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The Power of Grantor Trusts

Even the most sophisticated estate planners may be missing the point of grantor trusts. It's a risk-free, transfer-tax free, effortless wealth transfer tool that is much more powerful than most advisors realize. It amplifies the benefit of any other wealth transfer tool. In fact, grantor trusts are so effective, it could be malpractice to fail to suggest to a client that an irrevocable trust be structured

Even the most sophisticated estate planners may be missing the point of grantor trusts. It's a risk-free, transfer-tax free, effortless wealth transfer tool that is much more powerful than most advisors realize. It amplifies the benefit of any other wealth transfer tool. In fact, grantor trusts are so effective, it could be malpractice to fail to suggest to a client that an irrevocable trust be structured as one.

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