U-5 Hiring
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Aug 2, 2009 8:16 pm
A friend of mine at an Indy was found by his BD of violation Rule
2370 - borrowing money from clients (100K). The money has not yet been repaid. The BD terminated him and gave him 1 week to try and find a new BD. What are the chances that another BD will be able to hire him within the 1 week period. He has good production. Will future BD's want to wait untill the U-5 comes out, and what are the chances that FINRA will take action against him. Any advice would be appreciated."Another one of these "My friend says it burns when he pees!" situations huh? Why not just man up and say it's you"
Hey Genius - thank you for your useless commentary, but you have no idea what you are talking about.
antim, if it burns when you pay, I strongly suggest that you stop screwing your wife.
Ice - you are a dope. I asked a very serious question about a legal issue
affecting a close co-worker instead you reply with stupid pointless conjecture. This board is for the constructive exchange for Registered Rep issues, not for wanna-be amature psychologist's. Moreover, even if I was (and I'm not) talking about myself, your answer was not only worthless, it was nasty and inconsiderate. You remind me of that Jimmy Buffet song "Were you born an asshole" - damm, now I'll be singing that song to myself all day.[quote=antim007]Ice - you are a dope. I asked a very serious question about a legal issue
affecting a close co-worker instead you reply with stupid pointless conjecture. This board is for the constructive exchange for Registered Rep issues, not for wanna-be amature psychologist's. Moreover, even if I was (and I'm not) talking about myself, your answer was not only worthless, it was nasty and inconsiderate. You remind me of that Jimmy Buffet song "Were you born an asshole" - damm, now I'll be singing that song to myself all day.[/quote] How about this looser... Your "friend" with investor "herpes" can get a job somewhere, but why would any reputable firm hire him and take a chance of contracting his symptoms of unethical behavior. p.s. Ice contributes more in a day then most in their short regrep existence.W.C.:
LA - wax many surfboards lately?
Ice, put on your dockers and your cheap tie and go doorknocking…tool
LA - wax many surfboards lately?
[quote=antim007] Ice - you are a dope. I asked a very serious question about a legal issue
This board is for the constructive exchange for Registered Rep issues,
not for wanna-be amature psychologist’s.
Moreover, even if I was (and I’m not) talking about myself, your answer was not only worthless, it was nasty and inconsiderate. You remind me of that Jimmy Buffet song
"Were you born an asshole" - damm, now I’ll be singing that song to myself all day.[/quote]
You got the answer you deserved. Call an attorney dumbass!
Man up, like ice said!
Thank you for a very informative answer. In this case I think atleast 2 buttons have been
hit (client is 75 - failed to disclose on compliance certification). To my knowledge she repaid the loan upon the BD's discovery, so I am not sure how that would be viewed. Her back ground history is clean. Out of curiosity, assuming that the current BD submits the U-5 in a timely manner, how long will it be before she receive a 8210 letter?