UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) was founded in 1862 as the Bank in Winterthur during the same time that the Swiss banking industry was beginning. UBS provides services including wealth management, asset management and investment banking services for private, corporate, and institutional clients. UBS has $2.6 trillion in assets under management and operates in 50+ countries with 60,000 employess across their business units. Top competitors in Wealth Management include Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, Pictet, Deutsche Bank, Barclays and Rabobank. UBS Group AG has come out promoting sustainable investments as their preferred solution for wealth manageent clients worldwide. UBS is planning for a new US financial advisor workstation in 2021 which was developed in conjunction with Broadridge, and will enable advisors to give their clients a more accurate picture of their wealth and how they are being billed. UBS Wealth Management is leveraging moves like these to provide its UHNW clients with more access to global products and opportunities.