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Investment fund set up

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Jan 4, 2019 7:07 am

I was hoping to get some direction as to how to set up the following? Who do I contact? Do I need a tax attorney? A CPA? A financial advisor? I was hoping you could tell me about the steps required to set up an investment fund for costumers/clients? Im working on a start up business. I cant mention the specifics. Basically, out of every payment that the costumer makes about a percentage will go towards a long term investment account for that costumer/client. My understanding is that I need the following: "1. Each customer needs a separate taxable investment account.

2. Each customer has to grant legal authority for 3rd party access to the account to make deposits.
3. Who chooses the investments? A commission based broker or fee only, fiduciary advisor? Separate contract for every customer.
4. The business owner will have custody of client funds possibly creating legal issues with the SEC or the state equivalent.
& that’s off the top of my head… "


Mar 23, 2019 8:02 am

Starting a business is not an easy task. There are various things to be considered such as :

Having market knowledge about the business you are starting.
Start on a small scale and then work on the expansion of the business.
Look for the investors. There is various factoring company such as Prestige Capital Corporation which can help in getting funds.
Work on marketing. Select a good logo, go for digital marketing.

Have good knowledge and then start up a business.