformed and basically stupid because they don't accept your superior views.   The attitudes of people like you, Bond Guy, is why the Republicans will win this time.  The snide, condescending, negative comments. The disrespect of the middle class, working class, small business owner and values of small town America.  Don't think that people don't see this and resent it. Despite our gullibility we know when we are being insulted and taken for fools.  I know,  you find it inconceivable.   [/quote]   Babs, thank you for putting so much time and effort into your response. Could you please show me where I used the word inconceivable in another post? I may have used it ,but I can't find it.   Somehow you've co-opted the word stupid as a synonym for the word gullible. And it has really set you off. Gee, i don't know what to do here. Telling you that you are wrong and well, I come off as condesending. Yet, here  you've prosed an entire diatribe based on a word comprehension mistake on your part. You've even got me looking down on small town america. I can't find anything i said that could be twisted to that. Well, by a logical person.   babs, you are free to conduct your hate bondguy campaign. I can't stop you from hating me. i can't stop you from twisting my words. And i can't stop you from PMing other forum members to spread the hate. But i'm not the one you need to worry about.    
Sep 8, 2008 8:13 pm

For your edification and reflection.
Sep 8, 2008 8:49 pm

[quote=Indyone]I  see Keith Olbermann got booted from his MSNBC political desk…after finishing dead last on RNC coverage…good riddance…

  BG, it's time to own the gullible comment for what it was.  When I look up gullible, I get synonyms such as naive, simple, silly, foolish, and unsophisticated.  None of those are flattering in my world, and you might as well have called the entire middle of the country stupid.   ...and no, my "misunderstanding" of your point is not my problem, it's Obama's problem.  That's probably one of the more serious verbal faux paus he's made in his campaign and will not likely soon be forgotten.  That you verbalized the same thoughts and feelings about middle America tells me that this attitude is prevalent in coastal metro politics, and I'm sorry, it IS divisive.  That's not opinion - it's fact.  It would be like someone labeling coastal folks as tree-hugging, latte-sipping, window-smashing, bed-wetting liberals, but only meaning it in the kindest, most flattering sense of the language.  Doesn't that feel just a wee bit divisive to you?[/quote]       I find it diificult to believe that you've read the actual transcript of the San fran speech and Obama's rebuttal speech delivered the following day in  a small town in Indiana. If you have, why post this?   have you have been sucked in by the misinformation machine that is presidential politics? Obama said nothing offensive about small town america. Quite the contrary. However, what the misinformation machines, both hillary's and John's, twisted Obama's words to mean is offensive to small town america. Obama delivered a speech that shows a real understanding of what's going on in small town america.     It was predicted that, that comment would cost obama the dem nomination. So, as a campaign ploy the twisting of meaning didn't work. Small town america was able to see through the dirty campaign tactics. Whew hoo!   Now McCain is giving the same tactic a spin. No surprise there considering the number of Bush people on McCain's payroll. Apparently, for as many times as I'm hearing it, it's playing well with his base. People like you. Still, it is what it is: a lie.    
Sep 8, 2008 8:55 pm

Obama said nothing offensive about small town america

  None so blind as those who will not see.
Sep 8, 2008 9:14 pm

And Bond Guy …Obama never not once ever heard Rev. Wright recite his hateful remarks and only knew him as his Pastor and friend  

Sep 8, 2008 9:29 pm

[quote=norway401]And Bond Guy …Obama never not once ever heard Rev. Wright recite his hateful remarks and only knew him as his Pastor and friend  [/quote]

Unless you are so in the tank for Obama (like BG), it really is extremely difficult to get comfortable enough to consider voting for him.  Considering you have to deal with all the controversies (i.e. Wright), mystery (Ayers, resume) and translating of his “intellectual comments” (“Clinging to guns and religon”).  

I think that the polls are starting to reflect that.  We have one person on this forum (BG) that has his back.  That can’t be a good tell for dems.  No offense to BG, but no one else supporting him on the 14 pages of the thread?  I thought he was a rock star?

Sep 8, 2008 9:37 pm

Ruby …my point exactly. He was heralded as so unique , so new and so anti-establishment ( Washington ) and now we find out he is JUST LIKE ANY OTHER CANDIDATE. Am I surprised not at all…the love affair was bound to end. He was or is the Media Star but at some point the hard questions get asked and then??? Rezco , Wright et al .

Sep 8, 2008 9:46 pm

To be fair, the investment advisor field is predominantly Republican, or independent with a leaning toward Republican.  Frankly, traditional Republican platform items, such as small government and low taxes fit very nicely into our personal and professional needs, and those of most of our clients.  The fact that BG is defending a candidate that in some respects runs counter to his economic best interest tells me that he believes passionately in other non-financial planks of the platform.

  He's not real happy with me at the moment (and to a degree the feeling is mutual).  We'll just have to agree to disagree on several things here.  For what it's worth, I still make sure I read his posts when I see them, as the non-political ones have often given valuable insight to me.
Sep 8, 2008 10:54 pm

For what it’s worth, I still make sure I read his posts when I see them, as the non-political ones have often given valuable insight to me.

  As will I.
Sep 8, 2008 11:21 pm

[quote=norway401]And Bond Guy …Obama never not once ever heard Rev. Wright recite his hateful remarks and only knew him as his Pastor and friend  [/quote]

Unless you are so in the tank for Obama (like BG), it really is extremely difficult to get comfortable enough to consider voting for him.  Considering you have to deal with all the controversies (i.e. Wright), mystery (Ayers, resume) and translating of his “intellectual comments” (“Clinging to guns and religon”).  

I think that the polls are starting to reflect that.  We have one person on this forum (BG) that has his back.  That can’t be a good tell for dems.  No offense to BG, but no one else supporting him on the 14 pages of the thread?  I thought he was a rock star?

  This is laughable. Gee, no support for obama over here at RRR Forums? That would be Republican Registered Rep forums. More closely, it should be social conservative registered rep forums. That aptly discribes most of the crowd that's posting on this thread.   That i am willing to vote against my own self interest should tell you all you need to know about me. Most of you come across as not  open minded enough to fathom the thought. While a vote for Obama may not be in my best interest on one score, money, it's in the best interest of my children, many of my friends and even my sales assistant financially to vote him in. But that's not the main reason i would vote for Obama.   Here's something about the group here that I don't get and i'm sure you can help me out on this point. Many of you being the social conservatives that you are also, no doubt, very religious. Do i have that right? The two aren't mutually exclusive but mostly go hand in hand? Religion is important to most of you?   Ok, here's my question: How do those of you who are religious square the war with God? I ask this because in my mind you can't say you believe in God and be for the war. I'm not a gleeming example of Christian values, but i'm pretty sure when Jesus said love your enemies he didn't mean kill them. Yeah, it's a bumper sticker, but still, true? Yet, religious social conservatives are among those who voted Bush to a second term. And with Palin on the ticket they are on board to vote for McCain, who will extend the war for as long as he judges necessary. How does a regilious social conservative square that up? How can you vote for extending the killing?   There are what, one hundred thousand people dead because of this war? How can that be right with God? Yet, with one hundred thousand people dead because of this war all most of you can do is run around whining about your taxes and post misinformation about the man who will stop the killing.    Any of you out there on RRR thinking past your own self interest?   Obama says he's going to stop the killing. That's all I need to know. I don't care what he does to my taxes.
Sep 9, 2008 12:00 am

Obama says he’s going to stop the killing

  Obama is not going to stop the killing, he is just going to kill much younger people who have not learned to use a gun yet, or breathe for that matter.
Sep 9, 2008 12:16 am

primo, for six of the past eight years you've had a republican congress, republican senate and a republican white house. Yet Roe v Wade still stands. You can't pin the abortion debate on Obama.

How do you square doing your personal part in the killing of 100,000 people with being a christian?
Sep 9, 2008 12:18 am

Alot easier than killing partial birth abortion legislation would make me feel.  Of course, the Bible does not tell of any wars there.

Sep 9, 2008 12:25 am

[quote=Rugby] [quote=norway401]And Bond Guy …Obama never not once ever heard Rev. Wright recite his hateful remarks and only knew him as his Pastor and friend  [/quote]

Unless you are so in the tank for Obama (like BG), it really is extremely difficult to get comfortable enough to consider voting for him.  Considering you have to deal with all the controversies (i.e. Wright), mystery (Ayers, resume) and translating of his “intellectual comments” (“Clinging to guns and religon”).  

I think that the polls are starting to reflect that.  We have one person on this forum (BG) that has his back.  That can’t be a good tell for dems.  No offense to BG, but no one else supporting him on the 14 pages of the thread?  I thought he was a rock star?

  This is laughable. Gee, no support for obama over here at RRR Forums? That would be Republican Registered Rep forums. More closely, it should be social conservative registered rep forums. That aptly discribes most of the crowd that's posting on this thread.   That i am willing to vote against my own self interest should tell you all you need to know about me. Most of you come across as not  open minded enough to fathom the thought. While a vote for Obama may not be in my best interest on one score, money, it's in the best interest of my children, many of my friends and even my sales assistant financially to vote him in. But that's not the main reason i would vote for Obama.   A vote for Obama is against EVERYONE'S best interests.  His economic policy proposals are sheer disaster for your children, and everyone else.  If he enacts his punitive tax and restrictive commerce/trade policies we will be heading into a deep deep recession if not an actual depression.   Here's something about the group here that I don't get and i'm sure you can help me out on this point. Many of you being the social conservatives that you are also, no doubt, very religious. Do i have that right? The two aren't mutually exclusive but mostly go hand in hand? Religion is important to most of you?   Speaking for     Ok, here's my question: How do those of you who are religious square the war with God? I ask this because in my mind you can't say you believe in God and be for the war. I'm not a gleeming example of Christian values, but i'm pretty sure when Jesus said love your enemies he didn't mean kill them. Yeah, it's a bumper sticker, but still, true? Yet, religious social conservatives are among those who voted Bush to a second term. And with Palin on the ticket they are on board to vote for McCain, who will extend the war for as long as he judges necessary. How does a regilious social conservative square that up? How can you vote for extending the killing?   Because by winning we eliminate future killings.  You know the breaking the eggs to make the omlete theory.  And lest you get snippy back at me... I have young relatives who have been and are in the military in the Middle East.   There are what, one hundred thousand people dead because of this war?  Baloney.    How can that be right with God?  I don't know how Got thinks... He destroyed entire cities just to prove a point.  Sodom and Gomorah.  Yet, with one hundred thousand people dead because of this war all most of you can do is run around whining about your taxes and post misinformation about the man who will stop the killing.   Any of you out there on RRR thinking past your own self interest?   It's in my own self interest and in the best interest of the entire US to have a strong economy, safe and secured borders and to crush the radical terrorists who want to destroy our country, not to mention our very lives.  Obama will not do this.   Obama says he's going to stop the killing. That's all I need to know. I don't care what he does to my taxes.   Bull.... Obama is proposing to go into Afghanisan and and attack Pakistan, a country with nukes.  How is this stopping the killing?  Oh.....I know....just moving it to a place that has been blessed by the Democrat party and leftists who can't stand the idea that we are actually winning in Iraq.    Yeah.  That's better   You should care what he does to your taxes when it is in the aim to further a communist/socialist agenda.  Your children will not thank you when they are drones to the State.[/quote]
Sep 9, 2008 1:58 am

Obama really has you hook line and sinker that he would be better for your children, friends, etc…If I recall at the start of the thread I thought you were a Repub. or Indy leaning towards Obama.  Maybe the resurgence of McCain has solidified your views.

Now maybe you are coming across that you think that you are made of a higher moral fiber than 99.9% of people on this thread.  Basically, you are throwing out alot of your beliefs on Bush on to McCain.  Don’t forgot who controls the Congress or what Bush has been faced with early in his presidency.  To be perfectly honest with you, much of what you have written here lately seems a bit “crackpot”.  That coupled with your absolute blinders on anything negative about Obama hurts you political credibility on the Rush Limbaugh Registered Rep Forum here.

You may however be a completely acceptable replacement for Keith Olberman on MSNBC.  You are a valuable contributor, and perhaps some of us are guilty of goading you and are out numbering you…I do think though you are overstating the level of hard right voters on here.  Lets not forget that Obama has received a TON of money from wall street and financial industry.  The board of FNM & FRE are loaded with DEMs and former Clinton admin. people.   Notice Obama was not playing Robin Hood related to the bailout today.  Strange for a reformist to not have anything harsh to say about the people who at the helm of these financial  catastrophies that will be the burden of our children.

I think you would be sorely disappointed in his ability or willingness to save the day.  Nothing he has said or done in his life or this campaign would make you think he is different.

Sep 9, 2008 3:07 pm

BG …I will be the first to admit my Conservative Bias ( Republican in U.S. ) versus the Liberals ( Democrats in the U.S. ). In Canada we do not register our Party affiliation as you do in the U.S. I do admit at points in my voting history at either the Federal or Provincial level I have voted for both Conservatives and Liberals.

All the above being said .....and I hope you are just very passionate about your Democratic Party and do not actually hold that everything that they say is RIGHT whilst the Republicans are the always WRONG But let us be fair and intellectually honest Politicans in most part are about being Elected and being faithful to the Party first and foremost.
Sep 9, 2008 4:18 pm

This thread is a “task that’s from God”.

Sep 9, 2008 4:20 pm

[quote=Primo]Obama says he’s going to stop the killing

  Obama is not going to stop the killing, he is just going to kill much younger people who have not learned to use a gun yet, or breathe for that matter.[/quote]   Take responsibility for your own actions rather than accuse others. Obama can't get pregnant.
Sep 9, 2008 5:57 pm

A week ago I was striper fishing in Little Egg Inlet. I was fishing as my brother jockeyed 'Pole Dancer" in the 8 foot swell and fast outgoing tide. The NE wind against the tide was piling the water up and my brother had his work cut out for him trying to keep us on the fish. Probably would have been better to surf fish, but we were too dumb to figure that out  before hand. The guys on the beach were catching fish. We were getting a salt water bath.

  As I looked down at the water it was obvious that we were moving very fast. Yet as I looked up at the shoreline a quarter mile away I  could see we weren't moving at all. The boat speed was perfectly balanced against the outgoing tide. Was I moving or standing still? Standing still. Yet depending on one's POV that wouldn't be obvious. To everyone on board we felt we were moving. To anyone watching us from the beach, we were a still picture. Bobbing, but standing in place.   And so it goes here. To dyed in the wool republicans I suppose I do look in the tank for Obama. That would be the micro, on board the boat looking down at the water view. However, pan out to the macro view from the beach and I'm not so in the tank as many of you would think. In fact I'm not in the tank at all. I've just made an informed decision. No doubt one which you will belittle because in differs from yours.   Spending days as the sole contrary opinion here and it would be easy to draw the conclusion that I'm blind to any Obama flaws. I assure you I'm not. I've read the positions and major policies of both candidates. In fact I'm closer to McCain on many issues, like right to life. He's pro life with exceptions for rape incest and medical emerg, just as I am. He's pandering by saying no exceptions which I don't hold against him. He's gotta do what he's gotta do. I'll be surprised, if elected, he holds to that position.   And the tax thing that many of you go on about I just don't get. Based on the income splits  I've seen from both campaigns, and based on what I know of production levels around here, many of you are better off under Obama. Still the tax rant goes on?   After reading and listening to both candidates I've decided to go with Obama. The overwelming reason is the war. I was antiwar before it became invogue. And I got flamed right here on this very forum for speaking out against the war. Yet, much of what I said has come to pass. This is a key issue for me. I have a problem with many aspects of the war. So, I'm voting for the guy who will get us out as quickly as possible and refocus our attention where it should have been to begin with, Bin laden.   My decision to go for Obama also has something to do with John picking Caribou Barbi as his running mate. I know that many of you hold views similar to hers but  she's an extremist. Extremist don't get my vote.  And yes, I kid the candidate with one of the many colorful nicknames floating around cyberspace.   If it makes any of you feel any better I'm voting republican for my congressman on the next cycle. And I voted republican for mayor on the current cycle. Hey, maybe someday he'll run for Veep! We can only hope!                
Sep 9, 2008 9:16 pm

[quote=Indyone]Just for grins, I’m going to start marking the RCP poll average so we can watch the direction of the race between now and election day.

  As of 9/3/2008 - Obama 48.8% - McCain 43.0 - Obama+5.8%[/quote]   9/9/2008 - Obama 45.6% - McCain 48.4% - McCain+2.8%   That's a pretty nice convention bounce in six days, although if you take out the two Gallup polls, it's very close.  Rasmussen, which I trust over all other pollers, has it 48-48.   The real interesting thing to me is the direction of some of the state polls out today.  Florida has gone to a dead heat, but Obama is only +1 in Michigan, +3 in Wisconsin, and +4 in Washington, while McCain has widened to +7 in Ohio.   Caribou Barbie..., but I'm still going to cancel out your vote.  I don't think that either candidate will keep our troops in Iraq for long, but I can see the need for a police force there temporarily until the Iraqi's are ready for the full hand-off.  We're not there to commit genocide...we're there to fill in the police force gap until the Iraqi's get sufficient numbers and training to keep the animals corraled.