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The 2008 Elections! (da da da dummmm)

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Apr 5, 2007 9:53 pm


There you go some more!

"That's a "lie" on your planet? The fact that I find your wholly unsupported theory that Newt is no longer the anti-Christ to liberals and disaffected N.E. GOPers laughable? The fact that you’ve yet to provide evidence that he’s anything more than he’s always been, a Southern conservative Senior Fellow at the AEI, the guy who gets props from James Dobson and is the embodiment to liberals of the nightmare that was the Clinton impeachment?"

When some one says "x" and you say that he said "p", that's a misunderstanding (maybe).

When the person then says "No, I said 'x'!" and you say 'he said 'p'!"

That's a mistatement of fact. A deliberate mistatement of fact is a lie. Period end of post! 


You are, without a shadow of a doubt, a raving loon.

Apr 5, 2007 9:54 pm


Whomitmayconcer wrote:
This has nothing to do with what I think other than the very rational thought that over the ten years that Newt has been thinking of this run, that he has worked out a strategy. I. me and my ideas are out of this conceptualization. I ask you to accept nothing of what I say. I only aksed that you think for a moment that Newt has a plan.

You and your ideas have done nothing to support your claims about Newt and his liberal appeal.

This is a mistatement of the facts, and that is a lie.

My quote clearly states that I am not asking you to accept anything I said.  Your reply only deals with what you think of what I have said.

Further it's a lie because I have shown where Newt's positions have been accepted by some Liberals.

Face it! You are an inveterate, incorrigable liar, who lies and lies and then lies some more!

Have a nice holiday.

I'm out.


You mean the guys with the nets finally got past the door and are taking you away?

Apr 6, 2007 12:17 am

You guys should take it offline and keep your “lovenotes” relegated to pms – you’re really muddying the topic here.

Apr 6, 2007 12:44 am

[quote=goforbroke]You guys should take it offline and keep your "lovenotes" relegated to pms -- you're really muddying the topic here.[/quote]

Don't worry, it's all over (just like Newt's chance at the Whitehouse  ).

Apr 7, 2007 11:57 pm

Whom… The passive approach that DEMS/Clinton took did absolutly nothing after 1993.

Whom… Go listen to some Michael Savage. He talks that our our soldiers are our spartans. The enemy is week and not all want to strap a bomb and go blow up women and busses.

So I don’t understand your we are wrong and the end is coming. GO MITT or anyone who has some balls to make a decision and stand by the troops. Those who are passive and look more to the rights of Club Gitmo and the enemy go talk a walk around Al Sadr.

Apr 9, 2007 1:59 am


I don't understand what you are saying or why you are saying it.

Please translate and retransmit.

Apr 9, 2007 10:04 pm

Huh, whatdo you know? Newt makes the news cycle again...

What other candidate made the news??? McCain did a "me too!" by going to Baghdad! He's gonna kick Nancy Pelosi's "little ass"* in this election!

And what's that crazy guy doing this time? He's running AGAINST the administration by calling for that ghetto language speaking guy to resign as atty general!

Sign of the times when Newt Gingrich seems like the voice of reason!

* Little ass refers to what George H. Bush's comments after his VEEP debate with Geraldine Ferraro "I think we kicked a little ass!" Smooth George! Stuff defeat down the jaws of victory!

Apr 10, 2007 7:10 pm

Huh!<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

There's going to be a "debate" on the "Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer on CNN this afternoon. I wonder who is going to be on... Could it be..............?  John Kerry?!

Yes! It is John Kerry, who has a book out about (among other things environmental)  Global Warming. And this is the capacity within which he is being asked to "defend".

But who oh who could be taking the "pro-anti global warming theory" side ? Oh yeah... Itsnoot.

Newt will be on and I am thinking that they are going to have a gentlemanly discussion wherein John K comes off as Chicken littleish and Newt basically agrees with him that there is somewhat of an issue and that we ought to be doing something about it. Newt then crafts his image away from the "Everything that the tree hugging, one world wanting, sovereignty givin away ing Leftie Democrat party says is science hokum!" mindset of this administration* and towards the "People, we got problems here and if we are going to compete in the future we're going to have to be scientific about it!" paradigm.

At least that's how I think he should play it. He may go for the throat, but there's really no percentage in that, Kerry's not running and beating him up makes you look like a bully and you never, ever know, the guy could get a lucky punch in and down you go like a bundle of yesterday's news. Newt'll prolly newter himself.

Either way, Newt is still the only Republican “candidate” getting any airtime.

* I can't say that I'm tuned in to the religious anything but I will comment that once (the once) when I was watching TBN (which is a fascinating company that somehow manages to be hugely profitable with no commercials) maybe it was a "miracle healers" day or something, but this was what the shows were all about. They seemed to attack doctors and medical diagnosis and science in general (which flips the evolutionary switches in my nervous system to raise up the hairs on the back of my neck!). Question being, do you think that there is a anti-science component to the religious right that goes beyond Evolution, or it there an anti-evolution bias because it challenges scientific though and therefore refuses the "Big Bang theory?" 

Apr 10, 2007 7:29 pm

McCain was on the Jon Stewart Show last night (film of him was)

McCain makes the point that this was the first time he was able to drive from the airport to the green zone.

Next was a film op of John McCain in a market in Baghbad... Wearing a flak vest... Oh very safe! Then there was a shot of the line of 22 soldiers 10 armoured Humvees and 2 Apache Helicopters that were protecting them all (which included Congressman Mike Pense from Indiana who said the market place was like a "normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summertime". "God didn't make little green pineapples!") l

The clip is called Congressional Recess

Apr 13, 2007 3:55 pm

So Thompson announced that HE had been diagnosed with Cancer.

Rudy had Prostate Cancer.

Edward's wife.

McCain's campaign has cancer.

Health care seems like it's going to be big this election cycle.

Maybe Frist has a chance after all!

Apr 16, 2007 2:44 pm hp

This article (which talks about whom has raised what from where and how, but mostly only about Clinton and Obama) has an interesting graphic dealing with where candidates are getting their money.

It's interesting to see how broad based (or not) each candidate is. Rudy, for example is big in the Northeast, but relatively not so in the rest of the country.

Yes, only announced candidates are graphed. 

Apr 16, 2007 2:49 pm

Actually, there is a place where you can enter a zip code and find out who in your area has been contributing to whom.

In my neighborhood, there is a very successful PI atty firm.... Whom have they topped out their contributions to? Edwards!


Apr 16, 2007 2:55 pm


In my neighborhood, there is a very successful PI atty firm.... Whom have they topped out their contributions to? Edwards!



LOL, whoda' thunk it...

Apr 17, 2007 2:57 pm

Speaking of the PI atty's favorite son, he of the $400 haircuts;

Stick a fork in him.

Apr 19, 2007 5:44 pm

First of all, let me take this spot to express my simpathy towards those of and or around Va Tech.

I'm generally the guy who says yeah but.. Not this time! There's no but in this case it just plain old sux!

As to the primaries and the election.. the SCOTUS yesterday really knocked the pins out from under several candidate's soapboxes.

By upholding the Constitutionality of laws against "Partial Birth Abortions" and by excising any language about "except in the case of the mother's health" the SC turned up the heat for conservatives and for non conservatives alike (albiet different kinds of heat).

For the Right, this is seen as a positive first step (and one that is late in coming) and re energizes the "Pro Lifers" who can now demand to know what your PL bona fides really are.

For the Left, this will be somewhat of a "Gay marriage" issue for them. It's the sort of issue that will launch a billion envelope fund raising drive (he said for dramatic effect).

This issue will be one where, if a righteo runs to the fringe and then runs to the center (which is generally Pro Choice) the fringe wil roast his 'nads. If he doesn't, he might just as well not run.

For the lefties candidate they're going to be forced to be vociferously pro life even to the point of looking like the PBA procedure is their favorite after dinner activity.

Apr 19, 2007 8:55 pm

Since you brought up VA Tech:

Schools should probably start beefing up their own security more due to all of the incidents especially with the latest.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Perhaps they should "screen" students to ensure welfare of all students; pay attention and take seriously any weird, bazaar behavior of anyone.  There were several indicators with this situation.  

The FBI has warned that the media shouldn't keep flashing all of the pictures of those weirdos as this might encourage copycats (this killer glorified Columbine.)  Why does it always take more tragic incidents to wake people up?

Gun debates:  yeah: we need more controls.  Potential gun owners should get evaluated by a shrink, etc.  Or report (unstable) people who shouldn't have guns and have the guns removed from them.

Violence in movies (violence in rap songs)...

More needs to be done.

Sad.  32 victims.

Apr 20, 2007 3:45 am

Wow, never thought I wanted to get a gun, but my decision is made. The good people need to be armed.

There has been numerous times when I had to defend myself or help another as a first responder. In the future I will have a gun in case there is an extreme situation.

It is unfortunate that the bastard at VT did not open a door that had a professor with a 9mm. I hear a few years ago the campus shot down this option.

Often there are situations including Salt Lake City mall, where civilians with guns shoot someone who is on a rampage.

It is amazing to think there are another 1000 like this man in Iraq. They just go around and blow people away on a daily basis. Probably 10000 plus in the world.

Apr 20, 2007 3:59 am

Ha ha… That Edwards video is great! That is a 400 dollar haircut?

This NY Times map of expenses is very good.

Apr 20, 2007 2:54 pm

What's unfortunate is that they didn't even have a single armed Rent-A-Cop in the hallway. Heightened alert or not!

What's unfortunate is that they don't have a metal detector (as they do at the doors of the Jr and Sr High schools here) at the door.

I wonder if there is a Metal detector stock I should be buying. I'm sure there are salesmen talking to prospects today.

I wonder if they can calibrate those things up so that they don't ring for pocket change, or calculators, or pocket knives or jewelery etc...?

I wonder if they can't make bullets with an RFid tag inside them which would set off bullet detector devices (and I wonder that they can't do the same with other explosives I know that they have tags in explosives that act as fingerprints so that CSI can track the source.)

It's not so much to control guns, as controlling the bullets.

Apr 20, 2007 5:27 pm

Might be a good idea to buy a bullet proof vest and wear it...

especially if you're a student.