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Dec 20, 2006 7:05 pm

"Where did I say that?  Do you have reading comprehension issues?"

No, but apparently have writing comprehension issues!

"When did I say that?  We should learn from the past.  We should not dwell on the past."

I don't know the exact time, but pretty much right before I cited where you said it.

"Thank you for proving again that the left cannot long hold a discussion without getting nasty and calling names.   Do I make fun of your typos and call you names?"

YES! You just called me the Left again you nutjob!

"So what?  Again ...looking at the past and pointing fingers instead of trying to look ahead and fix the mistakes that have been made by decades of both Democrats and Repbulicans.  Do you dispute that the military has been reduced and marginalized "

You're more fun that eating peanuts! You say that the history that you look at is important to look at but not important as soon as I look at it and explain why in the present day we are looking at what we're looking at.

It would be one thing if it was some Elmo Guggutz that dismantled the military and then went to live in obscurity and had nothing whatever to do with the present state of the Military but it wasn't Elmo! It was DICK CHENEY who was the architect of the downsized military after George Bush I "won" the Cold War "Desert Storm and "proved" that "smart bombs" were all we needed to fight any future wars.

It's evidence of the utter contempt for you that this administration has. How can they respect you if you are stupid enough to fall for the lies they know they are telling?

"Sure I did.  Those little blue underline thingies are links to listings of historical events upon which I draw my conclusions.  I see that you have conveniently deleted them"

Firstly, those are called sources, those should be used to evidence your facts, not provide them. I should not have to read your source material to find the facts that you are presenting and supposedly basing an opinion on.

Secondly, I have not and can not conveniently or otherwise deleted anything.

I like you, you're silly!

"Point out to me where I said we have men of "talent" in office. "

You're right, there's no need to infer that you mean the men in office have talent. Only a crazy person would insist that we should blindly follow leaders with no talent.

And besides, that's history! I'm paying too much attention to things that were written entire minutes ago! I should leave interpreting history to you and then I should stand there and take it as you scold me for not spending enough time understanding the history that I shouldn't be wasting my time looking at!


Thanks for the laughs Babs! You are the best!

Mr. A

Dec 20, 2006 7:12 pm

Thirdly, That blue underlined thingy was a link to.... AN OPINION FORUM!

You are absolutely the cherry on the top!

If you're a put on you're great! The greatest, and I've seen some really great ones, heck I've been a great one but not nearly as good as you are! You are FANTASTIC!

If you're not... err nevermind.

Mr. A

Dec 20, 2006 7:13 pm


"The Military has been gradually reduced and marginalized for decades. "

Who did that? You want to know? He was Secretary of Defense under President Bush I. His name was DICK CHENEY! Look it up!


Mr. A, I have to say I wonder where you were for the EIGHT YEARS of the Clinton administration if you're going to try to blame Dick Cheney and the first Bush administration for marginalization of the military.

I have friends and relatives who served, and I say with great confidence that Mr. Clinton was the least popular president with the professional military in this country in the modern era, because he had absolutely no respect for them and they were not a priority in his administration whatsoever.

Perhaps if he had spent more time listening to the CIA and his security advisors instead of playing "post office" with Monica he might have actually gotten to Bin Laden, considering he was already a recognized threat.  Maybe those folks in the embassies in Africa didn't have to die, much less those at the World Trade Center or at the Pentagon.  But no, we prefer to blame GW because he was in office for a whole 9 months when it happened.
Dec 20, 2006 7:14 pm


It would be one thing if it was some Elmo Guggutz that dismantled the military and then went to live in obscurity and had nothing whatever to do with the present state of the Military but it wasn't Elmo! It was DICK CHENEY who was the architect of the downsized military after George Bush I "won" the Cold War "Desert Storm and "proved" that "smart bombs" were all we needed to fight any future wars. [/quote]

What a steamy pile of gross exaggertation and distortion. The Bush 1 administration did not "dismantle" the military. POST Cold War, the military was down-sized to a size appropriate for the end of the need for large numbers of heavy armored divisions in Europe.

HOWEVER, the cutting continued after Bush 1 left office (I was in, I recall clearly). The fat was gone and cuts went into the meat. The Army went from 18 dividsions, to 14, 12 and then 10 by 1996. More to the point, the military wasn't reshaped to fit the threat we see clearly today.

I'm loath to do a lot of Clinton bashing on this since it really took 9/11 to open all eyes (well not all, some of them here sure are sealed shut) but the "Cheney dismantled the military" is just plain hogwash.

Dec 20, 2006 7:15 pm

[quote=mikebutler222]Looks like there were a few deletions of posts…[/quote]

Why do you say that?

Dec 20, 2006 7:24 pm

“Where did I say that?  Do you have reading comprehension issues?”

No, but apparently have writing comprehension issues!

SB ... apparently you have...

Apparently I do too!

Mr. A

Dec 20, 2006 7:30 pm

Friends (I mean this),

Interestingly, I just recieved an email from one of my best friends that was forwarded from another friend.  He is flying a blackhawk in Iraq.  Because the letter was so sincere and poignant to our discussion I will post it for all of you to read:

Dear Mark,
I wish I could tell you all kinds of great news and progress about Iraq that the press doesn't cover but there just isn't any that I can see. Last time I was here, I was much more "gung ho", if you will, about fighting for our freedom and securing this region for the purpose of establishing a wonderful democracy. Now, I'm not sure if democracy is for everyone. Maybe some cultures are better suited for a dictator of some sorts. Some think that just because we are over here that soldiers have a better opinion of what is going on but I think ours is more bias than most. I'm shot at everyday and I've seen more death than I care to recall and in the midst of it all, is a populous unwilling to fight for themselves. They turn a blind eye to what is happening right in front of them. One sect killing the other over, what would seem to be, minor religious disputes. So why are we here? Why do we have to risk our children loosing fathers and mothers so these people can kill themselves? My faith is tested every where I look, but my faith that God is omnipotent and is working all of this for His glory is the only thing that keeps me breathing in and out. Praise God for His hand that carries us. Even when we try so hard to leap from His grip, He carries us still. Do you want to know what is the most fun thing I do here. I wave to all the kids I see. They are just like we were. They hear us thundering over head and they come running out, jumping and waving with excitement just to see something cool in their world of destruction and death. I wish I could gather up all the little Iraqi children and take them on a ride around their city. That little connection I have with them when I fly over and give them something to tell their friends about is what I look forward to every day. It reminds me that I have kids and I hope they are running around, jumping and waving at the things that excite them. So do me a favor. Play with your kids like today was the last day you would ever get to play with them. Do that until they move out of the house. Do that because there are thousands of soldiers who wish for nothing more than to play with their kids right now. My guess is that you already do. I'm blessed to know you Mark. Tell Nancy hello. I miss you guys. <><!-- D(["mb","
P.S. I'm going to be pissed us you've taken down the picture of me in your shop. When ever someone asks about who that guy is, you can tell them its a guy that found Christ in there.
\n",0] ); D(["ce"]);


Josh   _____________________________________________________   That's all I need to hear friends....what the hell is there to argue about anyway?
Dec 20, 2006 7:30 pm


Look it up!

It was Cheney who was the architect of the downsizing of the military. FACT

Facts is facts, and Clinton's popularity amongst the military is of zero import to those facts.

No wonder you are so easily deluded, you don't know anything.

here's something else you might want to know, when Stephen Clobert says "I don't have to know with my brain, I know here in the gut!" He's being sarcastic. He's making fun of those folks who think things are true because they really really and truly believe that they are true.

I still like you though. You're no Babbling Looney, but I still think you're an A OK guy!

Mr. A 

Dec 20, 2006 7:38 pm


Seriously, DUDE!

Your name is MARK?


Thanks for the letter.

It's truly disheartening to hear how dispirited your friend is. he seems about to be headed for a "God doubting crisis" too. Maybe that is the bottom he bounces off (instead of abandoning his faith).

I know he doesn't know me, but if it comes up, please tell him that I admire him.

Mr. A

Dec 20, 2006 7:43 pm

[quote=joedabrkr] [quote=mikebutler222]Looks like there were a few deletions of posts....[/quote]

Why do you say that?

It seemed that people were responding to posts that didn't exist. I probably just missed them. My bad.

Dec 20, 2006 7:47 pm

Thirdly, That blue underlined thingy was a link to.... AN OPINION FORUM!

Let me repost for you.  I don't think that PBS or the US Government are actually opinion forum forums.  

Here you go.

Its my opinion that the "War on Terror" consists of a wider swath that just Iraq and is not just a recent development.  Here are some supporting factual events upon which I draw my conclusion. ern.html

Dec 20, 2006 7:49 pm


It was Cheney who was the architect of the downsizing of the military. FACT [/quote]

Downsizing a military built to face a now extinct USSR is not "dismantling" it. Furthermore the reductions by the Bush 1 adinsitration were followed by more cuts during the Clinton administration. Your desire to demonize Cheney is obviously stronger than your interest in the facts.


Facts is facts, and Clinton's popularity amongst the military is of zero import to those facts. [/quote]

On the contray, some of the problem many in uniform had with the Clinton adminsitration centered on the cuts into the meat of the services.

[quote=mranonymous2u] ...when Stephen Clobert says ...[/quote]

If you're watching Cobert we know at least where part of your problem comes from. That's a big an indicator as someone on the right saying "When Rush says"....

Dec 20, 2006 7:52 pm


Some think that just because we are over here that soldiers have a better opinion of what is going on but I think ours is more bias than most. [/quote]

Let me go get that 20 lbs bag of salt as I read this....

Dec 20, 2006 7:52 pm

"Thank you for proving again that the left cannot long hold a discussion without getting nasty and calling names.   Do I make fun of your typos and call you names?"

YES! You just called me the Left again you nutjob!

Wow. You think that infering that you are "Left", which by the way you admitted to being a liberal Democrat, is calling you names?   Are you ashamed of being a liberal Democrat?  If I wanted to call you names, you will certainly know it when it happens.

Dec 20, 2006 7:53 pm



Seriously, DUDE!

Your name is MARK?


Thanks for the letter.

It's truly disheartening to hear how dispirited your friend is. he seems about to be headed for a "God doubting crisis" too. Maybe that is the bottom he bounces off (instead of abandoning his faith).

I know he doesn't know me, but if it comes up, please tell him that I admire him.

Mr. A


No my name is not Mark...this was a message forwarded by my friend 'Mark' from my very good friend 'Josh'.  I doubt this will be a faith abandoning situation for him, he's one of the strongest, most commited men I have known.  I haven't heard from him for quite a while and when I read this email this morning, I started to feel the tears well up (I miss him very much). 

To be honest, I was taken aback in the timing of his letter relative to this discussion.....I've been experiencing alot of synchronicities lately.

Dec 20, 2006 7:56 pm

[quote=babbling looney]

Wow. You think that infering that you are "Left", which by the way you admitted to being a liberal Democrat, is calling you names?  [/quote]

That was my first thought as well

Dec 20, 2006 7:56 pm


Some think that just because we are over here that soldiers have a better opinion of what is going on but I think ours is more bias than most. [/quote]

Let me go get that 20 lbs bag of salt as I read this....


Mike, your an a-hole in the extreme.  I feel sorry for you that your that callous.  I will no longer waste my time with you.  If you are going to question my integrity then why waste my breath with you.

F*ck off.

Dec 20, 2006 7:58 pm


Dec 20, 2006 8:00 pm


Some think that just because we are over here that soldiers have a better opinion of what is going on but I think ours is more bias than most. [/quote]

Let me go get that 20 lbs bag of salt as I read this....


Mike, your an a-hole in the extreme.  I feel sorry for you that your that callous.  I will no longer waste my time with you.  If you are going to question my integrity then why waste my breath with you.

F*ck off.


Sure thing, dude, we're suppose to accept as 100% fact, a letter that just came to you from a friend in Iraq that you've never mentioned before, and which, btw, supports your standing position. 

A letter where a soldier on the ground says the views of those actually in uniform and there are bias and the press is objective, yeah, by golly, that's a common point of view from people in uniform....

Dec 20, 2006 8:01 pm

His website AS*HOLE!