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There Went the Sun

George Harrison, internationally renowned for his music, spirituality and philanthropy, might have been known as the quiet Beatle, but the last few years of his life were far from quiet. A continuous media frenzy surrounded Harrison's last years while he battled in hospitals across the world, first with throat cancer in 1998, and later in 2001, a brain tumor and a cancerous lung. In the summer of

George Harrison, internationally renowned for his music, spirituality and philanthropy, might have been known as the “quiet Beatle,” but the last few years of his life were far from quiet. A continuous media frenzy surrounded Harrison's last years while he battled in hospitals across the world, first with throat cancer in 1998, and later in 2001, a brain tumor and a cancerous lung. In the summer of 2001, London's Mail on Sunday reported Harrison's impending demise. Harrison angrily

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