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The 2008 Elections! (da da da dummmm)

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Mar 31, 2007 3:03 am

[quote=Big Taco][quote=Whomitmayconcer]"the big picture during the 1992 election was a draft dodger (his letter to the AK ROTC department will be with him forever in the minds of conservatives) "

HAW HAW HAW HAW! You still think that you can hunt with that dog? The conservatives lost that "moral high ground" when they nominated a draft dodging, duty shirking booze hound cocaine snorting MORON. And vilified a man who volunteered (for all the wrong reasons) and served his country in Viet Nam! AND they nominated a man who took FIVE deferments to keep from serving in the military for VEEP! The very same MAN who was the architect of the dismantling of the military because we were never going to have to fight a ground war ever again.[/quote]

That's very good.  I didn't want to vote for Kerry, but when Rove's worker demons tried to make the man with (2?) purple hearts look like a whiny faker, while we all knew George was in the guard snorting lines........  Somewhere, there's a special, very uncomfortable place for Karl Rove.


Are you talking about the ill-gotten Purple Hearts that the coward got for shooting himself in the foot? Yes. I said it...he's a coward. John Kerry didn't serve his country, he served himself.

Mar 31, 2007 4:10 am

Crap! My computer ate my response!

It was good and snarky too! The gist was that I'm sorry to see the Mikebutler222 doesn't think he's up to the task. I guess when someone takes away his bag of rhetorical sleight of hand, he doesn't want to play any more.

Then I said something like: Let me show you where you first went wrong, right in the very beginning [quote=mikebutler222][quote=Whomitmayconcer][quote=mikebutler222][quote=Whomitmayconcer]

What the Dems ought to do is get behind the single issue of taking on the Banks! [/quote]

Standard Democrat playbook; play on the economic illiteracy of the average voter, put the word "BIG" before "banking" (see oil and tobacco examples), and roll on from there....


Your point being?


That it’s mindless demagoguery that persuades no one not already in the party’s column.


Which just went to show that you can't/won't grasp the concept that the party can will convince you of whatever they want you to believe.

It's naive to think that "the other side does that, but we don't".

Then I went on to explain again how even if there were people who didn't know that GWBush was a moron before the primaries, the people who were backing him sure as heck did! Smart people are able to know when they're talking to a dumbass. You (No mikebutler222 I don't mean just specifically you, mikebutler222, you. I mean the generic you. I'm not trying to create a line of reasoning for you) know when you're talking to someone who's eyes glaze over as you try to make it simpler and simpler until you find the spot where they are clear, then you try to talk at that level.

Then I said a few things about mikebutler222's bag of rhetorical tricks and how, if he found me unpleasant, maybe he at least give me credit for not being as cranky as I could have got given the level of prevarication, misdirection, misattribution, disunderstanding, non linear argumentation, attempted tangentialization and outright mendacious calumny, aimed at me by him things went fairly well.

It was good. Too bad it's gone. I guess it didn't have the stones either.

Mar 31, 2007 4:38 am


JOE, the Blue’s for you, pal.




To tell you the truth, I can't even follow what the hell you guys are talking about any more, but the colors at least look kinda purty!
Mar 31, 2007 4:41 am


I’m preparing for the worst - 8 years of Hillary.  Fill the freezer with cash, grow my own garden for food, get a permit to own a gun, keep the pick-up truck full of gas (along with a small 500 gallon barrel of gasolin in my back yard).

We are seeing the future of our 'democrat' lead country by how they're reacting (not) to the hostages from the UK.  Iran is flexing their small muscles - and the dems are trying to fire Alberto G.


You ain't kidding bro.  Hillary as prez....the thought just gives me hives!  You might want to skip the cash and buy gold, because after 8 years of Hillary a dollar won't go near as far as it does today.

You raise an interesting point about the Dems completely ignoring Iran's recent hijinks.  Pretty disturbing example of their potential "leadership style".
Mar 31, 2007 5:01 am

Can't you boys just get along and play nice?  And write less lengthy posts....way too lengthy. 

Mar 31, 2007 1:23 pm

"John Kerry didn't serve his country, he served himself. "

Like I said "for all the wrong reasons". BUT, he was there. He put his life on the line. He served.

Perhaps you've read the book Catch 22 ? It's a stroy by a guy who served his country in WWII but that experience didn't prevent him fom writing a scathing Anti War/ Anti Military book.

In it the protagonist, Yosarian, has a realtively safe job as a bombadier (relative to an infantryman his position was safer) and yet hespends the entire book trying to get out of the service. He goes for the old "section 8" (insanity) which he couldn't get because of catch 22 whichsays you must be crazy to get out of the army but if you want to get out of the army it's proof positive that you're rational so you can't get out of the army.

Point being that if you got to Nam and they started trying to kill you and you wanted to get out, you're normal. If you want to stay, you're going Private Gomer Pyle!

Mar 31, 2007 2:59 pm


"John Kerry didn't serve his country, he served himself. "

Like I said "for all the wrong reasons". BUT, he was there. He put his life on the line. He served.

Perhaps you've read the book Catch 22 ? It's a stroy by a guy who served his country in WWII but that experience didn't prevent him fom writing a scathing Anti War/ Anti Military book.

In it the protagonist, Yosarian, has a realtively safe job as a bombadier (relative to an infantryman his position was safer) and yet hespends the entire book trying to get out of the service. He goes for the old "section 8" (insanity) which he couldn't get because of catch 22 whichsays you must be crazy to get out of the army but if you want to get out of the army it's proof positive that you're rational so you can't get out of the army.

Point being that if you got to Nam and they started trying to kill you and you wanted to get out, you're normal. If you want to stay, you're going Private Gomer Pyle!


His behavior after he came home cancels out anything "good" that he did while there.

Mar 31, 2007 5:33 pm


Mar 31, 2007 11:18 pm

[quote=joedabrkr]You raise an interesting point about the Dems completely ignoring Iran's recent hijinks.  Pretty disturbing example of their potential "leadership style".

I'm ready for ANY leadership style that's different from what we've had for 7 years. (notice I'm not even hoping for "better").

Yer doin' a great job, Brownie.

Apr 1, 2007 2:39 pm

Extra! Extra!

Read all about it!

Thompson says he's running! Thompson says He's running!

Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson on Sunday joined the crowded field of Republicans running for the White House in 2008. ''I am the reliable conservative,'' he asserted.

Huh? Tommy? Oh..... nevermind.

Apr 1, 2007 2:43 pm

Meanwhile in another part of town... hp

Ex-Aide Says He’s Lost Faith in Bush

A top strategist for the Texas Democrats who was disappointed by the Bill Clinton years, Mr. Dowd was impressed by the pledge of Mr. Bush, then governor of Texas, to bring a spirit of cooperation to Washington. He switched parties, joined Mr. Bush’s political brain trust and dedicated the next six years to getting him to the Oval Office and keeping him there. In 2004, he was appointed the president’s chief campaign strategist.

I guess the switch didn't stick!

Apr 1, 2007 2:54 pm


A politico who didn’t like Clinton and now doesn’t like Bush. And the Times

got the scoop.

Imagine that.

Apr 2, 2007 11:35 am

[quote=Philo Kvetch]Wow.

A politico who didn't like Clinton and now doesn't like Bush. And the Times
got the scoop.

Imagine that.[/quote]

Apr 3, 2007 9:09 pm web/vortex/display?slug=money02&date=20070402

Hillary leads in the money race.

Last I saw (earlier today) she also lead in New Hampshire followed by Edwards who is riding a "What a nice guy" wave in re his wife's condition. Obama is third and that ain't lookin good for him. I think the bloom is off his lilly.

As to the GOP Nums w_hampshire_republican_primary-193.html#polls

Rudy has a lead but if you add Thompson he spoilers Rudy for nearly 10 pts and McCain takes the lead. You can't say it's a very strong showing for Thompson, but it's interesting that the Fake NYC prosecutor takes the most votes from the real one. Perhaps there isn't room enough for 2 NYers... oh wait... is that Tommy Thompson or Freddie? It must be Freddie, because it was up until 3/22, and Tommy announced on Friday(?) the 30th(?).

Yes, I know Newt is nowhere to be seen on that poll, but you will note that he made the news lately. Not for something that seems to be a "good thing" among the left of the Dems but a good solid middle of the country agree that we ought to speak english here.

I signed up for the Newt Website, the level of vitriol that came in the other Right Wing Nutjob e-mails is comical. Is that all the right has is hate speech to recommend them? Before you say "it's the same from the left!" No, it isn't. Not nearly so! I've seen it, I've read it and I know the authors, they're too interested in "seeing both sides" to be as vitriolic as these folks.

I'd put up examples, but I deregistered myself from all but the Newt letters (which are no great prize either, but then, he thinks he's sending it to a member of the choir!).

Apr 3, 2007 9:53 pm


 Is that all the right has is hate speech to recommend them? Before you say "it's the same from the left!" No, it isn't. Not nearly so! I've seen it, I've read it and I know the authors, they're too interested in "seeing both sides" to be as vitriolic as these folks.


Apr 3, 2007 10:18 pm


Apr 4, 2007 10:33 pm


Right WING, Newt is what? Provide some facts… Often the Libs like to just throw out some things and what sticks they like.

Liberal LEFT is what?

MITTTTTTTT IS THE MAN! Good luck to Bill Clinton… I guess Obama is going to take them the distance. Then Mitt, who has already implemented a state health plan, has a wife with a serious illness, married for 40 years, saved the UTAH olympics, previous head of governors, looks like a president, has national and international connections, cuts taxes and budgets is going to be the next president…

As for Bush he’s out in two years, so get over it man!

Apr 4, 2007 11:58 pm

Got a coherent question in there somewhere there Roger Ramjet?

Mitt Romney isn't polling in the double digits anywhere. He's getting beat by guys who aren't even running.

"Often the Libs like to just throw out some things and what sticks they like. "

That won't stick, but does your throwing it make you a pinko leftie sob?

Apr 5, 2007 12:38 am

Most of the military love President Bush.

We don't have a good candidate pool - maybe Gore should consider dropping his hat in the ring again.

What's so special about Newt again?

McCain might do a good job.

Edwards might do a good job but he's way behind in the polls.

Apr 5, 2007 12:47 am

There are hundreds if not thousands of people in this country who are

competent enough to do an exemplary job as POTUS. But with that

competence comes the knowledge that these very people don’t want

anything to do with the job.